
Australian Creso Pharma To Enter US CBD Market Via $21M Acquisition Of Sierra Sage Herbs

Australian Creso Pharma To Enter US CBD Market Via $21M Acquisition Of Sierra Sage Herbs

澳大利亚Creso Pharma将以2100万美元收购塞拉·萨奇草药公司进入美国CBD市场
Benzinga Real-time News ·  2022/02/04 09:36

Cannabis company Creso Pharma Limited (ASX: CPH) (OTC:COPHF) (FRA:1X8) is entering the US CBD market, following a purchase agreement to acquire Colorado-based consumer packaged goods company, Sierra Sage Herbs, LLC. 

大麻公司Creso Pharma Limited(澳大利亚证券交易所:CPH)(场外交易:COPHF)(法兰克福:1X8)在达成收购协议,收购科罗拉多州消费品包装公司Sierra Sage草药有限责任公司后,该公司正在进入美国CBD市场。

Under the agreement and subject to shareholder approval, Creso Pharma, via its wholly-owned subsidiary, Creso Pharma US, Inc, will purchase a 100% interest in SSH for a total upfront consideration of $21 million, payable by the issue of fully paid ordinary shares, based on the 10-day volume-weighted average price at the date of execution of the agreement, being $0.083, and the AUD/USD exchange rate as at the date of closing.

根据协议并经股东批准,Creso Pharma将通过其全资子公司Creso Pharma US,Inc购买SSH的100%权益前期总代价为2,100万美元根据协议执行之日的10日成交量加权平均价为0.083美元,以及截止交易日的澳元兑美元汇率,以发行全额普通股的方式支付。

Why It Matters


The acquisition provides Creso Pharma with its maiden entry into the US, an established product suite of plant-based and CBD products generating strong revenues, as well as an existing 90,000 points of sale with major retailers and over 150,000 direct to consumer relationships in one of the world's largest and fastest-growing markets. SSH anticipates that it will add an additional 20,000 points of sale with key retailers over the coming months, providing Creso Pharma with a significant opportunity to further scale sales growth.

此次收购为Creso Pharma提供了首次进入美国,一个基于植物和CBD产品的成熟产品套件,创造了强劲的收入,以及现有的90,000个与主要零售商的销售点,以及超过150,000个直接与消费者的关系世界上最大和增长最快的市场。宋承宪预计,在接下来的几个月里,它将与主要零售商再增加2万个销售点,为Creso Pharma提供进一步扩大销售增长的重要机会。

"The acquisition of Sierra Sage Herbs and the company's product range is a major milestone for Creso Pharma," said William Lay, Creso's VP of strategy & operations. 

他说:“收购塞拉·赛奇草药公司及其产品系列对Creso Pharma来说是一个重要的里程碑。”威廉·雷克雷索的战略和运营副总裁。

"It marks entry into the US CBD market and provides a strong foundation to rapidly scale up operations, product development and sales, as well as further M&A transactions. The Green Goo product range is well established in the US, evidenced by relationships with key retailers and over 90,000 points of sale, as well as the large direct to consumer base that Sierra Sage Herbs has established in recent years," Lay continued. "We intend to aggressively leverage these relationships and the group's existing customer base by introducing them to Creso Pharma's existing product suite for human health, animal health and sports and recovery."

Lay继续说:“它标志着进入美国CBD市场,为迅速扩大运营、产品开发和销售,以及进一步的并购交易提供了坚实的基础。Green Goo产品系列在美国非常成熟,与主要零售商和超过9万个销售点的关系,以及Sierra Sage草药近年来建立的庞大的直接面向消费者的基础,都证明了这一点。”我们打算通过将这些关系和集团现有的客户群引入Creso制药公司现有的人类健康、动物健康以及运动和康复产品套装,积极利用这些关系和集团的现有客户基础。“

As part of the transaction, Creso Pharma will appoint SSH co-founder and CEO, Jodi Scott as an executive director and president of US operations.

作为交易的一部分,Creso Pharma将任命宋承宪为联合创始人兼首席执行官。乔迪·斯科特作为执行董事和美国业务总裁。

Upon completion, the acquisition will provide Creso Pharma with an established operating subsidiary in the US allowing the company to swiftly capitalize on any potential legislative changes regarding the use of recreational cannabis on a federal level.

收购完成后,Creso Pharma将在美国拥有一家成熟的运营子公司使该公司能够迅速利用联邦层面上有关娱乐用大麻使用的任何潜在的立法变化.

Following any regulatory shifts, Creso Pharma would leverage SSH's operations to supply Mernova Medicinal Inc.'s leading THC products into to US market following all regulatory guidelines.

在任何监管变动之后,Creso Pharma将根据所有监管准则,利用SSH的业务向美国市场供应Mernova Medicinal Inc.的领先THC产品。

Photo: Courtesy of Diyahna Lewis on Unsplash

图片:Diyahna Lewis在Unspash上提供

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