
Trickymosquito6 保密 ID: 70936214
    $AMC院线(AMC.US)$ OMG Guys this rocket ride is NUTZ!!! Holy poop, if we gain another 1.80 we will have not lost money today!! ITS TOO FAST AND IM SCARED!! Those hedgies are paying for it now!!
    $AMC院线(AMC.US)$ 我无法一次对所有傻瓜进行再教育,而且我知道你们的内裤都发生了变化,因为你以为自己要去月球但事实证明你今天可能已经失去了一些进展,所以你情绪激动。当你们情绪不那么脆弱的时候我会弹出来听逻辑的
    $AMC院线(AMC.US)$ 想一想。我知道我问了很多,可能会让你头疼,但是想一想;
    $AMC院线(AMC.US)$ 你会相信谁?那些一直叫你 “等着会发生!” 的家伙还是那个奇迹般地日复一日地预测这个混蛋金块的轨迹的人?
    $AMC院线(AMC.US)$ I also posted my full name on here when a couple morons kept hinting at “releasing my identity”
    I do not give an effe. Not one of you all are gonna show up anywhere and do anything to me. You guys have fallen for a clearly crappy stock hook line and sinker, I very much doubt any of you are allowed to travel without a caretaker of some sort
    $AMC院线(AMC.US)$ So somehow this garbage is gonna find a way to be worth less than at today’s open when whathisface? MindDoesntMatter? Oh yes MindOverMatter, what b.s were you letting fall outta your mouth earlier?
    Once again the very simple math has prove me correct and all you children are once again staring at your screens with a shocked look of disbelief.
    The gains you saw earlier were due to some relatively positive news for AMC, so some folks jumped in, thinking perhaps there would be some profit here, and they were right, but they know what everyone else with a brain in their head knows. Long term, this is a dumpster fire on wheels. Cinemark is actually shorted more than AMC, thats because nobody wants to go sit in a room with a bunch of other trash humans. There is a reason most of us have either seen a fight or been involved in one at a theater, people begrudgingly used to deal with it cause you had to in order to take in a new piece of cinema. No longer is that the case. Nobody wants to interact with a bunch of strangers, they will avoid it like its the DMV if at all possible....
    $AMC院线(AMC.US)$ Shorts will cover over an extended period of time to snuff out any remaining interest in AMC, They’ll cover using that nifty new fund, but they wouldnt dream of (and im fairly certain the SEC or some other regulatory body have advised them to cover slowly over time. If AMC fulfilled all the hopes and dreams and went to 500k or even 10k a share, it would create concentric ripples that travel out feom here and effect…everything. There are theories but nobody truly knows, and not knowing terrified regulatory bodies and government agencies. They arent gonna let a flock of mouth breathers who think the beginning and end of DD is to buy and hold to effect the fundamental methods in which far bigger, far more important people utilize to transfer and grow wealth.
    6 years from now you’ll hear the same old b.s to explain away a stock that is almost guaranteed to underwhelm. Notice the majority (not all but certainly the lions share) of investors still interested in AMC seem unsophisticated, new to investing, or desperate for something….anything…to help them cover their bills. I get it there are a few pro’s but most of your compatriots can’t read the charts, have little to no clue in regard to order types, nobody dares mention fundamentals here, it’s like a bad word.
    Im not saying investing in AMC makes you dumb, im simply saying you have to be dumb ...