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Biography: Bezos, from the investment bank grid to the richest man in the world

美投365 wrote a column · Mar 18 23:38
Public account search: meitou365
Daily stock selection, character history, slow reading
Recently, a piece of news once again drew attention to Bezos, the former richest man in the world. In addition to some of his personal lace news, the business empire he founded has been slowly expanding and adding value. While my life was wonderful, my career was also a win-win. How did he succeed step by step? Maybe the following story will give you some inspiration.
Biography: Bezos, from the investment bank grid to the richest man in the world
Teenagers working at McDonald's
His mother, Jackie, is a young girl under 16, who gave birth to him in the mid-sixties. His biological father was a circus actor. Shortly after, Jackie married Cuban immigrant Miguel Bezos, and Miguel adopted her child and treated him as his own son. In fact, until age ten, Jeff didn't know Miguel wasn't his biological father.
Biography: Bezos, from the investment bank grid to the richest man in the world
During his childhood and teen years, Jeff was clearly a talented kid, and he had a soft spot for the popular space film “Star Trek.” This obsession was an important factor in his personality, which later led him to found his own aerospace company “Blue Origin.” This obsession led some to think that Bezos' current appearance — bald and extremely skinny — was an attempt to imitate Captain Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek.
When Bezos was 16, he started his first job at a McDonald's in Texas, where he was responsible for grilling hamburger meat and sending it to a production line that made sandwiches.
Bezos is naturally sensitive to business, and even when he was a teenager, he began organizing summer camps to save some money for his future studies. He later attended Princeton University, initially majoring in physics, but soon switched to computer science and demonstrated extraordinary abilities.
After graduating from college, faced with job offers from several well-known companies, including Intel, Bell Labs, and Anderson Consulting, the young graduate turned down all of these offers and chose to work for a small telecommunications startup called Fitel.
Although Bezos's experience at Fitel was brief, he quickly rose to the position of Director of Customer Service. Although the company ultimately failed, Bezos learned many valuable business principles, especially in the early stages of his business, which laid the foundation for his future success.
Bezos then found a job at Sinfu Bank, which was later bought by Deutsche Bank. At 26, Bezos rose to the rank of bank deputy governor at a record rate, but he soon lost interest in the job and decided to switch to technology and investment.
It's just 30 in the investment bank's grid
On an ordinary morning in 1994, a young investor in his early thirties walked into the office of his investment company on Wall Street and casually placed his jacket on the bench next to him. His morning routine was to enjoy coffee while reading newspapers, then devoting himself to intense work and not leaving until evening.
That morning, a shocking piece of news caught his eye. It was reported that the number of internet users was growing 2,300% every year. At that time, the internet was still in its early stages of development, but this growth rate was astonishing for this young man whose daily work involved numbers and investments.
Biography: Bezos, from the investment bank grid to the richest man in the world
For this investment veteran, such news cannot be ignored. He quickly identified the huge Internet opportunities hidden behind it and realized that these opportunities needed to be quickly and effectively grasped.
In 1994, after a year of marriage to his wife Mackenzie Tuttle, Bezos decided to quit his job and start a business from scratch despite having a stable income and an enviable position. Bezos adopted a “regret minimization framework” to handle major decisions in his life, convinced that if he didn't try, he would regret it in the future.
Realize your dreams on “Amazon”
The young man dug deep into the opportunities behind the rapid growth of the web and made a list of 20 possible products to sell online, and ultimately chose books. He chose books not because he has a particular preference for reading, but because as a product, books are easy to sell and deliver quickly. Compared to other products such as clothing and hardware, books rarely encounter major returns, logistics, or pricing issues.
Biography: Bezos, from the investment bank grid to the richest man in the world
To everyone's shock, the young man quit his stable job, borrowed $300,000 from his parents and friends, and started his entrepreneurial project with his wife in a small garage, where all the necessities were placed. Everyone thought he was crazy; after all, he gave up his job treatment at the time and took a huge risk to take this step, which seemed completely unreasonable.
However, a few years later, when his online store went public in 1997, the young man's wealth surpassed 1 billion dollars, which meant he went from being a millionaire to a billionaire in just four years after the adventure began.
Biography: Bezos, from the investment bank grid to the richest man in the world
With Amazon's launch in 1997, not only did Bezos become a billionaire, it was just the beginning of his journey. He became an early investor in Google and realized his space dream by starting the “Blue Origin” project in 2000. In the first decade of the millennium, Bezos was busy growing Amazon and Blue Origin until 2013, when he announced the acquisition of The Washington Post.
He became an early investor in Google and realized his space dream by starting the “Blue Origin” project in 2000. In the first decade of the millennium, Bezos was busy growing Amazon and Blue Origin until 2013, when he announced the acquisition of The Washington Post.
Bezos first became the richest man in the world in 2017, and his wealth is estimated to have reached $90 billion. Although his divorce reduced his wealth, by the end of 2020, as Amazon's business grew, his wealth soared to $200 billion. However, Elon Musk surpassed him in the last quarter of 2021 to become the new richest man in the world.
After years of development, he was disliked by everyone and became one of the richest people on Earth in 2021, with a wealth of more than 200 billion US dollars. His simple online bookstore has become a global e-commerce giant, selling all kinds of products.
Twenty-seven years after Amazon was founded, Bezos announced that he was handing over the CEO position to his assistant Andy Jassi in order to focus more on developing more projects, particularly his aerospace company “Blue Origin.”
Biography: Bezos, from the investment bank grid to the richest man in the world
Today, Amazon has more than 500,000 employees and a market capitalization of over $1.7 trillion, and Bezos still remembers the days when he personally went to the post office to deliver packages. At that time, he dreamed of owning his own van one day.
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