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Why Doesn’t Tesla Use LiDAR? LiDAR based AV has serious problem?

All the car markets except Tesla that roll out autonomous vehicles (AV) rely on a radar senor called LiDAR.
LiDAR needs HD map which is expensive to made and not practical. If this is true, the so called Level 3 or higher AV or robotaxi announced recently work only in a limited parameter. Hence such LiDAR based AV is still a long way to replace vehicles with driver and mass production is not possible in near future. On the other hand, Tesla who is using visual sensor called Tesla Vision looks more promising.
Tesla's autonomous driving tech used to rely both on cameras and radar, but it ditched the latter and adopted a new approach called Tesla Vision... Self-driving tech leaders such as General Motors, Waymo, and Mercedes-Benz all rely on sensors, but not Tesla.
Tesla Vision
Tesla has developed its own computer vision system, called Tesla Vision, to compute what Tesla's self-driving car sees. Based on Nvidia's CUDA, which is a parallel computing platform designed for graphics processing units (GPUs), this end-to-end system powers Tesla's Autopilot and self-driving technology. It relies on computer vision to make sense of the visual information gathered by the vehicle's cameras.

Rather than using LiDAR, Tesla's approach involves training the computer to recognize and interpret the visual world, with the goal of achieving autonomous driving capabilities. The manufacturer says it can dramatically speed up the training process thanks to its use of machine learning and its very own neural network, which runs on a supercomputer called Dojo.
Tesla is trying to solve autonomous driving with vision. LiDAR without HD maps is not useful. LiDAR is not the problem; HD Maps is the issue... For example, in the Waymo HD maps, engineers have to manually mark each driveway so that Waymo Autonomous Car doesn’t think it’s a road. It’s why Waymo vehicles are only in select few cities and work in a geofenced area that is pre-mapped. Those Level 5 Waymo Autonomous taxis do not work outside their pre-mapped area.
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