
DEI@Cadence: Empowering Women at Cadence Cork

DEI@Cadence: Empowering Women at Cadence Cork

DEI @Cadence:在 Cadence Cork 赋予女性权力
Accesswire ·  02/20 14:45

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are not just words but values that are exemplified through our One Team culture at Cadence. In the DEI@Cadence blog series, you'll hear the many unique perspectives and experiences of our global employees.

多元化、公平和包容性 (DEI) 不仅仅是言辞,而是价值观,我们在 Cadence 的 “一个团队” 文化中体现了这一点。在 DEI @Cadence 博客系列中,您将听到我们全球员工的许多独特视角和经历。

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / February 20, 2024 / In today's rapidly evolving corporate landscape, fostering diversity and inclusion is not just a trend but a crucial component of a thriving workplace. During my more than 15 years as a technical communications engineer at Cadence, I have experienced how, as an organization, we lead the charge with our robust women-centric initiatives that make our workplaces a beacon of equality and opportunity worldwide.

马萨诸塞州北安普敦/ACCESSWIRE /2024年2月20日/在当今快速变化的企业格局中,促进多元化和包容性不仅是一种趋势,也是工作场所蓬勃发展的关键组成部分。在我在 Cadence 担任技术通信工程师超过 15 年的时间里,我亲身经历了我们如何领导以女性为中心的强有力的举措,这些举措使我们的工作场所成为全球平等和机会的灯塔。

After beginning my career at Cadence India in June 2008, I relocated to the company's newest development center in Cork, Ireland, amid the pandemic in June 2021. This development center is a vital component of the award-winning Cadence Ireland team that was recognized as the Best Workplace for Women in Ireland in 2022. Despite the challenges of moving to a new place with my family, we were incredibly fortunate to receive exceptional support from the Cadence Cork team and immigration consultants, making our transition to Cork a seamless and enjoyable experience.

2008 年 6 月在 Cadence 印度开始我的职业生涯后,在 2021 年 6 月疫情期间,我搬到了该公司位于爱尔兰科克的最新开发中心。该开发中心是屡获殊荣的Cadence爱尔兰团队的重要组成部分,该团队被评为2022年爱尔兰最佳女性工作场所。尽管与家人一起搬到新地方时遇到了种种挑战,但我们非常幸运地得到了Cadence Cork团队和移民顾问的卓越支持,这使我们向科克的过渡成为了一次顺畅而愉快的体验。

Cadence Cork is a shining example of multiculturalism, boasting a team of 180 employees with 29 different nationalities. With such a diverse workforce, Cadence Cork has made a concentrated effort to design and implement impactful programs, both within and outside of the office, to promote equity.

Cadence Cork是多元文化主义的光辉典范,拥有一支由来自29个不同国籍的180名员工组成的团队。凭借如此多元化的员工队伍,Cadence Cork集中精力在办公室内外设计和实施有影响力的计划,以促进公平。

Women's Leadership Development Programs


Cadence is committed to promoting the growth of talented women within the company. The Cadence Women Conference (CWC) EMEA was held in Jerusalem, Israel in November 2022, providing women leaders with tailored workshops and seminars. After the success of CWC, four CWC EMEA Voice groups were formed to strengthen the Cadence women's community, create a strong professional brand, encourage women to drive their own careers, and improve the retention and hiring of women. I was fortunate to join the team dedicated to generating innovative ideas for recruiting and retaining women. Our goal is to achieve equity and overcome challenges faced by employees at the different Cadence locations, making a meaningful impact on diversity and inclusion initiatives.

Cadence 致力于促进公司内部有才华的女性成长。Cadence 欧洲、中东和非洲女性会议 (CWC) 于 2022 年 11 月在以色列耶路撒冷举行,为女性领导者提供量身定制的研讨会和研讨会。在 CWC 取得成功之后,成立了四个 CWC EMEA Voice 小组,以加强Cadence女性社区,创建强大的专业品牌,鼓励女性发展自己的职业生涯,提高女性的留存率和雇用率。我很幸运能加入这个致力于为招聘和留住女性提供创新想法的团队。我们的目标是实现公平并克服不同Cadence地点的员工所面临的挑战,对多元化和包容性计划产生有意义的影响。

These amazing opportunities perfectly align with the mission of Women@Cadence, which strives to equip women with the skills and knowledge they need to excel in leadership roles.

这些难得的机会与Women @Cadence 的使命完全一致,Women 致力于为女性提供在领导岗位上脱颖而出所需的技能和知识。

Cadence Women's Ireland Network

Cadence 爱尔兰女性网络

At Cadence Ireland, we value a strong support system in the workplace. That's why we created the Cadence Women's Ireland Network (CWIN), which includes all women employees across our three sites in Cork, Dublin, and Galway. As part of the Core CWIN team, we collaborate to establish a platform for women to connect, inspire, and empower each other. Our goal is to promote unity and support among women in the workplace.

在 Cadence 爱尔兰,我们重视工作场所强大的支持系统。这就是我们创建 Cadence 爱尔兰女性网络 (CWIN) 的原因 其中包括我们在科克、都柏林和戈尔韦的三个工厂的所有女性员工。作为 Core CWIN 团队的一员,我们合作建立一个平台,让女性相互交流、激励和赋权。我们的目标是促进工作场所女性的团结和支持。

The CWIN Core team hosts #Workshop2Inspire, delivering talks on mental, physical, and financial well-being to foster a professional, creative, and growth mindset. These workshops aim to boost innovation and mindfulness for all Cadence Ireland employees. They enhance your ability to think creatively, recognize opportunities, solve problems, and improve your overall well-being and resilience.

