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What's your view on choosing stock trading as a full-time career?
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[will life really be more comfortable as a full-time stock investor, ❓]?

As a full-time stock investor, first of all, you must have certain capital and good grades before you can consider becoming a full-time stock investor. Otherwise, you are likely to give up, because you need to bear too much pressure, just as the pressure on money is everyone's biggest worry. When you want to be a full-time stock investor, you need to think about several things before making a decision.

1. Do you have a lot of burdens on hand, such as mortgage, car loan, family expenses, or credit card debt. Then you have to ask yourself, do you like investing, do you like stocks, ❓? Being a full-time investor is a puzzling job. In addition to looking at stocks and studying stocks every day, you also need friends to talk about stocks and complain together, otherwise life will be very difficult.

two。 It's not just investment, you also need to allocate funds, for example, some funds are invested in growing companies, some speculate to earn pocket money in high-risk stocks, don't listen to those people say you must invest or hold them for a long time. That's because they bought it at a high point, so they said that. Not everyone has that patience. If you are a full-time investor, you also need to eat, so speculation is also a must. If your life depends on the stock market, you need a lot of courage to be a full-time investor. Everyone has his own way, but the most important thing is that you need to make money.

3. In fact, the stock market is good or bad can also make money, you have learned all the fundamentals and technical aspects do not necessarily guarantee that you make money in the stock market, in fact, the most important thing is that you need stable emotional management, capital management and a variety of experience in the stock market. You need to try the experience of losing money and the feeling of making money, but you must achieve a goal that you won't feel when you lose or win money. This should be very difficult for everyone to do! So I want to say that not everyone can withstand this kind of pressure. When you are an employee, you can basically live a simple life, and you don't have to worry about money. You get a steady income every month. You just worry about the deadline you need to finish your work and what needs to be done for your boss.

5. As a full-time stock investor, you have to think like a boss doing business, and then increase your money, how to manage your money, and then keep making money (win more and lose less). The happiest thing for you is that you don't have employees. You don't have to worry about how to pay your employees if you don't make money. You just need to be responsible to yourself and your family. Some people retire and then learn to be investors, so basically they don't make money from the stock market, they just want to find something to do.

6. You must ask, as a full-time stock investor, are you sure you can make money every time? In fact, to be honest, it is impossible to make money every time, but you can make more money with less loss.

7. I have also experienced the experience of losing money, and I have lost at least five figures, but I have also made money in the stock market. Everyone envies you that you can be a full-time investor, but who knows the bitterness behind it? I want to say that your life is your choice, and there is no right or wrong if you want to live a better life or a simpler life. But I chose a different path than others. I did what others didn't do and accomplished what others couldn't accomplish.

There are often several reasons why people can't be full-time stock investors:-

? It is because people's life is stressful, like all kinds of expenses and burdens, which makes it impossible to judge some things rationally in the stock market.

? Can not control the state of mind of greed, always want to win big money, always want to make a fortune in one day.

? It won't stop the loss and lead to a lot of money.

? Can not survive the market pessimistic period, so often people just can not bear the hardship to give up.

There is no specific definition of how much money it takes to be a full-time stock investor. To sum it up simply is to make sure that you earn money by investing in stocks (passive income is higher than daily expenses).

So how do you do that?

You can think about the following questions:

Budget and Psychological preparation

1. How much is your fixed monthly expense? And how much do you think an annual budget will be? Please include the expenses at all stages of your life.

two。 Calculate the above budget with a discount rate of 7% to see what it will be today? 7% is the average rate of return of a stock market, which may not be accurate, but at least you have a bottom in mind.

3. Are you willing to give up your high salary and live a life where you don't know what your salary will be next month? Because you need to have at least six months to a year of reserves for living expenses, reduce your unnecessary expenses in daily life.

4. Once you regret choosing to be a full-time stock investor one day, do you have a skill that will allow you to re-enter the workplace? If not, can you cultivate one?

5. Are you a man of self-control? Because a full-time stock investor means that you are your own boss, your self-discipline will directly affect your income.

6. Are you an indefatigable learner? Because the stock market is a trading market that combines many factors, you need to constantly refine your thinking and vision in order to increase your return on investment.

7. How far have you learned about stocks at present? Reading, studying and having classes? Is your mode of operation reliable?

8. What is your stock return in the past year? Is it stable? Can you continue to get a steady return? Is your return on investment better than the market?

9. What percentage of your portfolio will stocks with fixed dividends account for? Remember, in case of a stock market crash that year, at least you have some dividends to make ends meet.

10. Do you have a clear understanding of your risk orientation and calculate the reasonable return you can get in the stock market?

Finally, I want to say, if you have a stable job, do it well, and don't want to be a full-time investor, because you need a lot of courage to give up your current well-paid job and live an unstable income. Unless you really love stocks and want to be free in life. But believe me, from the stock market, you can understand the horror of human nature and some things you can't get at work. But in my life, I know some people who want to be a full-time stock investor, but have not been successful, so he is still working hard in this direction. Fortunately, he still has a free working time and can be a part-time investor. There are also successful examples, earning the first bucket of gold in his life, but also paying a lot of price.

Are there any moo friends here who are also full-time stock investors? ? ‍♂️? ‍♀️

If not, how long have you been exposed to stocks? Leave a message and let me know.
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