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Genuine question

To all the people that begin their posts with “you may call me a shill but…” or “downvote me if you must…”

Why are you here? Not trying to be mean or disingenuous but if you feel AMC is going bankrupt, why not just sell your shares and take the loss? I mean according to your argument, something is better than nothing right?

Why are you so concerned about my investment? Will you still be making posts if AMC prices go up? Will those posts then be encouraging or will they read like a MSM headline: “AMC is going up; can it keep this trajectory long enough before crashing?” $AMC Entertainment(AMC.US)$
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  • Expendabiggles : Exactly!  I have my issues with AA but I NEVER come here and tell people to sell. So in my eyes there’s something very VERY wrong with that.

  • understanding Antelo : let's say if you short thIs stocks but AMC go bankrupt you think you'll get any profits? as shorties can't buy back what he short sell.... so don't get too happy for wishing it to go bankrupt

  • Biden2024 : Is it really unfathomable that BEARS exist? This is the problem with meme stockers; they think anyone expressing bearish sentiment is a “shill”, “bot”, “plant” or whatever. It’s amazing that the concept of puts and shorts are so foreign that it merits a post like this.

    I used to care about naive investors flushing their money down the drain, but not anymore, because I realised apes are just going through the process of financial natural selection. I come here for the entertainment and to see what’s the latest conspiracy theory or delusion.

  • Expendabiggles H-E-T: Its not AMC. Im convinced. The entire market has corrected down about 70-90%.  Then you add DIRECT fraud of rampant naked shorting to this and you get AMC and why it cant seem to dig its way out of this hole no matter how good each quarter continues to report. Logic says it can ONLY be fraud. Other companies doing WAY worse, report worse numbers but have nowhere near the FUD or constant shorting attacks. There is the market and there is logical sense. The only difference and 3rd thing we cannot see or predict is fraud. Vicious, rampant fraud and corruption. To which it may never be corrected until it causes a black swan event and authorities have no choice but to seek justice or be swallowed up themselves by the rampaging mob.  We are so close to the brink, its not funny. This is not a joke.  I stopped seriously “investing” in the market more than a year ago and put my money toward HARD, Tangible assets. There’s zero point in putting any real money in a place that is 1000% corrupted. THAT makes no sense.  I’m only here for the day this implodes for the glory of watching hedge assholes lose it all. I’m literally waiting on the 9-11 of the stock market. And if the fraud is not stopped it WILL happen in our lifetimes.

  • Expendabiggles H-E-T: I know everything you already stated. The only thing I don’t is where the bottom is. But none of this matters. The market is corrupted to its core. And a crash already happened. Banks already went out. The only thing that didn’t happens was the left wing media blasting it 24/7 on the current administration because its “their guy” in the whitehouse. So people with brains and common sense know whats happened and can clearly see the media bias for all these 1% assholes like looking at the sky and knowing it’s blue. People are not dumb, our “mistake” was expecting the system to be fair and honest and play by its OWN rules when it is 1000% does not.  So Fuk this corrupt system and anyone who promotes it as honest.

  • Expendabiggles H-E-T: That I agree with. As for the money I did put in, (which was only what I was willing to lose)  there is no turning back and why I refuse to sell. Its already gone so why realize the loss now?? Don’t really see the point of getting out at the bottom now and im not putting more any money into memes. They’re just not safe meaning wallstreet parasites just won’t leave them alone. So Ive taken my money elsewhere. If I see the market correcting, perhaps I’ll bring some back but there is no sign of that at this time. And truthfully in our current state, to me, technically no stock is safe unless they company is so powerful that naked shorting it is beyond foolish but I think even this large companies like Amazon & Apple are about to take a hit next year. In fact I think Amazon’s boat is taking on water. Jeff sure is suddenly selling a LOT of shares lately.
