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China’s Quantum Research Achieves Major International Breakthrough, WiMi Competes to Layout Quantum Technology

China’s Quantum Research Achieves Major International Breakthrough, WiMi Competes to Layout Quantum Technology
On May 7, a research team from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) made important progress in the research field of quantum states of matter and quantum computing.
The research team arranged the self-developed “photonic boxes” into arrays and realized the fractional quantum anomalous Hall state based on photons for the first time in the world, creating a new platform for physicists to study the fractional quantum Hall effect. This achievement provides a new path for efficiently researching more and more exotic quantum states.
As a next step, the team plans to, on the one hand, develop a dedicated quantum simulator to construct fractional quantum Hall states in a controlled manner to understand the fractional quantum Hall effect. On the other hand, it will excite quasiparticles with fractional quantum Hall states in the next year or two, and explore the development of topological quantum computers with higher fault tolerance.
Although mature quantum computing applications are still a long way off, various achievements are adding to them. After more than a few years of efforts, China’s quantum science and technology field as a whole has realized a leap from tracking and running parallel to partially leading, and is in the international leading position in the research and application of quantum communication, in the first international square in quantum computation, and in the international leading position in some directions of quantum precision measurement.
With the speed and heat of technological development rising, quantum computing research has become a hotspot for the world’s top laboratories to compete. Industry analysis, quantum computing can empower the field of arithmetic, commercial landing slope long snow thick, Chinese companies continue to catch up with the international leading level of quantum computing can achieve exponential level of acceleration in certain issues. In the long run or will break through the AI arithmetic limit, “quantity superfusion” is the development trend.
$WiMi Hologram Cloud(WIMI.US)$ lays out quantum technology
At present, cutting-edge fields, opening up a “new track” for future industries and accelerating the “industrialization” of quantum technology have become the key elements for our country to enter the forefront of innovative countries and seize the scientific and technological commanding heights. In this process, WiMi Hologram Cloud (NASDAQ: WIMI) follows the development of new technologies, new applications and new scenarios, and researches and lays out the technical fields of artificial intelligence, quantum computing, big data, cloud computing and other technologies involved in the new quality of productivity, gradually playing an increasingly important role.
The industry believes that in quantum communication, quantum computing, and quantum measurement of the three first to be concerned about the quantum technology segments, quantum communication is expected to take the lead in the commercialization of the field. WiMi early in 5G communication infrastructure network, industrial Internet, Internet of Things, vehicle networking and other scenarios to realize the scale of application, boosting the communications industry’s high-performance, high-quality development. At the same time, it embarked on the productization of quantum technology, the initial formation of cloud + quantum, algorithms + quantum and another industrialization layout, to accelerate the industrialization of quantum communication technology landing.
WiMi efforts to bridge business technology and market demand, close cooperation with the downstream industry, quantum product application promotion and other aspects of further strengthening, innovation in the business model and the positive expansion of their own growth space. It can be said that WiMi’s layout in the field of quantum technology is a positive response to the strategy, which helps to promote the rapid development of the quantum technology industry, fully linking the industrial ecology, focusing on the relevant research strengths and innovation resources, and carrying out collaborative research and development, which is expected to promote China’s scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement.
According to the data forecast by professional organizations, quantum computing is expected to be commercially available within 10-15 years, and the investment in the global quantum computing market will keep growing at a CAGR of 11.5% from 2023-2027, and by the end of 2027, the investment in the quantum market will grow to $16.4 billion. With the gradual release of market space in the field of quantum computing as well as quantum communication, Chinese companies are narrowing the gap with international leaders in the field of quantum computing, with faster technological progress in research institutions and hot financing for startups to catch up quickly.
Of course, in the field of quantum science and technology, it is important that only with the joint efforts of all parties can we establish a benign market and interaction to promote the healthy development of cutting-edge fields, and only a healthy, stable soil can produce full and fruitful fruits. In short, optimistically expected, the relevant enterprises are expected to take advantage of quantum technology this new track or open broad market prospects.
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