
SG Morning Highlights: Shares opened lower on Friday; STI down 0.23%

SG Morning Highlights: Shares opened lower on Friday; STI down 0.23%

Moomoo News ·  2021/06/17 21:36  · 重磅


Good morning moomooers! Here are things you need to know about today's Singapore:

  • Singapore shares opened lower on Friday; STI down 0.23%

  • EcoWise requests suspension as directors disagree on response to SGX RegCo queries

  • Stocks to watch: OCBC, Prime US Reit, SGX, MC Payment, Advanced System

-Moomoo News SG


  • 新加坡股市周五开盘走低;STI下跌0.23%

  • EcoWise要求停牌,董事们对新交所RegCo询问的回应存在分歧

  • 值得关注的股票:OCBC,Prime US Reit,SGX,MC Payment,Advanced System

--Moomoo News SG

Market Trend


Singapore shares opened lower on Friday. The Straits Times Index (STI) lost 0.23 per cent to 3,131.08 as at 9.08 am. Advancers / Decliners is 111 to 88, with 407.95 million securities worth S$161.34 million changing hands.


Breaking News


Catalist-listed $EcoWise(5CT.SG)$ on Friday requested for a trading suspension, as it works to respond to queries raised by Singapore Exchange Regulation (SGX RegCo) on June 14.

目录列表$EcoWise(5CT.SG)$上周五,该公司要求停牌,以回应新加坡交易所监管机构(SGX RegCo)6月14日提出的质疑。

The environmental solutions provider said its directors have not been able to unanimously agree and finalise the announcement, with one director in dissent.


Stocks to watch


$OCBC Bank(O39.SG)$: The bank on Thursday said it has appointed its head of group operations and technology Lim Khiang Tong as the bank's group chief operating officer, to drive and accelerate transformation. OCBC's shares closed down 0.7 per cent or $0.08 at $12.12.


$Prime US ReitUSD(OXMU.SG)$: The Reit is in talks with co-working space operator WeWorkafter the latter proposed to restructure its lease at the Reit's Class A office property in California. The Reit's manager on Thursday said it does not expect this to have any impact on the distribution per unit of Prime US Reit for the current financial year. Units of Prime US Reit rose 0.6 per cent or 0.5 US cent to finish at 86.5 US cents on Thursday, before the filing.

$Prime US ReitUSD(OXMU.SG)$:房地产投资信托基金(Reit)正在与联合办公空间运营商WeWork进行谈判,此前后者提出重组其在加州房地产投资信托基金A级写字楼物业的租赁。房地产经纪人周四表示,预计这不会对本财年Prime US Reit的单位分销产生任何影响。在提交申请之前,Prime US Reit的单位周四上涨0.6%或0.5美分,收于86.5美分。

$SGX(S68.SG)$: The bourse operator's multi-asset strategy expects to add asset classes to its product suite, chief executive officer Loh Boon Chye said in an interview with The Business Times. SGX shares closed at S$10.88 on Thursday, down S$0.01 or 0.1 per cent.

$SGX(S68.SG)$:该交易所运营商的多资产战略预计将在其产品组合中增加资产类别,首席执行官陆文哲(Loh Boon Chye)在接受《商业时报》(Business Times)采访时表示。新交所股价周四收报10.88坡元,跌0.01坡元或0.1%。

$MC Payment(TVV.SG)$: The digital payments company on Thursday said it received a letter of intent from Indonesia-based payments and remittance company Dompet Harapan Bangsa (OY!). OY! is exploring taking a strategic stake in MC Payment. Shares of Catalist-listed MC Payment closed at S$0.33 on Thursday, down S$0.01 per cent or 2.9 per cent, before the announcement.

$MC付款(TVV.SG)$:这家数字支付公司周四表示,它收到了印尼支付和汇款公司Domet Harapan Bangsa(Oy!)的一份意向书。哎呀!正在探索入股MC Payment的战略股权。在Catist上市的MC Payment股价周四收于0.33新元,在消息公布前下跌0.01%或2.9%。

$Advanced Systems(5TY.SG)$: The semiconductor equipment manufacturer said on Thursday it is looking to consolidate every 375 of its existing ordinary shares into one ordinary share. It also proposed a bonus issue of up to 19.8 million free warrants, subject to the completion of the share consolidation. Advanced Systems' stock closed flat at 0.1 Singapore cent on Thursday.

$Advanced Systems(5TY.SG)$:这家半导体设备制造商周四表示,正在寻求将其现有的每375股普通股合并为一股普通股。该公司还提议发行最多1980万股免费认股权证的红利,前提是股份整合完成。Advanced Systems的股票周四收盘持平于0.1新加坡元。

Source: The Business Times


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