
Reyna Silver Refines Medicine Springs High-Grade Focus via District-Wide Jasperoid Selective Sampling: Returning High-Grade Silver Including over 1,000 g/t Ag in Two Samples

Accesswire ·  2022/01/10 08:06

VANCOUVER, BC and HONG KONG / ACCESSWIRE / January 10, 2022 / Reyna Silver Corp. (TSXV:RSLV); (OTCQX:RSNVF); (FRA:4ZC) ("Reyna'' or the "Company") is pleased to report results from its district-wide selective jasperoid-based sampling program at its 4,831 hectares, 80% Earn-In from Northern Lights Resources, Medicine Springs Project in Nevada. The program aimed to determine if the jasperoids signaled a distal expression of a deeper mineralizing system. The results reveal a classic CRD Silver-Lead-Zinc-Copper zonation and outline the NE-SW trending structures that channeled mineralizing fluids. Combining these results with the lidar-like survey highlights an 800-hectare area where targets are being developed for the upcoming drilling season.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华和香港/ACCESSWIRE/2022年1月10日/Reyna Silver Corp. (TSXV: RSLV);(OTCQX: RSNVF);(FRA: 4ZC)(“Reyna” 或 “公司”)欣然公布其在4,831公顷的全区选择性碧玉抽样计划的结果,80%的收入来自梅迪辛斯普林斯的北极光资源内华达州的项目。该项目旨在确定碧玉是否预示着深层矿化系统的远端表达。结果揭示了经典的CRD银铅锌铜分区,并概述了引导矿化流体的NE-SW趋势结构。将这些结果与类似激光雷达的调查结果相结合,突出显示了800公顷的区域,该区域正在为即将到来的钻探季节制定目标。

"The results of this selective sampling program are some of the best I've ever seen from CRD jasperoids. They appear to support our thesis that what we see at Medicine Springs is high-level leakage from a multi-stage mineralization center at depth," said Dr. Peter Megaw, Reyna's Chief Exploration Advisor. "Jasperoids typically mark a geochemically-zoned shell around many CRDs worldwide. This sampling program appears to have narrowed us down to an area with consistently high metals values where we will focus some additional fieldwork leading up to an aggressive drilling program, which we hope to permit and drill in 2022."

“这个选择性采样计划的结果是我见过的 CRD Jasperoids 中最好的结果之一。他们似乎支持我们的论点,即我们在Medicine Springs看到的是来自深处多级矿化中心的高层泄漏。” 雷纳首席勘探顾问彼得·梅加沃博士说。“碧玉通常标志着全球许多 CRD 周围的地球化学分区外壳。该采样计划似乎已将我们的范围缩小到金属价值持续较高的区域,在那里我们将集中精力进行额外的实地考察,从而开展一项激进的钻探计划,我们希望该计划在2022年获得许可并进行钻探。”

"Of course, seeing high-grade silver numbers, up to 1,000 g/t Ag in two samples, is exciting, but Medicine Springs keeps exceeding even our expectations. From the start, Reyna's technical team recognized the hallmarks of a district-scale CRD at Medicine Springs and that it was ripe for applying the exploration model they have successfully used in Mexico. We immediately expanded our claim package to cover what we believe is the entire district and executed this jasperoid program to sharpen our targeting", noted Jorge Ramiro Monroy, CEO of Reyna Silver. "We are satisfied that these results warrant aggressive drilling and allow Medicine Springs to take its place with Guigui and Batopilas as the third member of our high-grade silver project portfolio."

“当然,看到两个样本中高达1,000克/吨银的高品位数字令人兴奋,但Medicine Springs一直超出我们的预期。雷纳的技术团队从一开始就意识到了Medicine Springs地区规模的CRD的特点,并且应用他们在墨西哥成功使用的勘探模型的时机已经成熟。Reyna Silver首席执行官豪尔赫·拉米罗·蒙罗伊指出,我们立即扩大了索赔范围,涵盖了我们认为的整个地区,并执行了这项碧玉计划,以加强我们的目标。“我们感到满意的是,这些结果值得积极钻探,并允许Medicine Springs取而代之,而Guigui和Batopilas是我们高品位白银项目组合中的第三个成员。”

