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$Camber Energy (CEI.US)$ should I sell before the weekend ? ...

$Camber Energy(CEI.US)$ should I sell before the weekend ? I'll make a tiny profit but I won't lose money. will it go past $1.45?
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  • joejoejoejoejoe : Don't panic sell. next week will go up if you trust me.

  • xierongliang : I think if you are already pondering about it. then you should. it kinda suggests your risk appetite. I speak from my own experience, as its smth I usually do. I sell for a small gain, and the next minute the share rips up. hah. but as long as you are okay and at ease with your decision whatever it may be, and take accountability if you choose to hold longer. then all is well. there is no real right or wrong answer when it comes to your money and how you want to handle it. the process is the key.

  • High Profit Low Loss : Maybe you can sell half. Disclaimer!

  • GaryAng : 50% ppl tell u hold.. where else 50% tell u to sell. Who do U trust? End day it’s your own $$ .. u believe in it u hold.. u don’t believe in it u sell.. ultimately it’s your own call.. asking ppl here will make u more confuse

  • Allen Cox : I would hold myself

  • Northwest ADHDOP : I bought because other ppl I follow are buying. I have a traumatic brain injury it's hard to research. but looks good as far as I can see

I'm someone that's new to investing but eager to learn.