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Hankuu Private ID: 71226312
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    $AMC Entertainment(AMC.US)$ It is possible to continue to fall. But according to the experience of history, after a few days, there will be a huge increase. The game does not end in just 2 days, it can be a week, sometimes even a month. But this is history.
    $NVIDIA(NVDA.US)$ With so many options to expire, it's time to go full blast! Just like with so many hours left before the final exam, you will have to practice again, you will have to practice again. Super tense, of course. Combating the fiercest of the corps that rose to 1940, you can only make the little boy kneel deeply 🙇
    $NVIDIA(NVDA.US)$ 我室友剛剛說,這兩週玩NVDA短線股票實在太刺了,就像打英雄聯盟線上遊戲一樣。一下大賠又一下大賺。超怒的,又超爽的。果然做遊戲顯示卡的NVDA,才配的起這樣的NVDA股票!我跟他說,那你可以去買比特幣,也是靠NVDA顯示卡,會讓你更過癮的。結果他真得就去買了 #.#
    $NVIDIA(NVDA.US)$ 其他特大單還是繼續買入,但就是慢慢的買進。反而是散戶的出貨率提升,可能是被一開始那個賣出嚇壞了
    $NVIDIA(NVDA.US)$ Why is Wall Street screaming so loud and a bunch of crazy people want to get in and panic? Isn't it easier to keep stocks rising steadily, and everyone is riding high together and everyone is happy. You can sell whenever you want to sell, and stocks continue to soar and make money together. It fluctuates like this, when you enter and exit, you can't touch your head, and you're wasting your time. It was a great AI conference, and Nvidia released such a great chip, which is another cross-generational breakthrough for the future. The result is that stock volatility is so unimaginable.
    Today All-in! I have time to wait for a callback.
    For me, the most painful thing about buying stocks is not the pullbacks, because after each pullback, they almost end up in waves. It's just a matter of time, as long as the direction is right, AI is the red train this year and Nvidia is the leading stock. Nothing else bothers me.
    The most painful thing about buying stocks for me is that I don't get on the train every time I go up or even go up, watch the stock day after day, the news reports on how much someone else makes, and that agony is more painful than when it comes back. During a bull market, I choose to chase high and gladly accept the callbacks. But I don't want to wait to buy them all the time, I don't want to wait every day for a month, I don't want to sleep well, take stock on my own or even pay it back, and I regret not buying them at first.
    Please don't teach me. I just chose to buy stocks the way that was most comfortable for me. For me, the recall is a loss. But earning less is also losing. Both opportunities are the same.
    The pullback process often takes some time to go up and back, enough time to go up more, and then find my favorite price to sell, which is how I've been buying stocks to make money.
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