
Bagath Singh 男 ID: 102961057
I'm civil engineer
    在我們結束第一個故事分享主題「你為什麼開始交易?」之前,只剩幾天就剩下幾天了高達 8,888 積分獎勵在您掌握之中!在太晚之前,立即加入討論! 點擊這裡立即加入。
    誰說交易是關於金錢?如果您對交易沒有足夠的熱情,認為這只是一個繁瑣的日常工作,則無法在市場上獲勝。由於市場總是在變化,因此每個交易者都可以在過程中學習,成長和找到新東西。市場是一個迷人的住宿和玩樂的地方。 @mooster Han
    您開始交易的理由是什麼?您是否有興趣與分享您交易經驗的人結交朋友?現在是時候與我們分享您開始交易旅程的原因來做出行動了。您也有很大的機會贏得積分獎勵! 點擊這裡立即加入!
    There are a lot of friends around me who are speculating in stocks, even they losing millions of dollars. I’m curious about why all college students start investing in stock market. With this curiosity, I started the stock trading journey. I think that what we’re seeing today is an entire revolution in young people's investment.
    Everyone has their own hobbies. For example, some people like to follow stars, some like to collect rare items, and some like to smoke and drink, etc. In comparison, stock trading seems to be a very elegant hobby.I have always wanted to be an elite of Wall Street, overlooking the entire financial market. Therefore, I started trading.
    There are no complicated interpersonal relationships, no strong entrepreneurial requirements, talking with more like-minded people in the market, and communicating stock trading with masters who are usually out of reach. These are all reasons for my entry into the market. The most important thing is that my family urged me to learn how to invest and manage money before graduation.
    Now, stock trading has replaced my desire to shop. When I had spare money, I didn’t think about buying expensive luxury goods. Instead, I wanted to buy some stocks of my choice, just like watching my child grow up, and started a nurturing game.
    I have always been concerned about new energy stocks, such as   $特斯拉(TSLA.US)$   $理想汽車(LI.US)$   $蔚來(NIO.US)$  My friend bought a Tesla and loved it so much, she often shows me how good this car is. So I followed her and bought my first big position in it.
    Trading stock is also like falling in love sometimes. If you are a scumbag, the result is likely to be empty. Keeping the same can we accompany the growth of the company better. Of course, if you have been in love for a long time, suddenly encounter infidelity, it’s very necessary to stop the loss in time. If your choice is wrong, you must change. Don’t let the loss continue to expand!
    Stock trading is like playing a game, it's really exciting to compete online with various players from all over the world via mobile phones every day! I like stocks, I like social! I like mooers
    I want to secretly make money and then surprise everyone!
    開始我的第一筆交易時,我有點迷路了。我選擇了一家低估值(低 PB)且接近歷史低位的已建立公司。認為我有一個很好的討價還價,但很快就轉向南方,它保持平坦一段時間,並重新創建歷史低點。。 外賣是市場情緒在挑選股票時很重要,除非您真的愛上了該特定股票,否則請不要違反市場,並且不介意無論跌宕起伏,都不要介意持有它。如今,我更喜歡增長型股票的上升趨勢,風險可能會更高,但回報也是如此。我將研究數量以確保流動性良好。我確實相信購買 DIP 方法,從而在下跌期間增加我的立場,只要我對此有信心。我還為一些趨勢股票進行短期交易,建立較小的頭寸並在達到我設定的目標時獲利,然後尋找下一次跌勢重複。還有很多東西需要學習,我會一次邁出一步。