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Tesla's 2024 Q1 earnings: A crossroad to where?
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Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth

[Core Tip 🔔: The profit direction and goals mentioned by Elon Musk and Cathie Duddy Wood are correct; it will take some time to achieve them. FSD itself has epoch-making significance. The vast majority of people are completely unaware of it now. They know very little, and they draw hasty conclusions to guide their trading behavior. If you don't remember the road, don't recognize the road, and get flustered when you meet a large car facing you and the big car overtakes itself, reversing into storage, and parking on the side... There are many licensed drivers like this (they have to spend money to get a driver's license and ask a coach to escort the car), and FSD can help. FSD doesn't have to be perfect to be useful. Second, the more users and use FSD, the faster it is perfected and the higher the degree of perfection. The progress of this change will be mathematically positively correlated, with an exponential growth pattern that does not decrease or increase. What do you think of Tesla's waterfall? Elias believes that this is related to the level of human cognition, and to the harsh nature of human nature. However, it is precisely because of this decline that Tesla's friends have the opportunity to own a large amount of money. Otherwise, the high stock price will make it difficult for people to fulfill their dreams. That's the point of Tesla's waterfall. There is a close relationship between spirit and matter, and now physical research shows that they are not only closely related to each other, but even have a transformational relationship. This is difficult for materialists and atheists to accept. Idealism is not an erroneous view; it is a philosophical view very different from materialism. Otherwise, it would be hard for you to understand why Christianity and Catholicism are so “unscientific” in Western America, yet the level of scientific and technological research in Western America is leading the world. Just like in 1854, the German mathematician Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann (Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann) proposed a new non-European geometry that was neither Euclidean geometry nor Robachevsky's geometry. However, for quite some time after it was proposed, this important mathematical discovery not only failed to win recognition and praise from society, but was instead subject to various distortions, accusations, and attacks, causing the new theory of Afro-European geometry to not be recognized by the academic community. Over more than half a century, the study of Riemannian geometry has also evolved from local to overall, producing many profound results that play an important role in other branches of mathematics and modern physics. With the development of large-scale analysis in the 60s, disciplines such as Riemann geometry and partial differential equations (especially the theory of differential operators), multiple complex function theory, and algebraic topology penetrated and influenced each other. Riemann geometry has also become a powerful tool in the canonical field theory (also known as Yang-Mills theory) in modern physics. “Bible · New Testament · John (John)” 14:27 I leave you peace, and I give you my peace. What I have given is not like what the world has given. Don't be sad in your heart, and don't be timid. Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, let it be afraid. If you are afraid of falling and have floating losses, you can just wait until the stock price stands at the upper limit of 205.600 in the historical radish region, or even stand at 265.130-299.290-364.070-414.49 before buying Tesla shares. You can also enjoy Tesla's generous profit from rising to 1000-2000. Elon Musk is an angel sent by God to solve the problems facing humanity: clothing, food, housing, movement. In the American West, slow is fast. I can think about it a little bit. Don't think the whole day is the end of the world; others owe you anything, nobody owes anyone. The history and future of mankind are all written in the Bible, in the “Bible, New Testament, Revelation (Revelation),” and the new heaven and the new earth are so good.]
If you're still unrepentant and still wishful thinking that Elon Musk is nothing more than a scum guy who brags about big things and draws big cakes. If even you can beat him, you're probably just a poor bastard with a bitter life. You need to know that this market is so big, and there are so many smart people on Wall Street, isn't it that easy to deceive?
People have sincerely confessed over and over again that Tesla is not only a car company, but more importantly, a leader in Artificial Intelligence and The Second Quantum Technology Revolution. On the other hand, you just don't believe it. What is wrong with that? On the other hand, the “gross relationship” involves fiber plexus theory. The mathematical science there is extremely advanced and important, involving network neural technology. Elon Musk himself is a member of the American Academy of Engineering; do you like him smoking “specialty cigarettes”? Who do you blame then?