CWIN Core团队主持 #Workshop2Inspire,就心理、身体和财务状况发表演讲,以培养专业、创造和成长心态。这些研讨会旨在促进所有 Cadence 爱尔兰员工的创新和正念。它们增强了你创造性思考、识别机会、解决问题的能力,并改善了你的整体幸福感和适应力。

Cadence Ireland's talented women run #FunFriday sessions for their peers to connect, socialize, and learn about each other's interests. I find this a great way to build lasting connections and gain insights into colleagues' hobbies and expertise.

Cadence Ireland 的才华横溢的女性举办 #FunFriday 课程,让同龄人建立联系、社交和了解彼此的兴趣。我发现这是建立持久联系和深入了解同事爱好和专业知识的好方法。

Every Wednesday in collaboration with a local gym, CWIN's #ActiveWednesdays team conducts a series of strength-building exercises to promote physical fitness and wellbeing. They have also organized several onsite programs such as Heartbeat Screening Day, Menopause and Mental Health Seminar, and Health Screening Day to promote awareness and educate people on important health issues.

每周三,CWIN的 #ActiveWednesdays 团队与当地一家健身房合作,进行一系列力量增强练习,以促进身体健康和健康。他们还组织了多个现场活动,例如心跳筛查日、更年期和心理健康研讨会以及健康筛查日,以提高人们对重要健康问题的认识并对人们进行教育。

Technology Scholarship Program to Unlock the Academic Potential


Cadence Ireland is offering a scholarship worth €4,700 to five women students currently pursuing a Bachelor's, Master's, or PhD in computer science, computer engineering, electrical engineering, electronic engineering, or a closely related technical field. The scholarship is aimed at supporting and encouraging women in these fields to achieve their academic goals and to contribute to the advancement of technology and innovation in Ireland.

Cadence Ireland向目前正在攻读计算机科学、计算机工程、电气工程、电子工程或密切相关的技术领域的学士、硕士或博士学位的五名女学生提供价值4,700欧元的奖学金。该奖学金旨在支持和鼓励这些领域的女性实现其学术目标,为爱尔兰的技术和创新进步做出贡献。

Community Outreach Programs for Women


As the Cadence facility was being established in Cork, Ireland, new processes were formalized with a strong emphasis on building the brand in the industry. The senior leadership team here prioritizes various women-centric initiatives, such as Cadence Cork Women in STEM (CCWiSTEM), CWIN, and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities on their constant radar.

随着 Cadence 工厂在爱尔兰科克的建立,新的流程正式确定了,重点是打造该行业的品牌。这里的高级领导团队优先考虑各种以女性为中心的举措,例如Cadence Cork女性参与STEM(CCWistem)、CWIN和企业社会责任(CSR)活动,这些活动一直受到关注。

Cadence is committed to supporting women in EMEA who are pursuing science and engineering degrees. To tackle the issue of underrepresentation, we partnered with St. Patrick's Girls Secondary School to sponsor an after-school program and hosted a career day at our Cork site. Witnessing the students' enthusiasm and curiosity was truly inspiring. The company's CCWiSTEM team participates in events at universities to support and inspire girls. Their efforts contribute towards a more inclusive society.

Cadence 致力于为欧洲、中东和非洲地区攻读科学和工程学位的女性提供支持。为了解决代表性不足的问题,我们与圣帕特里克女子中学合作赞助了一项课后项目,并在我们的科克校区举办了职业生涯日。目睹学生的热情和好奇心确实令人鼓舞。该公司的CCWisTem团队参加大学的活动,以支持和激励女孩。他们的努力为建设一个更具包容性的社会做出了贡献。

We don't just mentor and inspire the next generation, we also believe in giving back to the community. Cadence Ireland organized a fundraising drive for Good Shepherd, a community service organization that supports women, children, and families who are unhoused or at risk of being unhoused, reflecting our commitment to making a positive impact on the world around us.

我们不仅指导和激励下一代,我们还坚信回馈社区。Cadence Ireland为Good Shepherd组织了一次筹款活动。Good Shepherd是一家社区服务组织,为无家可归或面临无家可归风险的妇女、儿童和家庭提供支持,这反映了我们对周围世界产生积极影响的承诺。

The women-centric initiatives driven in Cadence Cork are not just a testament to our commitment to gender equality but a reflection of our belief in the power of diversity. By creating an environment that empowers women, we are not only nurturing their professional growth but also strengthening our organization. As we continue to champion these initiatives, we are confident that our workplace will continue to thrive and evolve into a shining example of inclusivity and equality. I am proud to be part of a socially responsible organization that values diversity, encourages collaboration, and fosters innovation with inclusion.

Cadence Cork 推动的以女性为中心的举措不仅证明了我们对性别平等的承诺,也反映了我们对多元化力量的信念。通过创造一个赋予女性权力的环境,我们不仅促进了她们的职业发展,还加强了我们的组织。在我们继续支持这些举措的同时,我们相信我们的工作场所将继续蓬勃发展,成为包容和平等的光辉典范。我很自豪能成为一个具有社会责任感的组织的一员,该组织重视多元化,鼓励合作,并通过包容性促进创新。

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SOURCE: Cadence Design Systems

来源:Cadence 设计系统

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