

Master simple trading secret: real traders only care about two things

紅與綠 ·  Jan 17, 2022 10:57

Source: red and green

No one can accurately predict the future, and the only thing you use is rules-consistent trading rules that put you on the big side of the probability game.

Profit does not depend on the winning rate of your forecast, but on "you lose as little as possible when you are wrong, and you earn as much as you can when you are right." this is the biggest difference between practitioners and analysts.

The purpose of what you buy is not to lose money, but to make a profit and make as much profit as possible: when the trend is good for you, you must be greedy and let the profit run; when the trend is against you, stop fantasizing and cut off the loss.

When will the direction of the market be clear? It's not clear at any time! At any time, the market is bet on their own chips, although many friends never think that they are gambling, it is just that the probability is not a bet.

In fact, no one knows where tomorrow will go. Trading is a bet, betting on uncertain profits at a certain price, but staying away when a fatal risk comes; when the risk is manageable, the future is worth betting on.

Most of my trading is "plan my trade, trade my plan": after trading to see the trend to determine how to do according to the rules, trading time is to trade according to the rules. If you want to consider where to buy or sell in the volatility of trading time, I believe that in many cases, I agree that I will be at a loss as to what to do.

I have never thought that the specific buying point plays much role in the transaction. Only the buying order pursuing low profit pursues the specific buying point, while the non-pursuing low profit band trading pays too much attention to the specific buying point, which will outweigh the gain. More opportunities and profits will be lost.

The specific point of buying will not be the focus of my trading. I look at the trend of the day and before every day after trading, judge a direction based on experience, find a price zone that I think is appropriate, and then buy and hold. I never spend a lot of energy studying how many cents the price will stop, but many investors stress how important it is to buy a specific point in their trading.

If the precise buying point occupies a key position in your trading, if you are not pursuing the operation of the low-profit band, then it can only show that you do not know what the trading strategy is, and you do not even understand how the market trend arises. I don't even know what you're trying to do.

Someone on Wall Street once did an experiment, took out several trend charts, and then asked several pupils and people who had been trading for several years to choose the back direction. as a result, the winning rate of primary school students was overwhelmingly higher than that of those who had been trading for several years.

There are only a few reasons why you take precision buying so seriously:

1. You always want to buy at the lowest point, you will make a profit if you buy it, and you can't stand the normal pullback of the price.

2. You think the stop loss is a disaster, so you always set the stop loss very small.

It's just that you overlook the fact that the importance of buying a little higher or lower in an area is far less important than buying. However, how many people miss the opportunity in the pursuit of precise price in the face of the high probability of the rise.

The most stupid person in the world is the one who thinks he has discovered the truth that no one else can. I never expect to buy at the lowest point and sell at the highest point. One of the key reasons why many people are unable to increase their funds as a whole is that they cannot withstand the pullback of floating profits, which are not your profits at all, and no one wants them to withdraw. The loss of some profits as a result of the pullback, but also the capture of larger profits as a result of the pullback, is an integral part of the trend, and I am used to it in my trading.

The amount of loss can be controlled by oneself, while profit needs the support of the market. I don't take it for granted that I buy or sell, but let the actual trend decide whether to buy or sell. I will never put myself in a passive position, and I will never pursue a perfect deal.

No matter what rules you use as your trading model, you should consider whether this rule strategy can achieve the growth of capital rights and interests in a relatively long period, rather than taking the chance of a few isolated trading days or a transaction as the basis for your trading!

I will not adjust my trading rules for a specific market, the only way is to stick to my own rules, no matter how the market goes, keep my operating bottom line, and maintain the consistency of the trading rules. Not all markets should be profitable under your trading rules, which you must understand and accept.

Consistency means that you follow your own rules at all times: the market and the outside world do not interfere with you, unless there is a substantial loss within the rules. With hindsight, the definition of consistency is that as long as you stick to your own and not be swayed by the temporary confusion of others and the market, the market will be rewarded sooner or later.

At a time when I could not be surprised by the rise and fall of my trading, a senior who did a good job of trading once told me that as long as the funds were not allowed to withdraw sharply at any time, and at the same time remain profitable at their own pace, even if it is very slow, the market will reward you sooner or later. Now I think so, and I don't know this reward more than once.

A mature trader will not think that there is a unique secret to trading, and even the most profitable trading strategies have long been made public. Being able to resist the temptation of ever-present and abide by their beliefs is the only difference between winners and losers. There are no other secrets.

