In One Chart
Jan 10 22:02
Here's the Breakdown for US December Nonfarm Payrolls, in One Chart
Terms and Agreements
Risk Disclosures
Account Opening Disclosure
Margin Disclosure Statement
OCC Risk Disclosure
Extended Trading Hours Risk Disclosure
New Issues Risk Disclosure Statement
Hong Kong Securities Risk Disclosure
China Stocks and the Stock Connect
Day Trading Risk Disclosure Statement
SEC Rule 606 Report Disclosure
Instant Deposit Agreement
Risks of Trading Single-Stock and Spot Cryptocurrency ETFs
Important Information on Penny Stocks
Virtual Currency Trading Risk Disclosure
Fractional Share and Notional Trading Disclosure
Dividend Reinvestment Program (DRIP) Terms and Conditions
Mobile Money by moomoo — Disclaimers
Other Disclosures
Form Customer Relationship Summary
Cash Sweep
1.Investments in foreign securities involve certain risks that differ from the risks of investing in domestic securities.
2.Adverse political, economic, social or other conditions in a foreign country may make the stocks of that country difficult or impossible to sell.
3.It is more difficult to obtain reliable information about some foreign securities.
4.The costs of investing in some foreign markets may be higher than investing in domestic markets.
5.Investments in foreign securities also are subject to currency fluctuations.
Securities on the Hong Kong Exchange are subject to a minimum 「board lot size」 (also known as a 「trading unit」) that is determined by the issuer. Securities of less than one trading unit—an 「odd lot」—may be manually matched for trading but the price may be worse than the price for a trading unit. You may check the boardlot size of a security here.