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The summary of the EU’s Artificial Intelligence Act

The summary of the EU’s Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act), broken down into key provisions:
1. General Provisions:
Aims to promote human-centric and trustworthy AI.
Ensures high protection for health, safety, fundamental rights, democracy, and the environment within the EU.
Simultaneously supports innovation.
2. Scope:
Applies to suppliers, deployers, providers, importers, and distributors of AI systems placed on the market or used within the EU.
Excludes AI systems specifically developed or used for military purposes.
3. Definitions:
“AI system” is a machine-based system designed to operate with varying degrees of autonomy and produce outputs that impact physical or virtual environments.
“Risk” refers to the combination of the probability and severity of harm.
“High-risk” denotes risks with significant impact.
“Baseline model” is a general AI model trained at scale on diverse data.
“General-purpose AI system” is not intentionally designed for specific purposes.
4. Specific Requirements:
Establishes specific requirements for high-risk AI systems.
Sets uniform transparency rules.
Supports innovation, with particular attention to small and medium-sized enterprises.
5. Other Provisions:
◦ Does not override other relevant EU legal provisions related to consumer protection, product safety, etc.
These are the main points of the AI Act presented succinctly.
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