
The Fight for Elderym Begins Today as Guild of Guardians Launches on iOS and Android

The Fight for Elderym Begins Today as Guild of Guardians Launches on iOS and Android

PR Newswire ·  05/14 20:00

The Highly Anticipated Mobile Squad-Based RPG Kicks-off Act 1 of the Game's Global Launch with the "Age of the Dread" and a Staggering US$1 Million in $GOG Prizes

這款備受期待的移動小隊角色扮演遊戲以 “恐懼時代” 和驚人的100萬美元GOG獎金拉開了遊戲全球發佈的第一幕

SYDNEY, May 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Immutable Games today announced that its flagship title, Guild of Guardians (GOG), is now available via Google Play and the Apple App Store. Developed in partnership with acclaimed studio, Mineloader, known for co-developing and working on some of the world's biggest AAA titles (The Division 2, The Last of Us Part I, and Final Fantasy VII Remake), Guild of Guardians brings an ambitious and transformative vision of what a mobile gaming experience can be. With over 1 million pre-registered users, Guild of Guardians boasts one of the highest player counts amongst games in its genre and has already earned a 4.9/5 rating in the Apple App Store following a limited regional access launch in Canada.

悉尼,2024年5月14日 /PRNewswire/ — Immutable Games今天宣佈,其旗艦遊戲《守護者聯盟》(GOG)現已通過谷歌Play和蘋果應用商店上市。與著名工作室 Mineloader 合作開發,後者以共同開發和製作一些世界上最大的 AAA 遊戲而聞名 (《全境封鎖2》,《最後生還者》第一部分,以及 最終幻想 VII 重製版),《守護者公會》爲移動遊戲體驗帶來了雄心勃勃的變革性願景。Guild of Guardians 擁有超過 100 萬的預註冊用戶,是同類遊戲中玩家人數最多的遊戲之一,在加拿大推出限定區域訪問權限之後,它已在 Apple App Store 中獲得了 4.9/5 的評分。

Guild of Guardians sees players venture into Elderym, a fantastic world on the brink of destruction at the hands of the Dread. As the world's last hope for salvation, players must assemble a team of Guardians to embark on an epic adventure to conquer the darkness and emerge victorious. As players advance through Dungeons and face Bosses they will have a chance to earn rewards as part of the epic Act 1 global launch event, "Age of the Dread" - the game's first Leaderboard event, featuring intense gameplay and epic challenges like the Arena & Boss Rush competitions. Players will have the opportunity to compete for prizes valued at up to US$1 million in $GOG, along with exclusive rewards, like Founder NFTs and Ascendant Seals.

守護者公會將玩家冒險進入Elderym,這是一個在恐懼之手中瀕臨毀滅的奇幻世界。作爲世界上最後的救贖希望,玩家必須組建一支守護者隊伍,踏上史詩般的冒險之旅,征服黑暗並取得勝利。隨着玩家在地下城中前進並面對 Boss,他們將有機會獲得獎勵,這是史詩般的第 1 幕全球發佈活動 “恐懼時代” 的一部分。該遊戲的首個排行榜活動包括激烈的遊戲玩法和史詩般的挑戰,例如競技場和 Boss Rush 競賽。玩家將有機會爭奪價值高達100萬美元的GOG獎品,以及創始人NFT和Ascendant Seals等獨家獎勵。

"We are so excited to finally bring Guild of Guardians to millions of players worldwide - this launch is the culmination of years of development and community building, and we can't wait to show players a mobile game with dynamic gameplay, intuitive mechanics and a sustainable rewards system. With our first Global Leaderboard event, Age of the Dread, players can earn real rewards for their skills and strategy in this first global chapter of Guild of Guardians' launch," said Chief Studio Officer for Immutable Games, Justin Hulog. "GOG is a game driven by players and fully places ownership at their fingertips - a rare and notable achievement for any web3 game, especially one on mobile."

