
Cannabix Technologies Correlates THC in Breath and Blood using Proprietary Sample Collection and Analysis Hardware in Experimental Study

Cannabix Technologies Correlates THC in Breath and Blood using Proprietary Sample Collection and Analysis Hardware in Experimental Study

GlobeNewswire ·  2022/05/09 08:51

Cannabix is developing Marijuana Breathalyzer devices to give law enforcement and employers a tool to enhance public safety


Cannabix Technologies Inc.


Data collected and analyzed using Cannabix hardware during experimental blood-breath study

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, May 09, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cannabix Technologies Inc. (CSE: BLO) (OTC PINK: BLOZF) (the "Company or Cannabix") developer of marijuana breathalyzer devices for law enforcement and the workplace reports it has successfully tested a supplemental version of its FAIMS technology for detection of ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol ("THC") and related analytes in human breath in an independent experimental study. The study showed excellent correlation between breath samples collected and analyzed with Cannabix hardware and blood plasma levels of THC. The Company's handheld Breath Collection Unit ("BCU", Fig. 1) and newly developed laboratory "MS Breath Sampler" (Fig. 2) were used together to provide a new ground-breaking method for drug detection that complements gold-standard mass spectrometry (MS), and has the potential to significantly decrease laboratory analysis times and operating costs, while maintaining sensitive, precise results. The Company has developed a unique breath analysis system, capable of sampling breath for low volatility analytes, like THC, and can be completed within seconds, with no sample preparation needed.

温哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省,2022年5月9日(環球網)--Cannabix Technologies Inc.(CSE:BLO)(場外交易市場代碼:BLOZF)(以下簡稱“公司或Cannabix”)是執法和工作場所用大麻呼氣測定儀的開發商,該公司在一項獨立的實驗研究中成功測試了其用於檢測人體呼氣中∆-9-四氫大麻酚(“THC”)和相關分析物的FAIMS技術的補充版本。研究表明,使用Cannabix硬件採集和分析的呼氣樣本與血漿THC水平之間具有很好的相關性。該公司的手持呼吸採集器(“BCU”,圖1)和最新開發的實驗室“MS呼吸採樣器”(圖2)一起使用,為藥物檢測提供了一種新的突破性方法,與金標準質譜儀(MS)相輔相成,有可能顯著減少實驗室分析時間和運營成本,同時保持靈敏、準確的結果。該公司開發了一種獨特的呼吸分析系統,能夠對低揮發性分析物(如THC)的呼吸進行採樣,並且可以在幾秒鐘內完成,不需要樣品準備。

This novel system, developed by Cannabix scientists and engineers was recently tested in an independent study conducted by pioneering scientist, Dr. Phillip Olla, of Audacia Bioscience in Ontario. Dr. Olla is one of only a handful of scientists globally who has historically ever conducted THC analysis in blood and breath.

這個由Cannabix科學家和工程師開發的新系統最近在安大略省Audacia Bioscience的先驅科學家Phillip Olla博士進行的一項獨立研究中進行了測試。奧拉博士是全球歷史上為數不多的對血液和呼吸進行過THC分析的科學家之一。

THC in Breath & Blood Data


The experimental study included 6 subjects with a 60%-40% between men and women with an average age of 23 years. Breath and blood samples were taken simultaneously at the baseline (a timepoint before smoking cannabis) and incremental time points (after smoking cannabis) out to 1 hour and 40 minutes after smoking (it should be noted that Cannabix has been able to detect and confirm THC in breath using the same hardware out to 4 hours after smoking in recent lab testing). Breath samples were taken with the Cannabix BCU, and analyzed using the Cannabix Mass Spectrometer (MS) Breath Sampler coupled to Thermo TSQ Quantum Ultra MS. THC fragments were analyzed using Thermo Xcalibur software and areas under the chromatogram curves (AUC) were determined using the software's detection feature. Blood serum samples were analyzed at Analytical Facility for Bioactive Molecules at The Hospital for Sick Children (Toronto, ON, Canada) using LC/MS/MS, according to conventional standard operating procedures.

這項實驗研究包括6名受試者,男女性別比例在60%-40%之間,平均年齡為23歲。在基線(吸食大麻前的時間點)和(吸食大麻後)到吸煙後1小時40分鐘的增量時間點同時採集呼吸和血液樣本(應當指出,在最近的實驗室測試中,Cannabix已經能夠使用相同的硬件檢測和確認吸食大麻後至吸煙後4小時的呼氣中的THC)。使用Cannabix BCU採集呼氣樣本,並使用Cannabix質譜儀(MS)呼氣採樣器與Thermo TSQ Quantum Ultra MS聯用,用Thermo XCalibur軟件分析THC片段,並利用該軟件的檢測功能確定色譜圖曲線下的面積(AUC)。血清樣本在加拿大多倫多患病兒童醫院(多倫多,安大略省)的生物活性分子分析設施中使用LC/MS/MS,按照傳統的標準操作程序進行分析。

The resulting data (see Fig. 3 below) provides an excellent correlation between human breath samples collected and analyzed with the Cannabix hardware and blood plasma levels of THC. Furthermore, the data from this experimental study supports literature by showing the same trends in THC metabolism, and that blood and breath levels of THC over time correlate with a high degree of accuracy - within one or two hours after smoking (Fig. 4). Readers should note that blood is currently the standard measurement for law enforcement, toxicologists and evidence used in courts of law. The BCU is also being used with the Cannabix portable FAIMS THC detection unit.