Medicine Springs hosts Carbonate Replacement Deposit (CRD) mineralization exposed at a very high level marked by well-developed multi-stage NE-SW trending jasperoid-barite veins. Systematic sampling (657 samples) of these veins throughout a 6 by 6 km area returned very strong results for Silver (37 samples returned over 66 g/t), Lead and Zinc, with modest Copper along a prominent NE-SW-trending structural network (See Table 1 and Figure 1). The best results are concentrated in an area about 3 x 4 km, which extends over 2 km to the east and south of the area of historic prospecting and exploration drilling. The results appear to reflect a classic Copper-Zinc-Lead-Silver zoning pattern potentially related to the system's intrusive source. Definition of targets to permit for drilling in 2022 will be based on these results combined with a reinterpretation of existing geological and geophysical data, a Lidar-like survey, and additional detailed mapping and sampling.

Medicine Springs 拥有碳酸盐替代矿床 (CRD) 矿化,其暴露水平非常高,其特征是发达的多阶段 NE-SW 呈现的碧玉-重晶石矿脉。在6 x 6 km的区域内对这些静脉进行系统采样(657个样本),对银(37个样本的返回量超过66 g/t)、铅和锌得出了非常强劲的结果,在突出的Ne-SW趋势结构网络中铜含量适中(见表1和图1)。最佳结果集中在大约 3 x 4 千米的区域,该区域向历史勘探和勘探钻探区域的东部和南部延伸超过 2 千米。结果似乎反映了典型的铜锌铅银分区模式,该模式可能与系统的侵入源有关。2022年允许钻探的目标的定义将基于这些结果,再加上对现有地质和地球物理数据的重新解释、类似激光雷达的调查以及其他详细的测绘和取样。



Area (km)


37>66 (2 oz) high of 1200

2 x 4


51> 1% Pb, to 20% 18 > 4%

3 x 5


148 > 500 ppm, 24> 1%, 2>10%

2 x 2.5


20>100 ppm, 10> 200 Max 845

2 x 2.5 NE


202 > 500 ppm




面积 (km)


37>66(2 盎司)最高为 1200

2 x 4


51> 1% Pb,到 20% 18 > 4%

3 x 5

148 > 500 ppm,24> 1%,2> 10%

2 x 2.5

20>100 ppm,10> 200 Max 845

2 x 2.5 NE

202 > 500 ppm


Table 1: Geochemical anges from Jasperoids within the overall Medicine Springs Project area.

表 1:整个梅迪辛斯普林斯项目区域内来自碧玉的地球化学天域。

Medicine Springs Jasperoids


Jasperoids (pervasively silica-replaced limestone) are a high-level and distal alteration style typical of many CRD systems. They tend to be geochemically zoned with respect to the intrusive source and major mineralization fluid channelways, making them a useful sampling basis for determining system-wide zoning. At Medicine Springs, well-developed and laterally continuous jasperoid veins and pods were recognized along multiple parallel NE-SW trending structures within an area of about 6 x 6 km. These veins extend well beyond the areas of historic small-scale mining and very shallow drilling, so Reyna sampled them systematically to determine if a mineralization center or centers could be defined.

Jasperoids(普遍取代二氧化硅的石灰石)是许多 CRD 系统的典型高层和远端变化风格。它们往往相对于侵入源和主要矿化流体通道进行地球化学分区,这使它们成为确定全系统分区的有用采样依据。在Medicine Springs,在大约 6 x 6 千米的区域内,沿着多个平行的 NE-SW 趋势结构可以识别出发育良好且横向连续的碧玉状静脉和豆荚。这些矿脉远远超出了历史悠久的小规模采矿和非常浅的钻探区域,因此雷娜对它们进行了系统采样,以确定是否可以定义一个或多个矿化中心。

The sampling showed that many of the jasperoid veins are multi-stage, with episodes of structural movement separating passage of repeated pulses of mineralizing and altering fluids.The individual jasperoid stages were sampled separately, and certain stages were found to have stronger geochemical signatures than others. The sampling shows very strong results for Silver, Lead and Zinc, with lesser Copper concentrated in an area about 2 x 4 km aligned with several parallel NE-SW-trending structural zones. The samplers also documented that the number of stages shown by individual jasperoid veins is zoned with respect to these structural zones. The highest number of stages corresponds to the zones of strongest geochemical results. Importantly, the strongly anomalous area extends over 2 km to the east and south of the area of historic prospecting and exploration drilling and leads right up to the limit of the outcrop.

