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良好股民 Male ID: 101591331
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    $HKEX(00388.HK)$ Tip 1: Questions about stop-loss and take-profit.
    I personally think this is a very important trading habit. The setting of take-profit and stop-loss is particularly important for retail shareholders. The transaction is strict before the transaction, a fixed loss rate is set, and claims are strictly accepted and executed upon arrival. This requirement is mainly for friends who wear small shoes and like short speculation and trading, strictly control the stop-loss margin, so that short speculation doesn't become a long line, and a long line becomes deep!
    Tip 2: Don't expect to buy the lowest point, and don't be delusional about selling at the highest price.
    Some shareholders always want to buy at the lowest price and sell at the highest price. I think that's almost impossible to do. A retail investor with this idea is probably not a “stock market understanding person.” Only the main players can plan the extent to which stock prices will rise and fall through their financial advantage, yet the main players cannot fully control the trend, not to mention you and I are retail investors.
    Tip 3: Make good use of associations.
    What is LENOVO? What I want to say is that based on some popular news in the market, start an association and get short-term profits. Generally, leading mainstream stocks are often quickly dragged to a standstill by volatile capital, and short-term experts are often unable to catch up. At this time, Lenovo can often give you unexpected surprises. Lenovo is not only suitable for the short term, but medium- to long-term partnerships can also choose to invest in the same sector.
    Tip 4: Learn to short positions.
    There are many private sector experts who are very good at using capital to carry out short-term operations of chasing ups and downs. Sometimes they get very high profits, but for non-professional shareholders, it is difficult to watch the market every day, and it is also difficult to track hot spots every day.
    So, in stock operations,...
    $Nasdaq Composite Index(.IXIC.US)$ 1技术面上看纳斯达克期货只要突破11729这个位置,接下来突破20天线顺水乘舟,从磁力点的角度看,11729这个位置对于向上突破的力量也具有很大的吸引力,20天线往往是一个比较可靠的的牛熊转换点。
    2 从纳指的历史波动率来看,结合本周重要数据已经其它几只即将出财报的龙头股历史波动率,有数据表面市场正在押注波动率下降,即押注接下来纳指会向下走,其原理是通过押注标的股票期权的隐含波动率下降来实现
    3 波动率的被兑现需要提前押注的事件落地作为催化剂,包括但不限于周三尾盘的微软财报和谷歌财报以及随后重要经济数据,关键看市场押注的是哪一个点

    4 趋势指标是落后指标,隐含波动率是领先指标,当这两种指标背离之时,需要谨慎
    5 建议等20天线被确认突破入场,并且要做好调仓准备
    $Tesla(TSLA.US)$ $E-mini NASDAQ 100 Futures(JUN4)(NQmain.US)$ 今天大盘低开低走,反弹趋势不会很大,看盘尾拉伸力度
    $Amazon(AMZN.US)$ $Amazon (AMZN.US) $ is facing a class-action lawsuit in the UK, accused of using “secret” algorithms to abuse its dominance in the online marketplace. According to reports, Hausfeld, the law firm in charge of the case, claims that Amazon uses a “secret and self-serving algorithm” in the Buy Box function to hide more favorable deals to increase the exposure of its products, thereby making millions of customers pay higher prices. Hausfeld said that according to economists' estimates, potential losses to consumers could be as high as £900 million
    $Tesla(TSLA.US)$ 现在全网都在讨论新能源车板块这波下跌是陷阱还是机会,我来说说自己的看法。
     首先,$特斯拉(TSLA.US)$ 不久前刚刚发布了新的财报,显示在三季度末距离全年的指标还差50万台,但马斯克依旧对完成全年的任务量非常有信心。毕竟特斯拉中国工厂几周就可以交付了,这就会引发一些猜测,比如说降价···
     当然了,即使把他的自信当作吹牛,明年Model Q可能就会出来,定价是直指国产品牌$比亚迪(002594.SZ)$ 的优势区10w-20w之间(包括二线新势力的一些主流车型)。尽管有人觉得特斯拉的空间、内饰细节等处理不那么令人满意,但作为开过特斯拉和国产新能源的我来说,如果价位来到同区间,特斯拉对任何国产新能源都是降维。这还是在不考虑明年补贴要降到底的情况下(特斯拉并不依靠补贴),当然了,如果是政府机关的朋友可能不会选择特斯拉。一旦狼真的来了,就要考虑像前两年的小米一样,你攻我低端,我发力高端。成、败很难以预料,于是先卖一部分仓位避险,是很可以理解的。比如昨天爆出某知名基金经理卖出新能源仓位,加了些调整多年的板块,四季度了,基金经理没必要冒这个险。...
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