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丫丫Saioer Female ID: 73681276
    $CN HEALTH TECH(01069.HK)$ Scam tracking... good idea??
    I'm considering forming a group of people who intentionally join these groups, like joining 2 or 3 at the same time to buy stocks from scammers, then we share stock quotes and buy prices when they first issue shares.
    I'm now divided into 2 groups. In one group, they'll give a lower buy price than the other group, then make a swap in the next trade (group 2's buying volume is lower than group 1), and then the next group will be exactly the same.
    My idea is that stocks, unlike cryptocurrencies, must gradually increase in price before being sold off. As a result, they offered a lower purchase price to one group than another. I think there are dozens rather than hundreds of groups out there, and they'll revolve around which group comes first and who comes last.
    So we used it to our advantage while getting the lowest purchase price... Then control your greed and sell early before you sell. We can also blow up the comments section, uncover scammers, and try to help others not lose money
    Rinse and repeat
    If you're interested in a scam, message me privately.
    If I'm wrong or if you think this is a bad idea, please explain why.
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