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Big models lead industrial innovation! Xiaoi Robot was selected in the “2023 Top 30 Innovative Service Providers in China's Big Model Industry”

A new round of technological innovation represented by artificial intelligence is triggering industrial transformation. As one of the most influential conferences in the field of science and technology in China, the annual WIM (World Innovators Meet, World Innovators Annual Meeting) is about to open, and important lists such as the “2023 Top 30 Innovative Service Providers in China's Big Model Industry” will be officially released. Based on the Huazang GM Big Model and its ecosystem, the Xiaoi Robot showcased technological innovation and rich application results of the big model, and was successfully selected for this list.
WIM 2023 is based on the theme of “Overcoming Fluctuations and Moving Forward with Resilience”, and includes content such as list releases, keynote speeches, and peak conversations. After more than a month of selection, the “2023 Top 30 Innovative Service Providers in China's Big Model Industry” has now been announced. According to Yiou's introduction, “Based on corporate declarations and data from the Yiou database, the TOP30 list was determined by comprehensively considering various dimensions such as technological innovation, moat depth, and landing progress. Through ratings from partners such as vertical track analysts and industry expert judges, the TOP30 list was determined through comprehensive weighted calculation.”
Photo source: 100 million Euros
Photo source: 100 million Euros
The Huazang GM Big Model presents disruptive innovation, shows the core characteristics of “controllable, customizable, and deliverable”, and creatively solves the key challenges faced by the global artificial intelligence model. Huazang is controllable in terms of ideology, laws and regulations, computing power algorithms, cultural values, ethics, etc., and can be customized according to customer needs, including model customization, content customization, component customization, scene customization, etc. It also has the characteristics of low computing power costs, low deployment costs, and low training costs.
Big models lead industrial innovation! Xiaoi Robot was selected in the “2023 Top 30 Innovative Service Providers in China's Big Model Industry”
Xiaoi Robot also established the Huazang ecosystem based on the Huazang General Model, and co-created it with customers and ecological partners such as Nexify, Deltapath, Yilu Software, and Yuanbeibei Technology. It has now successfully implemented dozens of co-creation achievements, helped partners further commercial monetization in vertical fields, and continues to collaborate with thousands of ecological partners, covering 50+ industry sectors, connecting global ecological partners to further develop and lead the big model commercial monetization path.
Innovation in the big model industry is inseparable from the dual support of technological innovation and commercial implementation innovation. As a pioneer enterprise in the field of global cognitive intelligence, Xiaoi Robotics not only used the Huazang General Model to build an artificial intelligence technology foundation, but also launched the revolutionary Huazang ecosystem in the industry, connecting global ecological partners, customers and developers, and will continue to promote the implementation and commercial monetization of the big model, leading the innovation and development of the artificial intelligence industry.
Disclaimer: Community is offered by Moomoo Technologies Inc. and is for educational purposes only. Read more
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