
melgohjd 保密 ID: 102961489
    melgohjd 评论了
    Futu’s 9th Anniversary Challenge Game has been launched recently. On such a short notice, it has attracted a large number of users to participate in the game with great enthusiasm.
    For new participants, though, it could be difficult for them to maneuver moomoo, our hero, through the game. Failing to rise through the rank in the game could result in losing the chance to get a slice of the $200,000 final prize.
    Don’t worry! Here are some useful tips to guide you through the game.
    Tip 1: Keep in mind that extra lives could greatly improve the odds of winning. To get extra lives, you can complete the tasks listed to gain more chances to play and strike for higher scores and better rewards. Please complete the tasks as much and as soon as possible.
    Tip 2: If you are an iPhone user, you may turn the Low Power Mode off or start the game with the battery full charged. High refresh rate mode would be ideal, because it enables a higher frame rate in the game, which could smooth your gaming experience and potentially improve your performance. 
    Tip 3: When you make the jumps, it is better to jump over one obstacle at a time. Since each jump to the central point is rewarded with one point, if you jump over multiple obstacles at a time, you will get one point only. Besides, it is much more difficult to jump over several obstacles at once.
    Tip 4: Winning the game becomes harder as you are entering into the next level. The first three levels are the easiest. Please try your best to practice jumping to the center point between the obstacles to make the best of these levels. You may feel easier to adapt to harder modes with more practice.
    Tip 5: The more times the game is cleared, the more obstacles and the higher the difficulty will be. Please noted that more risks potentially lead to higher scores. You will gain extra points after overcoming obstacles, so jumping over more obstacles can help you accumulate more points. In this way, it is possible for you to obtain higher scores in higher levels, but you still have to be careful when the risk increases.
    Tip 6: For the newbies of the game who are not confident in their ability to reach the central points, you can firstly take small steps to the front of the obstacle and then jump over it. Despite of the more steps you have to take, it’s more secure in this way.
    Tip 7: According to data collected, failure happens the most frequently at the corners in the game. You must be careful with corners by taking small steps when pass through them.
    Tip 8: Going fast does not always lead to success. Keeping your own pace during the game and your investment journey brings more safety and success.
    With these tips, feel free to compete with mooers now!
    Let's Moo-ve: 9th Anniversary Challenge Game Guide
    Let's Moo-ve: 9th Anniversary Challenge Game Guide
    Let's Moo-ve: 9th Anniversary Challenge Game Guide
    $谷歌-C(GOOG.US)$ $谷歌-A(GOOGL.US)$ 对股东来说是个好消息。谷歌云前首席执行官黛安·格林想签订美国联邦政府的云合同,这是可以理解的,但是,她不得不在这个问题上与桑达尔·皮查伊作斗争——皮查伊支持谷歌员工荒谬、幼稚和站不住脚地反对他们的公司与美国政府做生意。你能想象吗?这些婴儿正在收获和平、自由和繁荣的成果,他们在一家本来只能在美国成立的公司工作,但是,当他们的国家政府在技术问题上需要援助时,他们不愿为该国政府提供帮助。
    $亚马逊(AMZN.US)$ $苹果(AAPL.US)$
    Apple Music拥有大量订阅者,但亚马逊音乐也有强大的订阅者群。除此之外,亚马逊还通过其Echo设备在智能扬声器领域拥有巨大的市场份额。亚马逊一直以最低的价格出售Echo设备,还为在Echo设备上使用该服务的Amazon Music Unlimited客户提供大幅折扣。
    亚马逊还可以通过其他服务通过用户获利。据报道,Echo用户在亚马逊零售平台上的购买量更高。因此,亚马逊有能力为Echo设备和音乐流媒体提供折扣。这也迫使苹果出售低于100美元的HomePod Mini。但是苹果将无法为类似于亚马逊的音乐服务提供折扣,因为它会挤压利润。苹果也没有其他服务可以让低利润音乐流媒体业务的客户获利。
    苹果正试图通过Apple One建立一项基础服务,该服务足以让客户尝试其他服务,例如fitness+。但是苹果缺乏主播服务将损害Apple One的增长。苹果需要迅速扩大其电视+的吸引力,使其成为Apple One中的主播服务。这将需要大量投资。同时,迪士尼(DIS)、Netflix(NFLX)、HBO Max(T)和亚马逊等其他参与者也在增加对该细分市场的投资,这将使Apple TV +难以获得大量追随者。
    苹果现在在音乐、视频、游戏和许多其他服务方面直接与亚马逊竞争。Apple One没有类似于Prime会员零售平台的主播服务来吸引客户。与苹果服务领域的增长相比,亚马逊的订阅收入增长速度也更快。亚马逊音乐的更大折扣和对视频流媒体的更高投资可以使Prime会员成为理想的 “足够好” 的服务,这将限制苹果的订阅增长。
    投资在很大程度上取决于预期 “买入股票的依据是预期,而不是事实” 引自杰拉尔德·勒布。
    反过来,投资者的预期是由财报公告中提出的数字所推动的,多少 惊喜/令人沮丧 根据公布的数字出现?
    根据收益同比增长,公司的盈利能力是否会持续下去?为此, 增长率是关键 🔑。
    让我们回顾一下智能货币的最爱之一: $奇波雷墨西哥烧烤(CMG.US)$
    在这个例子中,盈利增长的积极意外导致了市场的反应,将股价从1600区间飙升至1800和1900区间。 Lo'and Behold,鉴于其2020年1月的交易市盈率为40,这被认为对某些人来说是 “昂贵的”。
    “高” 市盈倍数是 合理的基于公司收益的增长和公司的快速扩张导致市盈倍数如此之高,投资者愿意在当前水平上买入 期望 与其他低增长公司相比,收益将增长。
    除了数字,如果没有数字,财报发布怎么可能完成 指导?
    一个典型的例子: $奈飞(NFLX.US)$
    市场反应消极(-7.40%)仅基于订阅者增长将受到抑制的指导方针,同时考虑到其驱动因素 $奈飞(NFLX.US)$的收益增长。
    市场是一个充满活力的地方,并非所有公司都是平等的 因此,其他公司的指导发布会有所不同,例如 $特斯拉(TSLA.US)$专注于车辆交付
    所以收益是 毫无疑问,这确实是股价的一个关键事件。 预计在盈利期内,波动性将激增(基于股票可能不稳定的上涨或下跌走势),对某些人来说,这是另一个机会之窗。
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    🚀🚀🚀🌕🌕🌕 收益是关键 🌕🌕🌕🚀🚀🚀
    🚀🚀🚀🌕🌕🌕 收益是关键 🌕🌕🌕🚀🚀🚀
    🚀🚀🚀🌕🌕🌕 收益是关键 🌕🌕🌕🚀🚀🚀