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Another disgusting swipe!

$Trump Media & Technology(DJT.US)$ Here is the headline. ((((.  SEC Charges Firm That Audits Trump's Social-media Company With 'Massive Fraud' Affecting Hundreds of Filings
MarketWatch· May 4
By Lukas I. Alpert )))))))
This has ZERO to do with politics! (( From my point of this post )) Its not like there isn’t enough manipulation in the market as it! But here is another example of a reporter/analyst looking like he/she has a agenda? This headline is so misleading and gives people who already hate Trump and anything to do with him, ammo to run with and use to damage share price?                                                                                                                But the firm that has done all this damage/potential damage, to the market overall by undermining confidence in the numbers, wasnt just with DJT! Its affected over 1500 filing, and many many other companies.  So bad were the violations not only do they have to pay 14M in fines. But are not allowed to do any accounting for traded companies!                                                                                                                               I have zero problem reporting the truth! My problem is when these stories are done with a headline that makes at first look. Or to someone already biased. To assume that DJT has done wrong! With supposedly many many companies affected by this shady and downright lying accounting firm. Why is DJT singled out? It sure seems to hurt the stock price? Otherwise why not either say some of the numerous other companies affected? Or if you dont know the names? Then just report many companies affected, and we will try to bring them to you with continued investigations?                                                                                                   So as i started off saying “ not political in anyway” I just don’t understand why slam pieces, that IMO are designed in such a way to try and hurt a company! Or downright lies as some do when so called “ short reports” come out! Then the company affected by such reports/lies have to file suit to get the truth out! But in the meantime the damge is done! And a lot of times the share price suffers! And DJT just by chance happens to be the focus in my point. Just as a few months ago $Helius Medical Technologies(HSDT.US)$ was affected by such a story that the company swears is a lie! And is adamantly fighting back! But if you look at the share price after the story was printed? It has already suffered! So even if a company is able to prove malicious intent? And wins a judgment. Sure it’s possible for the company to be made whole financially. But how are shareholders made whole?                                                            And that is the point of my post! Not about a particular company! But when any company is hit by a slam or very misleading, sometimes downright lies. Who makes the shareholders whole again? Because in the end, they usually end up suffering the most!                                                            It is my wish that Y’all are having a great weekend with the ones you love/mean the most to you!
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  • Tonyco : It's relevant to point out. None of the others are running for president. Idk how many of those 1499 also have convicted fraud on their records, but Trump does. Displays pattern of shady business partners.

    Again, relevant because he is running for president, and is convicted of fraud. He put his name on it. This is what you get. Fucking deal with reality snowflake

  • BFSkinner : Totally didn’t see that coming undefinedundefinedundefined

  • Piggy Bank Trader : I bet they targeted that company on purpose. There is not a single person on Earth that if you look hard enough into you won’t find many flaws.
    Since this is a newer company, how many mistakes could they really have?
    It’s only because it’s Trump that this is getting any attention.

  • Iakul : Nah, you are the one reading politics into it. DJT is a highly traded stock, and now suddenly all the audited reports all no longer valid. They have to scramble to find an auditor and file the relevant filings, or risk being delisted.  Whether you want to infer that this is implying DJT is cooking their books is actually irrelevant for stock analysis. The thing that’s going to affect their stock price is how much time they have to find an auditor and get their relevant filings done.

  • Newbee4 : Well said!!  I totally agree. SEC must be passed at all of the investigations into shorts. Then again, Wall Street is in NY. haha.  This stock has been known to rally with bad political fake news, so we'll see..GL todayundefinedundefined