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Alibaba's ChatGPT

ChatGPT has taken the world by storm and many companies have jumped on the bandwagon by launching their own AI language models.

This AI fever has infected China too. Baidu and SenseTime have launched their AI chats, and several high-profile AI experts have founded their own AI startups recently.

During the Alibaba Cloud Summit on April 11, 2023, Alibaba announced the launch of its own AI chat, named Tongyi Qianwen (通义千问). As the most prominent private enterprise in China, any development from Alibaba attracts significant attention.

While Tongyi Qianwen may not offer significant differences from other AI chat applications in terms of its capabilities - draft emails, write movie script, copy-write, generate images, and do coding; the integration with Alibaba's existing successful products is what sets it apart.

DingTalk is one of Alibaba's most successful products and has become the leading workplace instant messaging app in China, with 179 million monthly active users as of December 31, 2022. By integrating with DingTalk, Tongyi Qianwen has the potential to significantly enhance the communication and collaboration capabilities of this already successful app.

Tencent's WeCom, which is a direct competitor to DingTalk, has 120 million monthly active users as of December 31, 2022. However, Tencent has stated that it is not in a rush to deploy an AI chat, giving Alibaba a first-mover advantage in the AI chat market in China.

The integration of Tongyi Qianwen with DingTalk offers a range of benefits to users. For instance, after a meeting on DingTalk, Tongyi Qianwen can automatically generate minutes and to-do lists, saving time and increasing productivity.

Another significant benefit is that Tongyi Qianwen can help users quickly understand the context of a discussion by summarizing the key points. This can be particularly useful in group chats where messages can quickly become overwhelming, and users may struggle to keep track of the discussion.
Alibaba's ChatGPT

With these capabilities, Tongyi Qianwen can significantly enhance the communication and collaboration capabilities of DingTalk, making it an even more powerful tool for businesses and individuals, further consolidating its market leadership position in the workplace instant messaging app space.

But it isn't just integrating Tongyi Qianwen with DingTalk, the AI chat will be extended to all businesses under Alibaba, including Tmall, AutoNavi Maps, Cainiao, Fliggy, Tmall Genie, etc. With its large customer base, this would aid with the adoption of Tongyi Qianwen, potentially making it the default AI chat platform in China.
Alibaba's ChatGPT

Alibaba is no stranger to AI. Alibaba has designed its own AI chip, Hanguang 800, which has been deployed to its data centers as part of its cloud computing infrastructure. Alicloud has been able to do image recognition, speech machine translation and more.

That said, other cloud providers such as AWS and Microsoft Azure offer similar capabilities too. But the difference is that the China market is often closed to foreign companies, and particularly in sensitive domains such as user data. As such, Alibaba would only need to compete against the local players such as Tencent, Baidu and Huawei when it comes to cloud computing services in China.

Thus far, Baidu is the only competitor that has released its ChatGPT model. However, Alibaba continues to be the market leader in cloud computing in China and has the advantage of distribution that its competitors lack.
Alibaba's ChatGPT

It is crucial for Alibaba to leverage its leading position and attract more customers to Alicloud by offering AI experiences. With its vast distribution and customer base, Alibaba has the potential to become the ChatGPT of China, thereby solidifying its market power and driving adoption of its AI products. This would further strengthen Alicloud's economic moat and enhance its competitive edge in the cloud computing space.
for more china insights: Growth Dragons
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