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Tesla's 2024 Q1 earnings: A crossroad to where?
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Analysis of Tesla's early trading rehearsal chart

Analysis of Tesla's early trading rehearsal chart
Investing in the future is an investment risk; the decline in Tesla's stock price has a downward channel. When the profit chip ratio; the downward channel is on the downside; serious oversold; bottom divergence; and four-body resonance, the probability that the average value of the bottom of each dynamic discrete group will occur is very high.
The time has come to take the opportunity to open a position layout; it is not about stabilizing the layout and then re-opening a position. The key is a gradient batch, discrete random variable position opening layout. The most complicated and difficult problems in financial markets are functional and non-functional problems. Instead, the continuous function problem is simple.
What applied mathematics does in financial market analysis in investment transactions is not that it won't be manipulated and will not cause floating losses, but rather that the probability is relatively small, and it will become a position with floating profits within a relatively short period of time.
Tesla's short-term growth is long, and the long-term trend and main trend are always upward, and cannot be limited. Tesla is a complete artificial intelligence industry chain, and NVDA is only an important node in the artificial intelligence process. Tesla's short-term trend is downward, but it is infinitely close to a turning point. Soon there will be a massive backlash, and then depraved. God knows what extent it has depraved! The claim here that Tesla's stock price is only worth $14 is a joke; it is only meant to block the rhetoric of bearish short sellers, and only to blind the ignorant. 90% of the Fools on Wall Street only look at 3 months profit .90% of Futu and MOOMOO idiots only look at whether the trend is up or down in 15-30 minutes, and then make arbitration.
The profit direction and goals mentioned by Elon Musk and Cathie Duddy Wood are correct; it will take some time to achieve them. FSD itself has epoch-making significance. The vast majority of people are completely unaware of it now. They know very little, and they draw hasty conclusions to guide their trading behavior.
In 1854, the German mathematician Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann (Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann) proposed a new non-European geometry that was neither Euclidean geometry nor Lobachevsky's geometry. However, for quite some time after it was proposed, this important mathematical discovery not only failed to win recognition and praise from society, but was instead subject to various distortions, accusations, and attacks, causing the new theory of Afro-European geometry to not be recognized by the academic community. Over more than half a century, the study of Riemannian geometry has also evolved from the local to the whole, producing many profound results that play an important role in other branches of mathematics and modern physics. With the development of large-scale analysis in the 60s, disciplines such as Riemann geometry and partial differential equations (especially the theory of differential operators), multiple complex function theory, and algebraic topology penetrated and influenced each other. Riemann geometry has also become a powerful tool in the canonical field theory (also known as Yang-Mills theory) in modern physics.
How many times have we met in my dreams. Arrived in a hurry and went in a hurry. Half-masking her pretty face in a hurry,
Peach blossoms are red overnight. They should be in the flower bush, not in the flower bush.
I would like to express my best wishes to you. Hope also has an east wind, and hate has an east wind.
Pretend you understand: 120—100—80—60—50—37—23—14
Attenuation sequence
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Analysis of Tesla's early trading rehearsal chart
Positions were increased between 138.95-140.50.
Positions were increased between 138.95-140.50.
There was a significant increase in positions in the 138.95-140.50 range.
There was a significant increase in positions in the 138.95-140.50 range.
Analysis of Tesla's early trading rehearsal chart
Analysis of Tesla's early trading rehearsal chart
Analysis of Tesla's early trading rehearsal chart
Analysis of Tesla's early trading rehearsal chart
Analysis of Tesla's early trading rehearsal chart
Analysis of Tesla's early trading rehearsal chart
Analysis of Tesla's early trading rehearsal chart
Analysis of Tesla's early trading rehearsal chart
Analysis of Tesla's early trading rehearsal chart
Analysis of Tesla's early trading rehearsal chart
Analysis of Tesla's early trading rehearsal chart
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