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Weekly Buzz: AMC stock ends the week up 116%

Weekly Buzz: AMC stock ends the week up 116%
Happy Tuesday mooers! How was your holiday?
Welcome back to Weekly Buzz, where we review the news, performance, and community sentiment of the selected buzzing stocks on moomoo platform based on search and message volumes last week! (Nano caps are excluded.)

Earnings Conference Call Ahead
This week, @moo_Live will live stream the $Zoom視頻通訊(ZM.US)$ Q1 FY22 earnings webinar in moo community for informational purposes. Follow @moo_Live and stay tuned!

Back to weekly buzz, every major index moved higher last week. Here's the weekly buzzing stock list of last week:
Weekly Buzz: AMC stock ends the week up 116%
Message Vol.: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Weekly Buzz: AMC stock ends the week up 116%
$AMC院線(AMC.US)$ stock soared last Thursday with a 35% one-day gain in a rally and closed down 1.5% after rallying as much as 38% earlier Friday. Despite the intraday reversal, AMC shares advanced more than 116% week to date, bringing its 2021 rally to 1,132%. $AMC院線(AMC.US)$ 's surge last week week inflicted a $1.2billion loss for short-sellers, according to data from S3 Partners. Will you still hold it this week? Leave your comments below.
Mooers comment
@RolexRoseGoldGMT: Shout out to all AMC apes and diamond hands
Weekly Buzz: AMC stock ends the week up 116%
@Caleb Utt: The Squeeze Hasn't Started - UNDERSTAND IT'S REAL
I've heard so many people say they can't hold for AMC100K because the stock will never be worth 100K. THEY ARE CORRECT. This squeeze is NOT about value, but about cornering hedgefunds and forcing them in to a margin call. Click to read more...

Message Vol.: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Weekly Buzz: AMC stock ends the week up 116%
$遊戲驛站(GME.US)$ stock has shot up again months after the Reddit 'short squeeze'. After spiking last Wednesday, this stock registered a decline of 12.64% last Friday, closing at $222 with a weekly increase of 25.57%. Some may see this as a short-squeeze play to ride back “to the moon.” Others may see it as a screaming short, a name they can fade all the way back to under $100 per share. What's your opinion? Share your ideas with other mooers.
Mooers comment
@MT Trader: The last time a bunch of hedge funds shorted GameStop, the bulls basically drove them out of business. You'd think that'd be a cautionary tail, right? Click to read more...

Message Vol.: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Weekly Buzz: AMC stock ends the week up 116%
Rising 7.63% last week, $特斯拉(TSLA.US)$ closed at $625.220 last Friday, with the sell-off not being helped by concerns on vehicle availability and production costs stemming from the semiconductor shortage. The $納斯達克綜合指數(.IXIC.US)$ 到目前為止,5 月份下降了 6%。特斯拉的股票下跌了 12% 迄今為止,近 30% 的歷史新高,達到了 1 月份的歷史高點。作為 $特斯拉(TSLA.US)$ 迄今為止,廣泛市場和許多其他汽車公司的表現都不佳,您是否仍然看好它?
@SEA Hedge: 伊隆·馬斯克:純淨的視覺自動駕駛儀現在正在北美推出。這個生產的更新將在 2 週內發布,然後 FSD 測試版 V9.0(也是純粹的視覺)一周後發布。 點擊閱讀更多...

Weekly Buzz: AMC stock ends the week up 116%
$蔚來(NIO.US)$ 與每週的崛起脫穎而出 13.39% 上週在快速增長和競爭激烈的電動汽車行業。NIO 股票上週五收盤 38.620 美元,自 1 月中旬達到歷史新高以來,NIO 股票被鎖定在一個乏善可陳的階段後,上週顯示出突破的跡象。與 JAC 的聯合製造協議延長 3 年後,將 $蔚來(NIO.US)$ 本周保持上升勢頭?把你的賭注。
Weekly Buzz: AMC stock ends the week up 116%

Weekly Buzz: AMC stock ends the week up 116%
上星期五在 8.730 關閉, $Ocugen(OCGN.US)$ 由於其在美國分發印度公司巴拉特生物技術公司的 COVID 19 疫苗 Covaxin 的協議,近幾個月來一直是顯著的贏家之一。上週,由於公司對該公司提交疫苗的緊急使用授權申請的期待,該股票再次關注。你對這隻股票有什麼期望?留下您的想法。
預計本週將上漲兩美元。tmr 最有可能將是下降趨勢。


以下是一些免費且功能強大的工具 moomoo 如果您想獲得更及時的警報,以便您了解庫存變動。
1. AI 人工智慧 讓交易者獲得市場上數千隻股票的實時價格變動。
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