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[Moomoo Securities] Total Assets page has been drastically updated!

Moomoo Securities Co., Ltd. (CEO Francisco Izawa, hereafter: moomoo Securities) has drastically updated the total assets page for customers in the Moomoo Securities app. From 2023/12/6 (Wednesday), you can check it from the total assets page within our app.
The strength of the Moomoo Securities app is its high operability and visibility.
Since the app was released, the large amount of information and the interface that is easy to use and easy to read have been well received by users.
The asset status summary page so farAs a total assets pageMajor update! Visualize profit and loss in the form of asset trend charts and calendars. Not only that, it is now possible to easily view analysis results that go one step further, such as comparing the performance of user portfolios and key metrics.

[Access to the total assets page]
Open the moomoo app > account tab > assets > tap total assets
[Moomoo Securities] Total Assets page has been drastically updated!
[Total assets page structure]
Asset Status
The status of deposited assets is displayed in an easy-to-understand manner by dividing them by asset structure and currency.
You can see at a glance what percentage of the assets under deposit are allocated to which asset class (stock, cash) and held.
[Moomoo Securities] Total Assets page has been drastically updated!
Transition graph
Check the chart for changes in the profit and loss ratio of assets under management.
The cumulative rate of return on total assets* is shown for each specified period since 1 week/month/year to date.
*You can also select a time/monetary weighted rate of return

You can view performance differences (%) and comparison charts between your own portfolio and the S&P 500, Nikkei 225, and NASDAQ.
You can also check cumulative profit and loss details (total asset balance at the beginning and end of the period, net outflows, deposits/withdrawals, transfers) from “Details” of cumulative profit and loss and JPY.
[Moomoo Securities] Total Assets page has been drastically updated!
Changes in total assets
Check the chart for changes in total assets. Profit and loss for the day are also shown.

Profit and loss calendar
In calendar format, the user's assessed profit and loss and determined profit and loss rate are displayed for each day. It can also be viewed monthly and yearly.
[Moomoo Securities] Total Assets page has been drastically updated!
With this update, not only can the user's asset status and trends be visually understood, but it can also be an opportunity to frame investment strategies by visualizing differences in performance with major indices.
There are probably investors who manually add profits to their own calendars, but if you use Moomoo, you can automatically record profits.

Moomoo Securities strives to develop services that provide useful information to users in order to eliminate disparities in investment information. Stay tuned for more updates in the future.
[Company Overview]
Company name: moomoo securities co., Ltd
Representative: President and CEO Francisco Izawa
Location: MFPR Shibuya Building 11F, 1-2-5 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
TEL: 03-6845-3636
Financial Instruments Dealers: Kanto Finance Bureau (Gold Trading) No. 3335
Affiliated Associations: Japan Securities Dealers Association, Japan Investment Advisors Association
[Disclaimer] Using the moomoo app is free, but there are fees for trading securities. The content of the app is for the purpose of providing information and educating investors, and does not recommend any individual stocks or investment methods. Investment information posted on the app is provided for illustrative purposes only and may not be appropriate for all investors. Also, the content of investment information on the app does not take into account individual investors' personal investment objectives or financial conditions, and is not investment advice for individuals. When investors make investment decisions, please determine the appropriateness of the information based on their own circumstances. Past investment performance is no guarantee of future success. No investment is immune to risk and possible principal splitting.
Disclaimer: Moomoo Technologies Inc. is providing this content for information and educational use only. Read more
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