“我們很高興終於將《守護者公會》帶給全球數百萬玩家——此次發佈是多年開發和社區建設的高潮,我們迫不及待地想向玩家展示一款具有動態遊戲玩法、直觀機制和可持續獎勵系統的手機遊戲。通過我們的首個全球排行榜活動《恐懼時代》,玩家可以在守護者公會發布的第一個全球章節中憑藉自己的技能和策略獲得真正的獎勵,” 他說 不可變遊戲首席工作室官賈斯汀·胡洛格。“GOG 是一款由玩家驅動的遊戲,所有權完全觸手可及,這對於任何 web3 遊戲來說都是一項罕見而引人注目的成就,尤其是移動端遊戲。”

Act 1, "The Dread is Here", is the first of three and marks the beginning of the game's global launch roadmap, showcasing exciting new game features, including the first PvP experiences, new Guilds, Boss Rush and Arena competitions, new Guardian powers and progression, Radiant Seals and Leaderboards. Act 1 will also see the inclusion of a suite of bug fixes, patches and UX improvements alongside the additional modes and content. Act 2 "Guardians Unite" and Act 3 "Divine Beasts Emerge", set for the coming months, will build upon these debut elements with new social gameplay mechanics, Guild Raids, Guild Crafting, the unleashing of creatures and pets, and exciting new modes and web3 features.

第一幕 “The Dread Is Here” 是三幕中的第一幕,標誌着該遊戲全球發佈路線圖的開始,它展示了令人興奮的新遊戲功能,包括首批PvP體驗、全新公會、Boss Rush和競技場競賽、新的守護者力量和進度、Radiant Seals和排行榜。第 1 幕還將包括一系列錯誤修復、補丁和用戶體驗改進以及其他模式和內容。第二幕 “守護者聯盟” 和第三幕 “神獸崛起” 定於未來幾個月舉行,將在這些首次亮相元素的基礎上再接再厲,包括新的社交遊戲機制、公會突襲、公會製作、釋放生物和寵物,以及令人興奮的新模式和web3功能。

Chris Clay, Game Director for Guild of Guardians and VP of Game Design for Immutable Games said, "As Guild of Guardians goes live across the globe today, a new chapter in this epic journey will begin. The team is so incredibly excited to share what we've built and to showcase the power of Immutable Passport and Immutable zkEVM. The past fifteen months of development have been a whirlwind of laying the foundation for a game and universe we've only just begun building upon. With the combined talent of the teams at Immutable and Mineloader we've crafted a world and game engine that is built for live operations and to be expanded on for years to come."

Chris Clay,守護者協會遊戲總監兼不可變遊戲遊戲設計副總裁 說:“隨着《守護者公會》今天在全球上線,這段史詩般的旅程將開啓新的篇章。該團隊非常高興能分享我們開發的內容,並展示不可變護照和不可變 zkEVM 的力量。過去十五個月的開發是爲我們剛剛開始構建的遊戲和宇宙奠定基礎的旋風式旋風。藉助Immutable和Mineloader團隊的綜合天賦,我們精心設計了一個世界和遊戲引擎,該引擎專爲實時運營而構建,並將在未來幾年內進行擴展。”

In addition to Chris Clay, who boasts a long history in gaming having formerly led the development of Gods Unchained and Magic: the Gathering Arena, Guild of Guardians is supported by an experienced team heralding from AAA game studios like Riot, Activision, Square Enix and Bandai Namco. Priya Keshyap, formerly of Animoca Brands, was recently tapped as Guild of Guardians Executive Producer to support the global launch and subsequently lead operations, overseeing all efforts related to game development and ecosystem growth.

除了克里斯·克萊之外,他在遊戲領域擁有悠久的歷史,此前曾領導過遊戲的開發 衆神解鎖魔法:集會競技場,守護者公會得到了來自Riot、Activision、Square Enix和萬代南夢宮等AAA遊戲工作室的經驗豐富的團隊的支持。Priya Keshyap曾在Animoca Brands工作,最近被聘爲Guild of Guardians的執行製片人,負責支持全球發佈並隨後領導運營,監督與遊戲開發和生態系統增長有關的所有工作。

"As we progress into live operations, our strategy is clear: to continually test and refine these exciting features, ensuring that our game remains engaging and enjoyable for our current player base while attracting a steady influx of new adventurers to keep our players engaged and retained. We are working hard for our players to experience the evolution of our game as we continuously innovate and engage players, making each act a milestone in our immersive adventure," said Priya Keshyap, Executive Producer for Guild of Guardians.

