
Learning To Be Brave, Not Perfect Through Coding

Learning To Be Brave, Not Perfect Through Coding

Accesswire ·  04/30 10:55

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / April 30, 2024 / Enbridge:

马萨诸塞州北安普敦/ACCESSWIRE/2024 年 4 月 30 日/Enbridge

School-age girls in Louisiana build confidence in STEM pursuits at Terrebonne Foundation summer camp


Computer coding isn't something that can be done perfectly from the first keystroke to the last.


When you're working with tens of thousands of characters, it's inevitable, even for expert coders, that mistakes will be made.


Each summer, a new group of fourth-to-seventh graders attending the Girls Who Code summer camp in Louisiana learn to embrace errors in pursuit of their STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) goals.

每年夏天,参加路易斯安那州Girls Who Code夏令营的新一批四至七年级学生学会接受错误,追求自己的STEM(科学、技术、工程和数学)目标。

The act of coding is a fitting metaphor for the camp's motto-Brave, Not Perfect.

编程行为恰如其分地比喻了夏令营的座右铭 “勇敢,不完美”。

"In coding, you're not going to be perfect; it's not possible. You're going to have to make mistakes in order to figure out the right set of codes," explains Ashlee Champagne Barahona, executive director of the Terrebonne Foundation for Academic Excellence in Public Education (TFAE), which operates the camp in Houma, a small city 50 miles southwest of New Orleans.

“在编程中,你不会做到完美;这是不可能的。你必须犯错误才能找出正确的守则。” 特雷博讷公共教育学术卓越基金会(TFAE)执行董事阿什莉·香槟·巴拉奥纳解释说,该基金会位于新奥尔良西南50英里处的小城市侯马。

"If you're brave enough to keep coding, you will become successful because you didn't give up," she adds.


Every summer, 30 girls from local schools are selected to attend the week-long camp, which is free for participants. Local schools nominate girls who may not be at the top of their class, but who have interest in STEM subjects and who may have challenges in their home lives.


Starting at 7:30 a.m. every morning, the campers participate in activities and workshops and meet with guest speakers-mostly women-who work in STEM fields.

从每天早上 7:30 开始,营员们将参加活动和研讨会,并会见在STEM领域工作的客座演讲嘉宾,主要是女性。

"The girls are at a very vulnerable age; they're struggling with becoming their own. Some are scared to even try because they don't want to fail," Champagne Barahona reflects. "If you expose them to possibilities, you give them a better future."

“这些女孩处于非常脆弱的年龄;她们正在努力成为自己的女孩。有些人甚至害怕尝试,因为他们不想失败,” Champagne Barahona反映。“如果你让他们接触可能性,你就会给他们一个更美好的未来。”

Enbridge recently supported Girls Who Code in Houma with a $2,500 Fueling Futures grant in 2023, the camp's fifth year of operation.

Enbridge最近在霍马为Girls Who Code提供了2,500美元的Fueling Futures补助金,为该夏令营运营的第五个年头,提供了2500美元的补助金

We want to see a diverse, vibrant and thriving workforce, and we recognize that STEM fields continue to be male-dominated. We are proud to support TFAE in its work to foster the STEM education of young girls with so much potential.

我们希望看到一支多元化、充满活力和蓬勃发展的员工队伍,我们认识到 STEM 领域仍然由男性主导。我们很自豪能够支持TFAE努力促进具有巨大潜力的年轻女孩的STEM教育。

The transformation of each girl from day one to week's end is "amazing," Champagne Barahona says. On the first day of camp, they are quiet and reserved, but they leave confident, enthusiastic, and proud of all they have accomplished.

Champagne Barahona说,每个女孩从第一天到周末的转变 “令人惊叹”。在夏令营的第一天,他们安静而内向,但他们离开时充满信心、热情,并为自己所取得的一切成就感到自豪。

"Being brave is something that doesn't come easy to a lot of people. You have to practice it; you have to work on it," Champagne Barahona continues.

“勇敢对很多人来说并不容易。你必须练习;你必须努力解决这个问题。” Champagne Barahona继续说道。

"The camp motto-Brave, Not Perfect-is something these girls keep with them for the rest of their lives."


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