
Dollar's upward march reaches a nearly two-year high

Dollar's upward march reaches a nearly two-year high

Dow Jones ·  2022/04/20 19:41  · 市场

By Julia-Ambra Verlaine


The dollar is reaching fresh nearly two-year highs, lifted by looming interest-rate increases from the Federal Reserve, strong U.S. growth and geopolitical jitters overseas.

受美联储(Federal Reserve)即将加息、美国经济强劲增长以及海外地缘政治不安的提振,美元汇率创下近两年来的新高。

The Wall Street Journal Dollar Index, which measures the U.S. currency against a group of 16 others, has climbed in 13 of 15 sessions to its highest levels since May 2020. The dollar has gained more than 10% versus the Japanese yen this year and more than 5% against the euro. The index slipped 0.6% Wednesday.


This year's climb brings the dollar back toward levels hit during the pandemic market panic of March 2020, when investors world-wide piled into the currency, causing a global shortage and intervention from the Fed. It boosts profits at companies that import goods from abroad, and the purchasing power of consumers buying from overseas. It also threatens to hurt multinationals by making their products less competitive abroad, while increasing the cost of converting foreign revenues into the U.S. currency.


One major factor lifting the dollar: expectations that U.S. growth will outpace the recovery elsewhere, with the Fed signaling a rapid course of interest-rate increases to tame inflation.


U.S. government bond yields have jumped to multiyear highs as investors brace themselves for the most-aggressive pace of rate increases in more than 15 years. Market-based measures show investors expect the Fed will lift its benchmark federal-funds rate to 3% by year-end, and higher rates tend to attract yield-seeking investors to a currency.


"The dollar typically performs in two extremes: in a scenario of risk aversion, or in a scenario where the U.S. is a clear outperformer," said Kristen Macleod, co-head of global foreign exchange sales at Barclays. "What we have seen over the past couple of months -- since the Russia-Ukraine conflict kicked off -- is the dollar is benefiting from a bit of both."

巴克莱全球外汇销售联席主管克里斯汀·麦克劳德(Kristen Macleod)表示:“美元的表现通常有两个极端:一种是在避险情绪下,另一种是在美国表现明显优于美元的情况下。”“过去几个月--自俄罗斯-乌克兰冲突爆发以来--我们看到的是,美元同时受益于这两个因素。”

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has also buoyed the dollar, sparking a run to safe-haven investments while also threatening growth in Europe. The war is driving up prices in a region that relies heavily on energy imports from Russia, complicating the European Central Bank's task of tackling inflation while supporting growth. Last week the ECB indicated it would be slower to raise rates, lagging behind the Fed.


Some expect the dollar to lose ground over the next year. They contend that weakness in the stock market and one-off events in Europe -- including the French presidential election -- have driven the currency's aggressive gains this month. Some investors are buying derivatives tied to the Japanese yen that amount to bets the dollar has peaked and won't move past a certain level. They are buying call options known as "reverse knock-outs" that become worthless if the dollar moves much higher." Many of the trades people are putting on have an air of skepticism that the move will sustain past a certain point," said Jeff Yarmouth, global co-head of foreign exchange flow derivatives trading at UBS Group.

一些人预计美元将在明年走低。他们认为,股市的疲软和欧洲的一次性事件--包括法国总统大选--推动了欧元本月的大幅上涨。一些投资者正在购买与日圆挂钩的衍生品,这些衍生品相当于押注美元已经见顶,不会超过某个水平。他们正在买入被称为“反向敲出”的看涨期权,如果美元大幅走高,这些期权就会变得一文不值。瑞银集团(UBS Group)外汇流动衍生品交易全球联席主管杰夫·雅茅斯(Jeff Yarmouse)表示:“人们正在进行的许多交易都带着一种怀疑的气氛,怀疑此举能否在某个点位之后持续下去。”

But unless U.S. economic data falters or the Fed walks back the rate increases it has laid out for financial markets, analysts say the dollar has more room to gain.


According to Morgan Stanley data that tracks client flows, asset managers and others have bought more dollars versus other currencies, reflecting steady optimism around the currency and the U.S. economy's prospects.


"We have found investors are increasingly long the dollar and are adding more to the topside," said David Adams, head of FX strategy at Morgan Stanley. "The key question is what is the global growth outlook versus the U.S. growth outlook over the next six to 12 months."


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