采样表明,许多碧玉矿脉是多阶段的,结构运动将反复的矿化脉冲和流体的变化分开。对各个碧玉阶段进行了单独采样,发现某些阶段比其他阶段具有更强的地球化学特征。抽样显示,银、铅和锌的结果非常强劲,较少的铜集中在与几个平行的东北西南向结构区域对齐的约2 x 4 km的区域。采样者还记录了单个碧玉脉所显示的阶段数是相对于这些结构区域划分的。最高阶段数对应于地球化学结果最强的区域。重要的是,强烈的异常区域向历史勘探和勘探钻探区域的东部和南部延伸了2公里以上,一直延伸到露头的极限。

The geochemical results reveal a broad classic zoning pattern from northeast to southwest of Copper to Zinc to Lead to Silver to Manganese. Pathfinder elements (As, Sb, Hg, Se, Te, V, W) are also strong throughout the anomalous zone, and work is underway to determine their relationship to possible "hot spots ."Tungsten (W) is high locally and may be indicative of proximity to major fluid channelways. The most robust consistent copper values cluster near the northeastern limit of outcrop, suggesting the system may continue under alluvium for some distance.

地球化学结果揭示了从铜到锌再到铅到银再到锰的东北向西南广泛的经典分区模式。探路者元素(砷、锑、汞、硒、钛、V、W)在整个异常区域中也很强大,目前正在努力确定它们与可能的 “热点” 的关系。钨(W)局部含量高,可能表明靠近主要流体通道。最稳健的一致铜值聚集在露头的东北极限附近,这表明该系统可能会在冲积层下持续一段距离。

Combining these initial jasperoid results and the lidar-like survey with existing geophysics, geological mapping and soil sampling alongside follow-up additional sampling will refine the zoning patterns and help define drilling targets in the principal area of interest.


Figure 1. Composite map showing the highest jasperoid geochemical results for Silver, Lead, Zinc, and Copper within the overall Medicine Springs Project area.

图 1。综合地图显示了整个梅迪辛斯普林斯项目区域内银、铅、锌和铜的最高碧玉地球化学结果。

See the video link below where Dr. Peter Megaw discusses the results of the Jasperoid Study:

请看下面的视频链接,彼得·梅加夫博士在其中讨论了 Jasperoid 研究的结果:

Click here to watch the video


To view a virtual site visit video of Medicine Springs click on the link below:

要观看 Medicine Springs 的虚拟实地访问视频,请点击以下链接:

Click here to watch the video




Reyna Silver follows industry standard procedures for rock-chip sampling for exploratory geochemical analyses. Rock chip samples generally weigh between 1 and 3 kg. Samples were submitted to the certified ALS Global facility in Elko, Nevada where the entire sample was crushed to 70% passing less than 2mm, then 250g were rotary split and pulverized to better than 85% passing 75 microns. The pulps were shipped to ALS Global in Vancouver, British Columbia for analysis. Geochemical analyses were done by ALS Global in Canada under an ISO 1702 Quality management system. Pulps were analyzed for precious, base-metals, and multi-elements using method code ME-MS41 following an aqua regia digestion. Overlimit values for Ag, Pb, and Zn were analyzed using method codes Ag-OG46, Pb-OG46, and Zn-OG46. Multi-element certified standards, blanks, and duplicates were systematically inserted into the sample stream to monitor lab performance.

Reyna Silver 遵循行业标准程序进行岩屑采样,进行探索性地球化学分析。岩屑样品的重量通常在 1 到 3 千克之间。样品被提交到内华达州埃尔科的经认证的ALS Global工厂,在那里将整个样品压碎至70%,通过小于2mm,然后对250g进行旋转分割,粉碎至超过85%,超过75微米。这些纸浆被运往不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华的ALS Global进行分析。地球化学分析由加拿大ALS Global在ISO 1702质量管理体系下完成。在王水消化后,使用方法代码 ME-MS41 对纸浆进行了贵金属、基本金属和多元素分析。使用方法代码 Ag-og46、pb-og46 和 zn-og46 分析了银、铅和锌的超限值。多元素认证标准品、空白和副本被系统地插入到样品流中,以监测实验室性能。



Dr. Peter Megaw, Ph.D., C.P.G., the Company's Chief Exploration Advisor and Qualified Person, reviewed the technical aspects of exploration projects described herein and is responsible for the design and conduct of the exploration program and the verification and quality assurance of analytical results. Dr. Megaw is not independent as he and/or companies with which he is affiliated hold Net Smelter Royalties on the Guigui and Batopilas Projects that predate Reyna Silver acquiring them.

