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$Enzolytics Inc.(ENZC.US)$  As experienced Traders/Investors, we all know that we must have Accts set up on a Mininum 4-6 Brokers to take advantage of what each one offers. It would be completely RECKLESS to your Portfolio if you didnt have many Accts set up (and used each day) for every Broker. We all know that some Brokers offer OTC Trading while others do not! Why would you just sit and wait for a particular Broker to start offering OTC Trading when you could have been using many others and gotten in early!
I first started buying a few Million Shares (sounds like a lot but it really wasnt) of ENZC in 2020 when it was just $0.0001 per share! $400 bought 4 Million Shares.
I bought a few more Million shares here and there  in 1st half of 2020 for $0.0002 - $0.0004 per share.  I made the mistake of using Tdameritrade for my OTC Trading (I LOVE Tdameritrade) but NOT for OTC Trades! I didnt like their $6.95 Fee for EVERY BUY and for EVERY SELL! Thats not smart especially when dealing with Sub-Penny Stocks!
I quickly turned to another Brokerage Firm (will keep Anonymous) because they had NO FEES for OTC Trades at the time!
Now…… as with ANY Investment (especially risky Sub-Penny Stocks), you MUST ALWAYS get your Initial Investment back plus “some” Profit ASAP!  It always much less stressful when all of the Shares you own are COMPLETELY FREE (then and in the future)!
I immediately sold 1/2 (5 Million Shares) at $0.001 each = $5,000 Total. That got ALL of my Initial Cap that i spent for All 10 Million Shares but also $2,600 of Profit.
The remaining 5Million Shares were COMPLETELY FREE to me after that! If the Stock went to $0 and never rebounded again……. doesnt matter because i recouped All of my Capital pkus made 100% Profit!
As always….. Take 30-35% out for Taxes (throw it in some type of “Safe Interest-Bearing” Acct) until Tax Time!
I put the 35% for Taxes ($1,750) away and used $1,000 for other investments (Mainly Crypto), Used $1,250 for personal use and the remaining $1,000 for buying more ENZC Shares when it dropped again a few days after selling.
Purchased 2.5 Million Shares at $0.0004 each.
Now i owned 7.5 Million Shares (ALL STILL FREE).
But like almost Every OTC Stock at the time, most of them SKYROCKETED beyond all expectations!
I sold 1 Million Shares at $0.018 ($18,000 total) in Oct 2020.  Thats $18,000 of Pure Profit (bc they were FREE).
I sold 2 Million when it hit $0.1 per share in Dec 2020 ($200,000 total) Pure Profit!
In Feb 2021, I sold 3.5 Million Shares at $0.83 per share ($2,905,000 Total). $2.9 Million Wow!
I kept 1 Million open just in case but should have sold 1/2 of it but cant be greedy.
All in All i spent $2,000 Total for shares and that made me over $3 Million.
Please dont think this post was to Gloat!! Far from It!! This pales in comparison with the Fortune that ive made with Crypto since 2014.
The point Im teting to make is to:                                1) Have many different Accts set up on different Brokers. Never use just 1. Youre only hurting you 2) ALWAYS get your Initial Investment out ASAP! Who cares if your buddies or the Discord Group you belong to tells you “DONT SELL UNTIL it hits ‘This Price or That Price’. Thats just Retarded.         3) Dont ever “Not” Sell because youre afraid of paying Taxes!! Who cares about paying Taxes?? You will make MUCH MUCH more Money selling ‘some’ at Highs, paying Uncle Sam and then buying MORE at Lows!!
Be Safe and Act Smart!! 👍🏻
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    - Market Investor since 1992. - Options Trader (8) Years - Crypto Trader/Hodler (2014 - Present)