
71789838 保密 ID: 71789838
I started my journey just 2 months ago. I dove right in. Moo
    $Larimar Therapeutics(LRMR.US)$ director bought 5million dollars worth of shares. Probably means their FDA hold is about to be taken off. send it back up to 15.00. 30% profit. Will be big gap ups.
    The only way you can get real news about America is from foreign media reports. US media has become entangled with Big tech and Government so bad you cant tell them apart. For example, recent reports that Hunter may have paid prostitutes with his father’s account were blacked out by mainstream media which exhaustively pursued any story related to the Trump children and their dealings and life styles. Now, however, there is a major allegation that Hunter used access to his father to seal previously unknown deals with Mexican businessmen, including Carlos Slim. The new emails include references to the use of Air Force II by Hunter Biden to pursue the deals — a similar pattern revealed with regard to the China dealings. The emails detail a number of visits to Mexico, including a February 2016 flight on Air Force II with his father.  On the plane was his business partner Jeff Cooper, who ran Illinois-based SimmonsCooper.  That is one of the largest asbestos litigation firms in the country and Hunter was given 3 percent of Cooper’s venture capital firm Eudora Global, according to emails. President Biden’s brother (who featured in past controversial deals) was also reportedly involved in some of these efforts. Hunter also arranged for then Vice President Biden to have dinner on April 16, 2015 with his Ukrainian, Russian and Kazakhstani business associates. Everything Biden denied turned out...
    Years of ultra-loose fiscal and monetary policies have put the global economy on track for a slow-motion train wreck in the coming years. When the crash comes, the stagflation of the 1970s will be combined with the spiraling debt crises of the post-2008 era, leaving major central banks in an impossible position. During the 2007-08 financial crisis, high debt ratios (private and public) caused a severe debt crisis – as housing bubbles burst – but the ensuing recession led to low inflation, if not outright deflation. Owing to the credit crunch, there was a macro shock to aggregate demand, whereas the risks today are on the supply side. The warning signs are already apparent in today’s high price-to-earnings ratios, low equity risk premia, inflated housing and tech assets, and the irrational exuberance surrounding special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs), the crypto sector, high-yield corporate debt, collateralized loan obligations, private equity, meme stocks, and runaway retail day trading. At some point, this boom will culminate in a Minsky moment (a sudden loss of confidence), and tighter monetary policies will trigger a bust and crash. Policies that are feeding asset bubbles will continue to drive consumer price inflation, creating the conditions for stagflation whenever the next negative supply shocks arrive. Such shocks could follow from renewed ...
    Power can sometimes be won or maintained without violence, but never without fraud, because it is necessary to use the masses. CIA was actively in the business of defrauding the masses by secretly supporting the so-called non-Communist left and behaving as if it was just a spontaneous outgrowth of a free society. By turning the left to the service of its expanding empire, the CIA was applying a French Turn of its own by picking the best and the brightest, and the creation of the National Security Act of 1947 institutionalized it. Assisted by Britain’s Information Research Department (the IRD), the CIA recruited key former Soviet disinformation agents trained before the war who had managed non-Communist front groups for Moscow and put them to work. They used John Burnhams book as their CIA guidance. What Burnham was mainly concerned to show [in "The Machiavellians"] is that a democratic society has never existed and, so far as we can see, never will exist. Society is of its nature oligarchical, and the power of the oligarchy always rests upon force and fraud. Orwell is said to have modeled his novel "1984" on Burnham’s vision of the coming totalitarian state, which he described as "a new kind of society, neither capitalist nor Socialist.” You wonder why you hear Orwellian so much lately and refernces to his book 19...
    71789838 参与了投票
    对于那些投票给 “其他” 的人,请随时在您喜欢的MooMoo硬币名称下方发表评论。
    Apes 在一起很强大
    这是一个激动人心的市场,交易者和投资者应该更多地了解。我相信这不是为了取代股票投资,但加密货币可以成为现有投资组合的多元化。我们都应该拥有一些 $比特币(BTC.CC)$或与加密相关的股票,例如 $Coinbase(COIN.US)$
    希望当市场更容易接受加密货币时,每个人都会过得更好。我的 2 美分在这里。
    71789838 留下了心情
    If there was one distinctive feature that would enable one to tell the difference between a “bogus” digital currency and a real one, it would be this: Its not controlled by any outside goverments or officials.
    The era of private, cryptographically secured money is here, and there’s only 2 things bureaucrats, any politician or any nation state can do about it. Buy it all up or ban it. The first is near impossible. The second is more likely and its already being done. The New World Order or whoever is taking over the world has one thing their entire plan hinges on succeeding or failing.
    It all depends on people believing their narrative. Whenever confronted with opposition to their plan you will hear them echo it, time after time to regain control. They are already using it to stop Bitcoin, had their puppet Elon do a test run. The two words you will hear repeated over and over until their plan succeeds are Global Warming or Climate Change. Real or Not doesnt really matter. The problem with it that people dont understand that should stop it in its tracks is that EV isnt even possible as a carbon reducer. Everything we build requires lots of carbon and there is no substitute. You want to stop global warming then you have one and only one choice: STOP PRODUCING ANYTHING. There are no substitutions. You either live in comfort or you ...
    $维视图像(MVIS.US)$ 来吧宝贝,如果你要骑在我的背上,至少拉我的头发!
    71789838 评论了
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