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MommaCrazy Private ID: 73944072
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    $Day One Biopharmaceuticals (DAWN.US)$ live conference this morning.  they got a special exemption that can ge sold for 100 to 150million or transfered to another biotech.  it's an expedited voucher for doing such a good job with the PDUFA.  sounds make up, but a real thing.
    they have 319milliom cash ok hand ans sales force ready to go.  I'm listening in!  😏
    $USINAS SID MINAS GERAIS USIMINAS SPON ADR EACH REP 1 PRF NPV (USNZY.US)$ JP MORGAN put 1Billion in February.   Earnings next week.  5cent Dividend coming up.  let's see what she does!
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