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$East West Bancorp (EWBC.US)$American company listed in 1999...

$East West Bancorp(EWBC.US)$American company listed in 1999, single US market, current price 69.2.
In the past 5 years, revenue has increased for 4 years except 2020, with an average growth rate of 11.4% and an average net profit of 790 million over 5 years. The return on net assets in 2022 was 19.1%, and the 5-year arithmetic average was 15.4%.
In the first three quarters of 2023, revenue increased 15.9%, and net profit increased 16.5%.
The balance ratio has increased from 89.2% to 90.7% in the past 5 years, and is currently 90.3%. Goodwill and other intangible assets were $466 million, accounting for 7.1% of the net assets of $6.597 billion. Treasury stock was $792 million, and there was a slight increase in common share capital.
Currently, the price-earnings ratio is 8.7, and the price-earnings ratio is TTM 7.8. The 5-year average net profit corresponds to a price-earnings ratio of 12.3, a net price-earnings ratio of 1.47, and a dividend ratio of 2.67%. Dividends have been growing steadily in the last ten years. The revenue growth rate can be seen that in addition to cyclicality, there is also some growth. The current valuation is slightly underestimated, so you can choose carefully (⭐️)
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