Michael McCarthy CCO
Jan 3 11:57
Ask a strategist - Trump's first day
What are margin trading and short selling
What is margin trading or short selling for
How can I do margin trading or short selling
How do I know whether a stock supports margin trading or short selling
Where can I find the margins for margin trading and short selling / What is the meaning of each term
How many funds or shares can I borrow at most for margin trading or short selling
Is there any fee for margin trading and short selling
What is dividend payment for borrowed stocks
Trade preview (estimated)
About Margin Calls
The most significant advantage of margin trading is that it can help amplify your returns on investment. Here is an example:
Suppose you have $10,000 in cash, and the market price of a stock is $100, with a margin of 50%. You can buy 100 shares with your own cash and borrow another $10,000 from Moomoo Financial Inc. to buy another 100 shares, with the shares you previously bought as collateral. Now you hold 200 shares ($100 per share) through margin trading, and the market value of your position is $20,000.
When the stock price rises by 50% to $150 per share, the market value of your position becomes $30,000. Since the funds you borrowed from Moomoo Financial Inc. remain unchanged at $10,000, your equity rises to $20,000.
Short selling is a strategy commonly used when you believe the price of a stock is about to fall. For short selling, you do not own the stock yourself; instead, you need to borrow it from a brokerage and sell it. When the stock price falls, you buy back the stock and return it to the brokerage, thus earning the spread. Here is another example:
Suppose the market price of a stock is $100 per share, and you think the stock price will fall in the future. You first borrow 100 shares of the stock from a brokerage and sell them. Now you have $10,000 in cash due to the sale, while the number of shares becomes -100. After a period of time, the stock price drops to $50 per share. Now you only need to spend $5,000 buying 100 shares of the stock and return them to the brokerage. The remaining $5,000 is your return on short selling.