
Rowboyz 保密 ID: 70962590
    $AMC院线(AMC.US)$ One of my favorite things to do is to see the red, smile and get ready for bed. Following all the DD i've read and studying how Volkswagen squeezed afew years back, it gives me a small comfort to sleep on it. Its a win win situation for me.
    Either it moons and i wake up to a new mansion on mars, or it stays red and the squeeze continues to add more tension for when it bursts and moons even more.
    In the meantime, ill eat my crayons, hold and do what little i can ever week. We are in this together!...
    Not because of the stock or being in the red...but because of having to see the blatant manipulation and overall conspiracy to keep them down. Ive viewed as much DD as i come across from both pro and con sources and one thing that is super clear to me, is there is some high scale fuckery going on.
    Im not the smartest man in the world, nor do i claim to be, but watching GME take off and being FOMO on AMC back when it was 9 USD is showing the amount of BS that happens at the top of the proverbial economic ladder has me scared because i dont even have a college education and can clearlt see this shit...but the people in charge cant? or rather...REFUSE to see it? Idk man...im thinking torches and pitchforks lmao...
    $AMC院线(AMC.US)$ I bought in at 9 with 20 stocks. I have been averaging up since then to where im at now (17 average with 120 stock). My margin has gone up enough for me to finish paying my car off and help my wife out of debt so we can move forward with our lives. That would be nice already and change my life. However im not going to be doing that. I sat by watching GME do its thing and was paralyzed by fear that id lose what little i could spend on extra things. I regret only doing 2 stocks and paper handing it before i could make a real investment. I will not regret AMC. I will not sell until 100k MINIMUM. If it is still trending up, HODL! I will not be abandoning ship. I will not be selfish and cover my own arse. I will do what i can to take my shares from the hedges! I stand with Apes! Hold the line! Give them nothing, but take from them everything!
    Also, this is not financial advice or a call to action. This is a declaration of intent and commitment! Hold the line and we will all be able to life the lives weve always wanted to!...
    $AMC院线(AMC.US)$ Not the richest man and only have 120 stocks here, but i bought in at 8 and have been averaging up. Come tuesday, putting down 600 more bucks. Probably gonna be about 20-30 stocks only, but every bit helps. Apes together strong!
    $AMC院线(AMC.US)$ 我最初在8.50左右买入,从那以后 “平均上涨”。我持有这份长期股票,目前有120只股票,我最新的股票组合为16股,使我的平均股价约为13只。鉴于随着时间的推移我会坚持下去并投入更多精力(我不知道是对挤压的信心还是只是个固执的猿哈哈),求平均值通常是一件好事对吗?
    $AMC院线(AMC.US)$ I was late to the GME party and wasnt confident enough to stick it through. Im proud to say i put 40 more stocks down and am looking to sit on this for as long as need be! HODL, dip, buy and HODL!
    Can i be an ape now? :)