“隨着我們進入上線運營階段,我們的策略很明確:不斷測試和完善這些令人興奮的功能,確保我們的遊戲對我們當前的玩家群來說仍然具有吸引力和樂趣,同時吸引源源不斷的新冒險家湧入,以保持玩家的參與度和留住率。我們正在努力讓玩家體驗遊戲的演變,同時我們不斷創新和吸引玩家,使每一個動作都成爲我們沉浸式冒險中的里程碑,” 說 Priya Keshyap,《守護者公會》執行製片人

To celebrate the mobile release of the game, Guild of Guardians will host a virtual, global launch event on 15 May at 10:30 AM local Sydney time. The event will begin with the debut of the game's cinematic launch trailer, followed by a behind-the-scenes look at the making of GOG with an AMA featuring Immutable Games and Mineloader.

爲了慶祝該遊戲的移動版發佈,《守護者公會》將於悉尼當地時間5月15日上午10點30分舉辦虛擬的全球發佈會。該活動將從遊戲的首次亮相開始 電影發佈預告片,隨後是以 Immutable Games 和 Mineloader 爲主題的 AMA 的幕後花絮。

Download Guild of Guardians now and begin your fight to save Elderym on Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Some restrictions may apply.

立即下載 Guild of Guardians 並開始戰鬥以拯救 Elderym 蘋果應用商店 要麼 谷歌 Play 商店。某些限制可能適用。

To watch the Guild of Guardians cinematic launch trailer, please visit YouTube.

要觀看《守護者公會》電影發佈預告片,請訪問 優酷

For more information on Guild of Guardians, please visit: .

有關守護者公會的更多信息,請訪問: 。

Join the Guild of Guardians community on Discord, Twitter for more updates.

加入守護者公會社區 Discord推特 獲取更多更新。

About Immutable Games


Immutable Games is a global leader in web3 game development and publishing, backed by a world-class team who have proven track records of bringing games to millions of players. As the gaming-focused arm of Immutable, the leading web3 gaming company, Immutable Games has pioneered the world's first blockbuster NFT trading-card game Gods Unchained and is currently building the highly anticipated mobile RPG Guild of Guardians.

Immutable Games 是 web3 遊戲開發和發行領域的全球領導者,由一支世界一流的團隊提供支持,該團隊在爲數百萬玩家提供遊戲方面有着良好的記錄。作爲專注於遊戲的分支機構 不可變作爲領先的web3遊戲公司,Immutable Games率先推出了世界上第一款轟動一時的NFT交易卡牌遊戲《Gods Unchained》,目前正在打造備受期待的移動RPG守護者公會。

Alongside its own high-quality titles, Immutable Games partners with third-party game developers to provide them with best-in-class strategy and execution expertise aimed at ensuring the success of every web3 game deployed within the Immutable ecosystem.

Immutable Games is guided by its mission to redefine gaming for generations to come, by developing innovative and engaging experiences that empower players with true ownership, value, and creative expression.

除了自己的高質量遊戲外,Immutable Games還與第三方遊戲開發商合作,爲他們提供一流的策略和執行專業知識,旨在確保在不可變生態系統中部署的每款web3遊戲取得成功。

Immutable Games的使命是通過開發創新和引人入勝的體驗,賦予玩家真正的所有權、價值和創造性表達,爲子孫後代重新定義遊戲。

For more information, please visit:


Join the Immutable community on Discord, Reddit, Twitter, Instagram, Telegram and Youtube

加入 Immutable 社區 DiscordReddit推特Instagram電報優酷

About Guild of Guardians
Guild of Guardians is a mobile RPG where players summon guardians, join a guild, and defend Elderym in this revolutionary fantasy game. Renowned for its high-quality gameplay, stunning graphics, intuitive mechanics, and a player-centric rewards system, Guild of Guardians rapidly became one of the most eagerly awaited web3 games since its inception in March 2021, boasting over 1 million pre-registered users.

Guild of Guardians 是一款移動角色扮演遊戲,玩家在這款革命性的幻想遊戲中召喚守護者、加入公會並保衛 Elderym。守護者公會以其高質量的遊戲玩法、精美的畫面、直觀的機制和以玩家爲中心的獎勵系統而聞名,自2021年3月推出以來,它迅速成爲最受期待的web3遊戲之一,擁有超過100萬預註冊用戶。

Download Guild of Guardian now on on Apple App Store or Google Play Store. For more information visit:

立即下載《守護者公會》 蘋果應用商店 要麼 谷歌 Play 商店。欲了解更多信息,請訪問:

SOURCE Immutable Games

來源 Immutable Games

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