
What Federal Reserve tapering means for markets

What Federal Reserve tapering means for markets

DowjonesNews MarketWatch ·  2021/10/31 20:58  · 深度

Expectations are running high for the Federal Reserve to lay out its plans next week to begin supplying less monetary aid to markets.

人们对美联储(Federal Reserve)下周将公布开始减少向市场提供货币援助的计划的期望很高。

That shouldn't surprise anyone listening to Fed Chair Jerome Powell or other high-ranking central bank officials talk lately about the U.S. economic recovery, inflation concerns, or the labor market.

听美联储主席杰罗姆·鲍威尔(Jerome Powell)或其他央行高级官员最近谈论美国经济复苏、通胀担忧或劳动力市场时,这应该不会让任何人感到惊讶。

But what happens if the Fed on Wednesday, after its two-day Federal Open Market Committee meeting, actually pulls the trigger and starts reducing its $120 billion monthly paces of bond purchases?

但是,如果美联储在周三,在为期两天的联邦公开市场委员会(Federal Open Market Committee)会议结束后,真的扣动扳机,开始缩减每月1200亿美元的债券购买速度,会发生什么?

Obviously, a ton of liquidity already has been poured into the market, and there are parts of fiscal stimulus that haven't even been distributed yet."

-said Tony Bedikian, head of global markets at Citizen Bank, in a phone interview.


-公民银行(Citizen Bank)全球市场主管托尼·贝迪基安(Tony Bedikian)在接受电话采访时表示。

With that backdrop, Bedikian said stocks should be supported by a continued risk-on trade into next year, even if the Fed also starts to modestly increase policy interest rates from the current 0% to 0.25% range.


He also anticipates the U.S. economy will keep recovering from the coronavirus pandemic and growing, as the Fed takes a step back, particularly if consumers continue spending and no "scares" emerge on the COVID front -- unless high inflation gets in the way.


"We continue to worry about elevated inflation," Bedikian said. "If it continues to be that way, then the Fed might have to hike more aggressively to help pull back inflation."


Inflation: gains, pains


Low-interest rates are designed to spur lending by banks during times of crisis and borrowing by companies and individuals.


Adding large-scale bond purchases by central banks into the mix provides an anchor, sinking bond yields and causing demand for stocks and other financial assets to rise.


"The whole point is a shock to the system," said Stephen Dover, Franklin Templeton's chief market strategist and head of its investment institute. "Right now, the reserve banks are continuing to buy more instruments," just perhaps less of them down the road. "It doesn't mean in the short-term they reduce what they already own."

富兰克林邓普顿(Franklin Templeton)首席市场策略师、投资机构负责人斯蒂芬·多佛(Stephen Dover)表示:“整个问题对整个体系都是一个冲击。”“目前,储备银行正在继续购买更多的工具,”只是未来可能会减少。“这并不意味着他们在短期内减少已经拥有的资产。”

That's also why things have gotten contentious. Billionaire hedge-fund manager Bill Ackman on Friday joined a growing chorus of market heavyweights urging the Fed to stand down.

这也是事情变得有争议的原因。亿万富翁对冲基金经理比尔·阿克曼(Bill Ackman)上周五加入了越来越多的市场重量级人物的行列,敦促美联储下台。

It's now been 19 months of Fed bond-buying, and its balance sheet roughly has doubled to a record $8.6 trillion. This chart shows how difficult it has been for the Fed to reduce its footprint in markets -- even modestly -- since it first started buying bonds after the 2008 global financial crisis.


Without extraordinary monetary policy actions, known on Wall Street as quantitative easing (QE), analysts at Société Générale estimate the $S&P 500 index(.SPX.US)$ would be closer to 1,800.


The S&P 500 on Friday closed at a new record at 4,605 while the $Dow Jones Industrial Average(.DJI.US)$ and $Nasdaq Composite Index(.IXIC.US)$ also punched deeper into record territory. The big three have gained 90% to 125% from their March 2020 lows, according to Dow Jones Market Data.

标准普尔500指数周五收于4,605点的新纪录,而$道琼斯工业平均指数(.DJI.US)$$纳斯达克综合指数(.IXIC.US)$也更深地冲击了创纪录的领域。道琼斯市场(Dow Jones Market)的数据显示,三巨头已从2020年3月的低点上涨了90%至125%。

"There's definitely a link between quantitative easing and the great appreciation we've seen in the stock market," Dover said, while also noting that fixed-income investors have struggled with low returns.


"It's greatly exacerbated the wealth gap," he said, by hurting "retired people who put everything in fixed-income, or middle class people" who didn't own stocks from 2008 and beyond. Many of those people also now face higher costs of living.


"The reserve bank almost seems like it is there to support the asset holder," he said.


Rating low rates


Besides stocks, emergency Fed pandemic policies also have been supportive of the U.S. housing market and big corporations.


Low 30-year mortgage rates and a dearth of the building since the last housing crisis have led values of U.S. homes to skyrocket to a collective $37.1 trillion as of the second quarter, a stunning 45.5% increase from the 2006 pre-crisis peak, according to the Urban Institute.

城市研究所(Urban Institute)的数据显示,30年期抵押贷款利率较低,加上自上一次房地产危机以来该建筑的稀缺,导致截至第二季度,美国房屋总价值飙升至37.1万亿美元,较2006年危机前的峰值惊人地增长了45.5%。

For major U.S. corporations, benchmark 10-year Treasury yields have climbed in the past three months but still ended October at 1.555%,  well below the Fed's 2% inflation target,  well below the current rate of inflation of over 5%,  and only about 40 basis points above its 12-month low set in January, according to Dow Jones Market Data.


U.S. companies in 2021 continued last year's historic borrowing spree to seize on low interest rates, even as earnings roared back. Flush with cash, they're also penciled in this year for a $1 trillion torrent of share buybacks, which Democrats want to tax to help find social-spending programs.


When do easy-money policies end? Wall Street thinks high inflation will prompt the Fed to hike interest rates faster than its "dot plot" projections imply.


But Kathy Bostjancic, chief U.S. Financial Economist at Oxford Economics, sees supply-chain bottlenecks which have pushed up prices for goods easing in mid-2022, leading to a slower path for policy interest rates to 1.5%.

但牛津经济研究院(Oxford Economics)首席美国金融经济学家凯西·博斯特贾西奇(Kathy Bostjancic)认为,供应链瓶颈推高了#年商品价格。2022年年中,导致政策利率向1.5%的较慢路径。

For those longing for higher bond yields for income, that still would be roughly 1% below where fed-funds rates peaked in the post-2008 era, the longest period of economic expansion in U.S. history.


-Joy Wiltermuth

-乔伊·威尔特穆斯(Joy Wiltermuth)

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