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Co-Wise: What habits help you become a better trader?
Views 102K Contents 146

well let's just say that one wouldn't continuously trade the...

well let's just say that one wouldn't continuously trade their new car for a worse one right.. then in the same since you wouldn't trade your car if you new nothing about it except the fact that it moves.. and in the concept of move we've got two things.. up and down.. (airplane-high) (train-moderate) (greyhound-low) but even better the roller coaster.. if is just a low level no turns flips oohs and ahhs.. you're not gonna get on it again.. your gonna fine the one with most excitement right (high) the one just right you can ride all the time (mod.) the simple ride (low).. the habits in which I want to see a benefit in my everyday life and it's excitement so to speak.. lol are the habits I'd use to become a better trader.. but that's just my opinion.. I seek to become a better person everyday.. why not trade the same way right.. read research redirect redefine
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  • carririlin : Everyone wants to make progress. The key is how to find a way to make progress

  • Jrome IngramOP : absolutely my friend.. if I know I have knowledge why not seek those who have the same.. or even more.. now I've gained a another perception.. more knowledge.. and now I can pass it on to those who do not have it