Before and after a lot of friends, told me about all kinds of difficulties, want to make some profits through trading. I told her all about my trading strategy, and she knew where I bought it and bought it there. My transaction was completely transparent to her, but our trading results were very different for a while. Because she is always tempted to lose herself in the ubiquitous market, unable to stand fluctuations, either buying early for fear of not being able to buy it, or not buying it for a lower price, or selling too early for fear of selling too late, or holding too many illusions and selling too late.

This is the deal. Don't always think that people who make money have some secret book to count money behind closed doors. This market has existed for hundreds of years, and any feasible or unfeasible profit method has long been studied, and you can no longer find anything that has not been explored by your predecessors, so don't think you've found anything new. it's more of a self-weaving trap.

If I say that the risk of the stock market is higher than that of the futures market, someone must say that the risk of the futures market is higher than that of the stock market. If I say that the stock market risk is not as risky as the futures market, there must be some people who say that the risk of the futures market is higher than that of the stock market. Volatility comes from the market, but the risk does not come from the market, but from your trading, from whether you control the risk or not. No matter how low the risk is in the market, if the risk is not controlled, the risk will be infinitely magnified. No matter how high the risk is in the market, if you know how to control the risk, the risk will be greatly reduced. Can not control the market can no longer control their own trading, there is no greater risk than your hand.

Whether it is a strategy or a plan, once it is implemented, it must be strictly implemented, because only when you make a strategy outside the court, you are relatively objective, and once you are on the court, you lose your rational judgment. at this time, the only way is to implement the established strategy.

If you make random decisions in the market every day, all your previous costs and trading precipitation experience will not help you. At this time, a veteran is no different from a novice who has just entered the market, blindly and luckily.

Let's make the deal easier. There are too many factors that affect the market. No one knows which factor will play a role. Make your transaction simple and trade in your own way!

The philosophical principles of Securities Trading

  • What is the nature of the market?

One of the essence of the market is nonlinearity or randomness, which is absolute, global, permanent and at all levels, while linearity or regularity is local, temporary and limited.

The second essence of the market is time. Without the passage of time, there will be no price fluctuations, and there will be no market without price fluctuations. Time is the carrier of price movement; based on the above nature of the market, trading is essentially a failed game.

  • What is the nature of human nature?

One of the essence of human nature:The inherent weaknesses of human nature are greed, fear, the pursuit of control, the pursuit of perfection, worry about gain and loss, short-sightedness, laziness, impulse, intemperance and so on. Traders are born losers.

The second nature of human nature:The inherent weaknesses of human nature can be trained to weaken and hide these weaknesses within a certain period of time and to a certain extent, so that they become unimportant and will not affect trading. Successful traders are well-trained people who develop good habits of thinking and behavior. But they are still unable to fundamentally overcome the weakness of human nature. If they are completely overcome, they will not be human.

The third essence of human nature:A bad habit is often a comfortable habit, which is naturally formed, while a good habit is often an uncomfortable habit, which requires deliberate exercise to develop; good things are easy to be destroyed, and good habits show a dissipative structure with the change of time, background and circumstances. For example, primary school students do morning exercises neatly, very seriously, to middle school students, they begin to be a little out of shape, lazy, and then to college students is perfunctory.

Due to the nature of the market and human nature, the suspense of the balance of power between the market and traders is deduced.

One of the great disparities:The capital of the market is unlimited, and the capital of the trader is very limited, which is like fighting a huge fight that can never be defeated. There are only two ways to exit, give up or be eliminated. Traders can only gain a certain advantage on a local, temporary and certain level.

The second big disparity:The time of the market is unlimited, and the time, energy and luck of traders are limited. Trading is a kind of sport, and there is a peak period of movement. After the peak period, it naturally goes downhill, without exception. If after the peak, do not limit the size of the trading position or simply withdraw from the market, then it will only be eliminated by the market.

The third great disparity:Traders cannot succeed at once, but they can fail at once. Because of the greed and blind self-expansion of human nature, when a great victory is won, it is not regarded as a gift from the market, but attributed to one's own genius, so no matter how much money is earned, it will not stop, but will intensify. And a full position coupled with a bias against the market will bring disaster. You can't win fast, but you can lose in an instant.

The fourth disparity:The nature of the market is random, which means that the market is suitable for losing money most of the time, and only a small amount of time is suitable for making money. But traders want to trade most of the time and rest a small part of the time.

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