所得到的數據(見下面的圖3)提供了用Cannabix硬件採集和分析的人體呼氣樣本與THC血漿水平之間的良好相關性。此外,這項實驗研究的數據支持了文獻,顯示了THC代謝的相同趨勢,並且隨着時間的推移,THC的血液和呼吸水平與高度的準確性相關--在吸煙後一到兩個小時內(圖4)。讀者應該注意到,血液目前是執法人員、毒物學家和法庭上使用的證據的標準衡量標準。BCU還與Cannabix便攜式FAIMS THC檢測單元一起使用。

Cannabix Sr. Analytical Chemist, Dr. Jared Boock stated, "This study shows the capability of the Cannabix Breath Analysis system to easily and rapidly collect breath samples in the field and correlate to blood THC levels. Law enforcement and toxicologists rely on gold standard mass spectrometry results to confirm drug presence in blood. We have developed a truly ground-breaking breath analysis tool capable of breath sampling for THC, within seconds, with no sample preparation needed. Furthermore, we were able to store, ship and analyze samples for up to 40 hours after they were taken in the field."

Cannabix高級分析化學家Jared Boock博士説:“這項研究表明,Cannabix呼氣分析系統能夠在現場輕鬆、快速地收集呼氣樣本,並與血液中的THC水平相關聯。執法和毒理學家依靠黃金標準質譜儀結果來確認血液中是否存在藥物。我們開發了一種真正突破性的呼氣分析工具,能夠在幾秒鐘內對THC進行呼氣採樣,而不需要樣品準備。此外,我們能夠在現場採集樣本後,儲存、運輸和分析長達40小時。”

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


(1)   "Blood Cannabinoids. I. Absorption of THC and Formation of 11-OH-THC and THCCOOH During and After Smoking Marijuana", Journal of Analytic Toxicology, Vol. 16: 276-282 (1992).
(2)   Data presented on Fig. 4 was adapted from a historical study (1). The matching post-smoking timepoints were selected to highlight the correlation between the plasma THC levels between the studies. For the full data and original graph, please refer to the original publication.

(2)圖4中的數據改編自一項歷史研究 (1)。選擇匹配的吸煙後時間點,以突出研究之間的血漿THC水平之間的相關性。完整數據和原始圖表,請參考原始出版物。

About Cannabix Technologies Inc.


Cannabix Technologies Inc. is a developer of marijuana breathalyzer technologies for law enforcement and the workplace. Cannabix is working to develop drug-screening devices that will detect THC - the psychoactive component of marijuana that causes impairment using breath samples. Breath testing for THC would allow employers and law enforcement to identify recent marijuana use that better aligns with impairment. Cannabix devices are in the advanced prototype and pre-clinical testing stage.

Cannabix Technologies Inc.是一家為執法和工作場所開發大麻呼氣測定儀技術的公司。Cannabix正在努力開發藥物篩選設備,該設備將檢測THC-使用呼氣樣本檢測大麻的精神活性成分,導致損害。THC的呼氣測試將允許僱主和執法部門識別最近使用的大麻,更好地與損害相一致。Cannabix設備正處於高級原型和臨牀前測試階段。

We seek Safe Harbor.


On behalf of the Board of Directors


"Rav Mlait"


Cannabix Technologies Inc.


For further information, contact the Company at


The CSE has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking information that involves various risks and uncertainties regarding future events. Such forward-looking information can include without limitation statements based on current expectations involving a number of risks and uncertainties and are not guarantees of future performance of the Company, such as final development of a commercial or prototype product(s), successful trial or pilot of company technologies, no assurance that commercial sales of any kind actually materialize; no assurance the Company will have sufficient funds to complete product development. There are numerous risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results and the Company's plans and objectives to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking information, including: (i) adverse market conditions; (ii) risks regarding protection of proprietary technology; (iii) the ability of the Company to complete financings; (iv) the ability of the Company to develop and market its future product; and (v) risks regarding government regulation, managing and maintaining growth, the effect of adverse publicity, litigation, competition and other factors which may be identified from time to time in the Company's public announcements and filings. There is no assurance that its development of marijuana breathalyzer technology will provide any benefit to the Company, and no assurance that any proposed new products will be built, will be successful in beta testing or clinical trials. There is no assurance that existing "patent pending" technologies licensed by the Company will receive patent status by regulatory authorities. The Company is not currently selling commercial breathalyzers. Actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such information. These and all subsequent written and oral forward-looking information are based on estimates and opinions of management on the dates they are made and are expressly qualified in their entirety by this notice. Except as required by law, the Company does not intend to update these forward-looking statements

本新聞稿包含涉及有關未來事件的各種風險和不確定因素的前瞻性信息。此類前瞻性信息可能包括但不限於基於當前預期的陳述,涉及許多風險和不確定因素,不能保證公司未來的業績,如商業或原型產品的最終開發、公司技術的成功試驗或試驗、不能保證任何類型的商業銷售實際實現、不能保證公司有足夠的資金完成產品開發。有許多風險和不確定因素可能導致實際結果以及公司的計劃和目標與前瞻性信息中所表達的大不相同,包括:(I)不利的市場狀況;(Ii)與專有技術保護有關的風險;(Iii)公司完成融資的能力;(Iv)公司開發和營銷其未來產品的能力;(V)與政府監管、管理和維持增長、不利宣傳的影響、訴訟、競爭和其他因素有關的風險,這些風險可能在公司的公告和文件中不時出現。不能保證其開發的大麻呼氣測定儀技術將為公司帶來任何好處,也不能保證將生產任何擬議的新產品, 將在Beta測試或臨牀試驗中取得成功。不能保證該公司授權的現有“正在申請專利”的技術將獲得監管機構的專利地位。該公司目前不銷售商用酒精測定儀。實際結果和未來事件可能與此類信息中預期的大不相同。這些和所有隨後的書面和口頭前瞻性信息是基於管理層對這些信息作出的日期的估計和意見,並明確地完全符合本通知的要求。除法律另有規定外,公司不打算更新這些前瞻性陳述

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