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Musk terminates Twitter deal: hero or zero?
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Do u see the pattern?

March 14: Musk bought 9.2% of Twitter stakes.
March 25: Musk: Do you believe Twitter rigorously adheres to free speech?
March 26: Musk: Is a new platform needed?
March 27: Musk: Seize the memes of production!
April 4: Files are revealed. $Twitter (Delisted)(TWTR.US)$ surged 27%.
Do u see the pattern?
Do u see the pattern?
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  • Johnnie WorkerOP : Holly Moly. I feel big moves are coming out! Hands shaking

  • jasonbehr87 : jesus christ. u cannot have total freedom of speech! human beings are not evolved enough to truly know what responsibilities are. we do have the responsibilities to human kind. if there is no regulations to these speech, u get people like some ex president who simply said he wanted to nuke a country. who is to be responsible then? do we really really value freedom of speech that much? do we really want to live in war times and suffer the freedom we get for talking cock? Jesus christ!

  • Johnnie WorkerOP jasonbehr87: Good got it bro

  • pixistix : I fully agree. there are some limits to freedom of speech.  things said can enrage the idiot mobs to go and storm places and probably kill the people inside if they found them.  when people say they are mad they don't have freedom of speech what they usually mean is they are mad they don't have freedom of hate and discrimination.  same for religious freedom but that's another topic in itself

  • TeslaSmurf : FREE SPEECH is not the liberty to throw shitloads on your opponent or stimulate violence of any kind. MUSK is not going to de-regulate, not at all. He is going to eliminate the single-thought BIOS as much as possible, allowing different positions on a matter to express them self with less “politically correct” censorship and unilateral BIOS. That will be done mostly by opening the algorithm and making public the level of intervention that can alterate it’s visibility on each Tweet. The mainstream “intelligence” is MAD because the censorship, the bios, and the possibility to empower some tweets and users rather than others won’t be in their hands any more.