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Sweep the goods from Fifth Avenue in Midtown Manhattan to Broadway
Opponent stage: The first enemy discovers, the first enemy fires, the first enemy locks in, the first enemy unlocks, and the first enemy gains profit.
From Louis Vuitton, Hermès, and Tiffany to Rolex, Chanel, Lamborghini, the heavenly world of singing and dancing.
As a collectible specimen
At 16:00 EST, it performed a perfect reversal of the market and reversed the decline. Give the bitter and mean bearish short seller a painful lesson — cut the meat back to the mother, lose money and sell her butt. It is said that in the past, all those who sold Tesla on a bearish Tesla in a timely manner were punished in this way.
In 2010, Tesla lost money for a long time, and its stock price remained low for a long time. More than 90% of market participants sold cheap Tesla shares with a sense of depression and extreme frustration (the current situation of Tesla and Elon Musk is far stronger than the situation at the time, I don't know how many times). At almost the same time, Stephen A. Schwarzman (Stephen A. Schwarzman), a Jewish-American superrich philanthropist worth over $10.8 billion, and one of the founders of BlackRock, is telling his family, from adults and children to their young grandchildren, that every week they save a little money every month from other places, even if they can only buy one Tesla stock, and store it there like a bank. On August 26, 2018, or about 8 years later, Tesla's stock price finally climbed from 1.13 to 371. This is almost a 33,000% increase.
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Stephen A. Schwarzman, a Jewish American supermillionaire and philanthropist worth over $10.8 billion, and one of the founders of BlackRock
Stephen A. Schwarzman, a Jewish American supermillionaire and philanthropist worth over $10.8 billion, and one of the founders of BlackRock
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
The chart tells us everything. On Tuesday, April 22, there were already very obvious technical characteristics and signals of bottoming out: when the profit chip ratio; falling channel downgrade; severe oversold; bottom divergence; four-body resonance, the probability of the average value of the bottom of each dynamic discrete group will occur is very high.
Unfortunately, almost no one believes it. Not only are they not convinced, they are also throwing out “scams” and “traps” and disdain them.
Everyone has their own ambitions, so why should they be reluctant? They are also people who have lost their share career, so why brag when you meet them?
The market erupted in despair, rose in hesitation, and died in joy. Your focus is your fate. Follow flies to find toilets, follow bees to find flowers, follow tens of millions to earn millions, and follow beggars to ask for food. Live fish go against the flow, and dead fish go with the flow. There is no wisdom without difficulties. People can endure and overcome misfortune, because people have amazing potential, and as long as they are determined to use it, they will definitely be able to get through difficult times. Good luck in good times is what people hope for; good luck in adversity is what amazes people. The hardest time is when you're not far from being successful. If you want to catch big fish, don't be afraid of the depth of the water.
Anxiety not only won't lift the burden of tomorrow; instead, it robs you of today's happiness. It is only when you experience bitterness and bitterness that you have a longer charm. Perhaps because there are enough clouds in your life, you can create a beautiful dusk. Any experience of suffering is as long as it is either destruction or wealth. God helps those who trust in him.
Education is a bronze medal, ability is a silver medal, connections are a gold medal, thinking is an ace, Jesus is the king of cards, king of kings. Successful people don't win at the beginning; they win at the turning point. Don't live in other people's mouths, don't live in other people's eyes, but instead leave your fate in the hands of God and trust him to rely on him. Little cleverness is tactics, and great wisdom is strategy; what little cleverness sees is sesame; what great wisdom sees is watermelon. Don't talk hard, don't do soft things.
Study the following chart carefully and invest in the long term. The layout for opening positions at times of bad luck. The path to justice on earth is full of vicissitudes.
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
Analysis of Tesla's post-market retrading chart on Tuesday, April 23: Recovering at 160.510 means starting the prelude to a round of upward market growth
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