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Two types of posters today

$AMC Entertainment(AMC.US)$ Is it a coincidence? No way lol the ONLY negative comments in here today, are from people who have 0 shares (they've stated the same) or sold too early/tried to buy too late and they're trying to pop the bubble of teh 95% of us in the green.
Shouldn't that tell you all it needs to about how to read these comment threads? I can tell just by an OPs post whether they even have stakes in here
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  • AP0CR1PH4 : Very nice .. please do not spread false and incorrect information on peoples intent. It’s an unhealthy paranoia. No one is trying to sabotage you. Nor do you know a single persons private information. This is a terrible display of dishonesty..

  • Rebelraven : BIG ?$#@$ FACTS 💯.. let haters hate

  • 71418558 : more than 2 types. Positive/hopeful believe in AMC, negative a-holes believe people are dum-aholes for purchasing AMC, realistic reasonable people with no personal stake and trying to help and warn people never to put all your eggs in one basket, trolls (always trolls), a-holes who believe in AMC but will call everyone who DARES gives a different opinion  dum aholes.

  • Caleb UttOP AP0CR1PH4: Your comment is a little - confusing.
    Yes, it is terribly dishonest when someone like the poster that followed your comment pops in to threads to try to convince people to dip out and essentially ignore the group they bought in with. Trying to separate the herd.

    And there's a lot of that today. People lose money when they buy in to a group like this, and then individuals stray them away and they sell for a loss. I've literally seen three people come BACK this week who sold last week for similar reasons that are upset, understandably so. So people like 71418558 can get lost

  • Arturo Adams : Let’s face it tho most of these new AMC investors are crash dummies from Reddit lol the smart folks are making a quick buck here.

  • AP0CR1PH4 Caleb UttOP: The meaning was you’re stating false intent. Like someone is trying to sabotage everyone. When it was clearly good willed with no such intent. That is all. I’m still a supporter of the people and this investment , and was sending a message to the people on here that I know are highly influenced by the masses. I’m not some corporate spy here dissuading people from this investment. To make those claims and be unreasonable in the examination of my comments is just absurd and unnecessary.

  • Arturo Adams Caleb Utt: Hedgefunds definitely trade with prime brokers not on individual brokers lol but hey I get it it’s very easy to call anyone disagreeing with you a hedgie without even knowing if they are or not haha

  • Caleb UttOP Arturo Adams: Okay.. I know two people who I graduated with that work for AQR and both have told me over drinks about runs they've had with a little social media manipulation (I'm looking at you Dogecoin). But again, whatever you say. lol

  • Arturo Adams : Yea anyone can look at social media patterns and become a beneficiary of a movement. That’s what pump and dumps are just gotta be smart when putting your own money on the line. I’m sure there’s plenty of regular folks behaving or playing the game like a hedgie would I mean if it works it works

  • AP0CR1PH4 : Why are comments being deleted Lol.

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