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jigsaw Private ID: 71231827
    $ProShares Ultra Bloomberg Natural Gas(BOIL.US)$ Surprisingly, it's actually 2.93... Since it's an artificial propeller+bottom shrinkage = a good thing, see you next week
    $ProShares Ultra Bloomberg Natural Gas(BOIL.US)$ Now is a good time to increase positions. If it continues to fall to 2.91 and 2.83, it will be added
    $ProShares Ultra Bloomberg Natural Gas(BOIL.US)$ It's already very good to eat the bottom warehouse from 2.8 to 3.5. At this point, two ways of thinking are to clear the warehouse and make a profit. Another type is that you have to endure the return of profit from the boil, take the long line on the right, and slowly scavenge for the wool: take profit for a small portion of the position when it soars, but increase the position after it plummets to a critical point. Inventory was lower than expected, and the weather was getting hotter, and the news seemed to run out for at least a week. Today is considered a K-line statement, but according to Boil's temper in the past, it's unlikely that people chasing the trend will be able to eat meat. I hope this time the trend will be more normal.
    $ProShares Ultra Bloomberg Natural Gas(BOIL.US)$ As a matter of course, if the plan is strictly followed, the kold should have made money by now. Now I'm selling kold little by little, but I still don't operate the boil. Once the gap was broken, I began to use the money I had taken out of the kold to buy it back. Every time you trade with a slight gap, you'll make a profit, and if you still have cash on hand, don't worry too much
    $ProShares Ultra Bloomberg Natural Gas(BOIL.US)$ The plan for next week is that if we push up another 10%, we can hedge the positions drawn out today into kold points. Don't move the bottom position because it's a low position that's hard to copy. Kold can set a stop loss in a small range, which is equivalent to locking in a portion of the profit for a boil. If it goes down 10%, repeat the old trick again, and slowly increase the boil in batches until it skyrockets again. If the two fluctuate sideways repeatedly during the day, don't make this quick money, wait quietly. The most difficult is the third situation, which is watching and not operating. Natural gas is at a big bottom, so you definitely can't be greedy. If you don't have confidence, don't guess; specify your own strategy
    $ProShares Ultra Bloomberg Natural Gas(BOIL.US)$ A beautiful slayer, a few more back-and-forth, and many more kills
    $ProShares Ultra Bloomberg Natural Gas(BOIL.US)$ It's best to increase positions only when the decline is strongest; don't chase the increase to increase positions. Instead of increasing positions, positions should be reduced. I'm not afraid to miss the increase because I have a solid position. All reverse operations are due to greed
    $ProShares Ultra Bloomberg Natural Gas(BOIL.US)$ If it falls for 4 days, it is likely to rise, but there will be people who can't hold back and throw it away. This trick has appeared too many times before, and it still forces people to lose patience. The reason why they are not happy with it over and over again is due to human nature. When most people buy stocks, they just gamble. As soon as they want to buy them, they go up. They never thought about a four-day drop plan, and they wouldn't buy in batches, and even more unable to accept the pain of losing 10% or more on their books. In fact, after the comments section started to complain, it means that some have already cut meat, so people who understand can buy it with more peace of mind. Don't use other stock experiences or textbook techniques to apply to boiling. The more you are greedy, the more you lose, and the more you lose, the more corrupt Patience and restraint are the beginning of continuing to make money, and will give investors a small return.
    $ProShares Ultra Bloomberg Natural Gas(BOIL.US)$ Great, I can add more stocks. I hope futures fall to 2.0 first. The one on the left side is when it's the worst time to fall, buy based on points
    $ProShares Ultra Bloomberg Natural Gas(BOIL.US)$ A sharp drop to increase positions, a sharp rise in sales, no fluctuation, then a drop and a further increase