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Investment results for April 2024

Semiconductors were doing well for a while, but I ran out of breath at the end of April. Overall PF was +0.9% and YoY +29.3%, and the graph looked like the following.
End of 2018 = 100 (subsequent increases include deposit amounts)
End of 2018 = 100 (subsequent increases include deposit amounts)
The green line shows asset growth in a straight line from the end of 2018 to the most recent period, and the red line shows the period when it fell below the most recent high price. The decline in assets from 2022/3 to 2024/4 seems to be paying off, but the results of making steady deposits are paying off, and I mean there is no sense. However, 2024/5 may be a bit tough due to the appreciation of the yen.
The overall asset breakdown looks like this.
Pension 14.3% (MoM +0.4%, YoY +21.3%)
The above breakdown is DB: 8.6% and DC: 5.7%.
The DB (defined benefit pension) is denominated in yen and the annual interest rate of 2.5% has been determined, so I plan to leave it alone until I quit my job. The full amount of DC (Defined Contribution Pension) is funded by MSCI-KOKUSAI. The power of deductions from social insurance premiums, income tax, and residence tax is enormous, so we have implemented the full amount here. Since the maximum contribution limit will increase from 2024/12, I think I will increase the amount of investment in MUSCI-KOKUSAI. I feel that the rate of increase is quite large, but I think this is because the balance is low, the impact of monthly deposits is significant.
Crypto 2.5% (MoM -8.4%)
This was made by depositing money in a lump sum around the fall of 2023 with Coincheck and then steadily accumulating it. BTC is less than 70%, and the rest are altcoins such as ETH. The explosive power at this point since I started investing is amazing, but recently I feel like I'm out of breath. I'm thinking of stopping the savings somewhere and leaving it alone.
Core 62.3% (MoM +2.3%)
This is managed by Rakuten Securities by NISA or something. Core's PF breakdown is like this.
Investment results for April 2024
The operation policy has gone through twists and turns. Basically, I'm thinking about defense 50% and attack 50%, and until last month I was thinking about defense (Japanese yen+dollar MMF) + attack (Orkan + stocks, gold, REIT, long-term US bonds), but I'm starting to think that money and REIT (although there are fluctuations) are essentially defensive assets. Also, there are a bit too many brands, so I'm thinking of sorting them out. I think only the US Index (S&P 500 and VTI) is fine for stock.
STELITE accounts for 20.9% of PF. I post it separately on Note every week.
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