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熊谷_オプラボ Private ID: 181150576
    Today's 14th is GMMA.
    The SQ value was settled at an unexpectedly cheap level in the 38500 yen range, and even though NY is strong, Japanese stocks are developing weakly, and GMMA is once again overshadowed. With this, it is a downtrend again in the medium term, and there is no sense of direction in the short to medium term.
    When this happens, the Bank of Japan's attack after the decline makes me aware of the rise...
    In any case, after all, I think the rise in Japanese stocks will continue to be quite severe unless there is a sharp rise due to the Bank of Japan's announcement.
    6/14 Featured Charts
    Today's NT magnification.
    As I mentioned in yesterday's video, interest rates fell due to the US CPI & FOMC, high-tech semiconductors rose, and banking, insurance, and finance became weak.
    Then it's NT Long, but profits are growing as expected.
    Japanese stocks as a whole are weak, so the upper price is heavy, but since it's an NT long, the bottom is solid, and we have to be wary of an upward trend at the Bank of Japan tomorrow, and it seems good to forego the situation where they originally wanted to sell CALL.
    Well, I think it will be enough after watching the Bank of Japan's later movements. At times like this, NT magnification is a dual-denomination tactic, so it's easy.
    6/13 Featured Charts
    I will be on stage for a free YouTube seminar starting at 19:00 on 6/15 (Sat)!
    I'm planning to explain chart tactics for beginners at a seminar hosted by Sakura Invest.
    It's a chart that isn't introduced anywhere, but anyone can easily create one with TradingView. It's a tactic that produces the same output no matter who does it, and it's easy to do.
    Moreover, I will introduce different tactics on the same chart, tactics performed with individual stocks and futures, and tactics performed with the Nikkei 225 option. That's why it's twice as tasty on one chart.
    If you participate on the day, 50 pages of seminar materials will be distributed, so you can slowly create a chart after the seminar along with playing archived videos. Furthermore, it also comes with a 3-year backtest, so it also comes with supporting data on how effective the tactic is.
    If you want to know chart tactics to win using TradingView, please join us!
    Applications are still in time, so please check the following URL.
    [6/15 19:00 free seminar]
    You can win at TradingView! Practical char...
    A free seminar on “Practical Chart Tactics to Win” will be held this week!
    Today 12th is the Bolivan reversal.
    The S mark is on at 9:15 in the morning. If you keep closing and don't turn off the lights, it's a sign of an imminent decline. This is a chart with a somewhat high work rate, so I feel like it's better to be wary. Okazaki-san is currently being told “this week's buyback market” on Radio NIKKEI, so it may fall after next week lol
    6/12 Featured Charts
    It surpassed the yellow 39040 even when viewed in the WMA Fibo Band.
    Since each line has contracted abnormally, there is also a possibility that it will go up and watch until 39500 as it is. However, if it plummets from here and returns to around 39,000 yen, the range will continue.
    However, it's the US CPI and FOMC tomorrow night, so maybe they'll go that far.
    6/11 Featured Chart 2
    Today's 11th is a breakpoint.
    We have finally reached the high price break point. I've spent around 39,240 yen a few times, so it seems like I'm still going to get ahead of here. While it was written, it went up to 39310 yen.
    It's stronger than last night's NY, but it really smells like the trick of SQ Week. That said, it is necessary to keep up with the top in the immediate future, but I want to be wary of losing ground when crossing the SQ just before SQ.
    6/11 Featured Charts
    Today's 10th took over last week's calm market and started. It's not moving, is it?
    Therefore, the band width of the Bollinger Band is rapidly shrinking, but if you look at the WMA Fibo Band, you can see quite a bit of contraction. The top, bottom, and yellow ranges have been within the yellow range for over a week, and the yellow top and bottom widths are only 600 yen.
    It's in a relatively abnormal state. In this kind of situation, it will explode sooner or later, so please be careful. The stage is ready for the big game to be set up by MSQ Week.
    6/10 Featured Charts
    Previous”How much do you know about volatility?I wrote an article called”.
    Today is a continuation of that.
    Click here for the link to the previous article
    How much do you know about volatility?
    Now, as I wrote last time, volatility is an important factor for investors and traders, and how much the market fluctuates has a big impact on investment strategies and risk management. Here, I'll write about the risks and opportunities of high volatility and low volatility, respectively.
    ■High Volatility Risks and Opportunities■
    Prices rise and fall rapidly in high volatility markets, so unexpected losses are likely to occur.You can suffer huge losses in an instantI mean that.
    Of course, even when volatility is low, large losses may occur due to sharp rises or falls, but as a probability, the loss range will be larger when volatility is high.
    In these markets, prices often move in a direction not intended by investors, and stress also increases.It tends to be difficult to make calm judgmentsSo you have to be careful.
    On the other hand,Highly volatile markets make big profits...
    [Important theme] Let's sort out the relationship between volatility and risk
    Well, as expected, there will be almost no movement today on the 7th.
    I'll keep an eye on the band width of Bollinger Bands for the time being... I'm only going to do lol
    As a result, I was OK with short strangles for 1 week. However, I think the market is relaxed with this, so be sure to check positions before employment statistics, and make sure that sales managers act as guards and secure profits. If you enter the night and the 10-day schedule comes out, the band width will shrink even slightly.
    There were explosions up or down around here, and Bandwalk is a scene I've seen many times. If employment statistics don't bounce, we will be increasingly wary of the rough MSQ week. I don't think it's okay to have an impossible game.
    6/7 Featured Charts
    Today's 6th is GMMA.
    The negative rotation and positive rotation change every day, so it's an indescribable situation. However, they have tried the 38900 barrier on a 6-day chart, and the current pattern is positive, and the upward trend has returned again in the medium term.
    The manufacturing industry is weak and expectations for interest rate cuts are rising, and there is a feeling that they are taking some good place, such as stock prices and stock prices due to a sense of economic security, but the NASDAQ and SOX have exploded due to the explosion in interest rates, so it's strong. The mid-term is positive, so if 38900 can be supported, it will be one step higher, but the front field is heavier than here.
    6/6 Featured Charts