公司首席勘探顾问兼合格人士 Peter Megaw 博士、C.P.G. 审查了本文所述勘探项目的技术方面,并负责设计和实施勘探计划以及分析结果的验证和质量保证。Megaw博士不是独立的,因为他和/或与他有关联的公司在Reyna Silver收购吉吉和巴托皮拉斯项目之前持有净冶炼厂特许权使用费。



Reyna Silver Corp. (TSXV:RSLV) is a growth-oriented junior exploration and development company focused on exploring for high-grade, district-scale silver deposits in Mexico and USA.

Reyna Silver Corp.(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:RSLV)是一家以增长为导向的初级勘探和开发公司,专注于在墨西哥和美国勘探高品位、区域规模的银矿。

Reyna's principal properties are the Guigui and Batopilas Properties in Chihuahua, Mexico. Guigui covers the interpreted source area for the Santa Eulalia Carbonate Replacement District (CRD) and Batopilas covers most of Mexico's historically highest-grade silver system. The Company also has an option to acquire 80% of the Medicine Springs property in Nevada, USA as well as the early stage La Durazno and Matilde and La Reyna mineral properties in Mexico.

雷纳的主要房产是位于墨西哥奇瓦瓦州的吉吉和巴托皮拉斯地产。Guigui涵盖了圣欧拉利娅碳酸盐替代区(CRD)的解释性来源区域,而巴托皮拉斯涵盖了墨西哥历史上最高品位的银系的大部分地区。该公司还可以选择收购美国内华达州梅迪辛斯普林斯80%的股权,以及墨西哥早期的La Durazno和Matilde和La Reyna矿产地产。

Cautionary Statements


This document contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities regulations. All statements other than statements of historical fact herein, including, without limitation, statements regarding exploration results and plans, and our other future plans and objectives, are forward-looking statements that involve various risks and uncertainties. Such forward-looking statements include, without limitation, our estimates of exploration investment, the scope of our exploration programs, and our expectations of ongoing administrative costs. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, and future events and actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from our expectations are disclosed in the Company's documents filed from time to time via SEDAR with the Canadian regulatory agencies to whose policies we are bound. Forward-looking statements are based on the estimates and opinions of management on the date the statements are made, and we do not undertake any obligation to update forward-looking statements should conditions or our estimates or opinions change, except as required by law. Forward-looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors, including risks associated with mineral exploration, price volatility in the mineral commodities we seek, and operational and political risks. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

本文件包含适用的加拿大证券法规所指的 “前瞻性陈述”。此处除历史事实陈述以外的所有陈述,包括但不限于有关勘探结果和计划以及我们其他未来计划和目标的陈述,均为涉及各种风险和不确定性的前瞻性陈述。此类前瞻性陈述包括但不限于我们对勘探投资的估计、勘探计划的范围以及我们对持续管理成本的预期。无法保证此类陈述会被证明是准确的,未来的事件和实际结果可能与此类陈述中的预期存在重大差异。公司不时通过SEDAR向加拿大监管机构提交的文件中披露了可能导致实际业绩与我们的预期存在重大差异的重要因素。前瞻性陈述基于管理层在陈述发表之日的估计和意见,除非法律要求,否则如果条件或我们的估计或观点发生变化,我们不承担任何义务更新前瞻性陈述。前瞻性陈述受风险、不确定性和其他因素的影响,包括与矿产勘探相关的风险、我们寻求的矿产大宗商品的价格波动以及运营和政治风险。提醒读者不要过分依赖前瞻性陈述。



For Further Information, Please Contact:


Reyna Silver
Jorge Ramiro Monroy, CEO

Reyna Silver

SOURCE: Reyna Gold Corp.

来源:Reyna Gold Corp.

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