
Elon Musk Unfollows Tesla Investor Sawyer Merritt Over Alleged Confidential Information Leak: 'Don't Post ... And Expect Me To Follow'

Elon Musk Unfollows Tesla Investor Sawyer Merritt Over Alleged Confidential Information Leak: 'Don't Post ... And Expect Me To Follow'

Benzinga ·  04/30 22:32

Elon Musk has unfollowed prominent Tesla Inc. (NASDAQ:TSLA) investor Sawyer Merritt on X, formerly Twitter, due to an alleged breach of confidentiality.


What Happened: On Tuesday, a user on X, who goes by the name Brandon Smith on the platform, questioned Musk about this move stating that Merritt often breaks news about Tesla that employees don't disclose to the tech billionaire.


Musk responded, "Don't post leaks of confidential information and expect me to follow."


Don't post leaks of confidential information and expect me to follow

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 30, 2024


— 埃隆·马斯克 (@elonmusk) 2024 年 4 月 30 日

Smith then defended Merritt, stating that if Merritt had received confidential information directly, he wouldn't have posted it. He also requested Musk to give Merritt another chance.


If Sawyer was the one who directly received confidential info he wouldn't have posted it. Once the genie leaves the bottle... it's out of the bottle. If you join the spaces he's in regularly, he refrains from posting dubious "news" all the time. I ask you give him another chance.

— Brandon Smith (@BLSmith2112) April 30, 2024

如果 Sawyer 是直接收到机密信息的人,他就不会发布这些信息。一旦精灵离开瓶子... 它就会从瓶子里出来。如果你经常加入他所在的空间,他就不会一直发布可疑的 “新闻”。我请你再给他一次机会。

— 布兰登·史密斯 (@BLSmith2112) 2024 年 4 月 30 日

Not just Smith, but many other users on X defended Merritt. On the other hand, some people deduced that Merritt "amplified Elon's leaked email" and allegedly disclosed information about layoff. At the time of writing, Musk still wasn't following Merritt.

不只是史密斯,X上的许多其他用户也为梅里特辩护。另一方面,有人推断出梅里特 “放大了埃隆泄露的电子邮件”,并据称披露了有关裁员的信息。在撰写本文时,马斯克仍然没有关注梅里特。

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Benzinga reached out to Merritt and he pointed us toward his explanation on X.


This is what happened: Omar and I posted an article from @theinformation last night that we saw online. It was a public article that referenced an internal Tesla email from Elon Musk to his executives.

— Sawyer Merritt (@SawyerMerritt) April 30, 2024

事情就是这样:我和奥马尔昨晚发布了一篇来自 @theinformation 的文章,我们在网上看到了这篇文章。这是一篇公开文章,引用了埃隆·马斯克给其高管的特斯拉内部电子邮件。

— 索耶·梅里特 (@SawyerMerritt) 2024 年 4 月 30 日

Why It Matters: Merritt, a well-known Tesla investor, has been in the spotlight for his outspoken support of the company and its CEO. In March 2024, Merritt defended Musk against an op-ed that labeled him a "mediocre white man."

为何重要:著名的特斯拉投资者梅里特因其对公司及其首席执行官的直言不讳的支持而备受关注。2024年3月,梅里特针对一篇专栏文章为马斯克辩护,该专栏文章称他为 “平庸的白人”。

He also led a petition supported by Tesla, urging the U.S. auto safety regulator to reconsider classifying over-the-air software updates for safety concerns as "recalls."

他还领导了一份得到特斯拉支持的请愿书,敦促美国汽车安全监管机构重新考虑将出于安全考虑的无线软件更新归类为 “召回”。

Just earlier this week, Merritt humorously mocked a Tesla bear, Gordon Johnson, after the company's stock surged, signaling validation for Musk's leadership.


Merritt's actions have often aligned with Musk's vision, making this unfollowing incident all the more surprising.


Despite the unfollowing, it's important to note that this incident does not necessarily indicate a significant rift between Musk and Merritt. However, it does raise questions about the handling of confidential information within the Tesla community.


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