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You see it’s just a matter of time for the stocks I choose to blow tf up! Or delist(once I’m warned of trouble like Ebet)

$Vivos Therapeutics (VVOS.US)$ My tarot was right about this beauty just like $MSP Recovery (LIFW.US)$   $EBET Inc (EBET.US)$ $Novo Integrated Sciences (NVOS.US)$ $Avalo Therapeutics (AVTX.US)$ and $T2 Biosystems (TTOO.US)$ just to name a few! My tarot never lie🔮❤️🔥🦅
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  • Tamster : Have you been warned on this one ?

  • FiReBiTriXiE OP Tamster : No I haven’t but I haven’t done a reading for a month now on it. NOVO had a good reading that looked prosperous but a few weeks later showed deceit and illusion suggesting cards which when researched Mr. Baron, a ponzy scheme artist was with a company Novo was in a billion dollar collateral deal with called Black sheep trust! Their stock has been bipolar ever since I got out of it! Wasn’t going to be investing in a company working with a ponzy scheme artist who destroyed many people’s lives financially, emotionally, and mentally! It didn’t sit morally right with me at all! Anyhow, you have enticed me now to read a few tickers I’ll post them within the next few days! But only my followers can see my tarot post out of respect for other’s beliefs because that’s the kind of person I am I guess no biggie though!

One word of advice to achieve success in the market. “Patience” Don’t chase it, let it come to you. #diamondhand