
What are tapes A, B and C mean in NYSE?

What are tapes A, B and C mean in NYSE?

Moomoo News ·  2021/02/08 20:27  · 独家

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The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), which dates back to 1792, is the largest stock exchange in the world based on the total market capitalization of its listed securities. A series of mergers has given the NYSE its massive size and global presence.


In this article, we will introduce different tapes and equity markets in NYSE.


NYSE (Tape A)


Tape A is NYSE-listed stocks. NYSE (Tape A) represents a venue for all Tape A stocks.

磁带A是在纽约证券交易所上市股票。纽约证券交易所(Tape A)代表着所有Tape A股票的交易场所。

NYSE (Tapes B&C)


Tape C represents NASDAQ-listed stocks and it also traded on NYSE.


Tape B is the regionals. Most of Tape B is on NYSE Arca (explained below) nowadays, though some of it is still on the NYSE market, formerly known as AMEX.


And these are the examples of NYSE Shadow Testing.


source: NYSE


NYSE (Tapes B&C) represents a venue for all Tapes B&C stocks.

纽约证券交易所(Tapes B&C)代表着所有Tapes B&C股票的交易场所。

NYSE American Equities


NYSE American is a competitively priced venue that blends unique features derived from the NYSE, such as electronic Designated Market Makers (e-DMMs) with quoting obligations for each NYSE American-listed company, with NYSE Arca's fully electronic price/time priority execution model.

纽约证券交易所美国证券交易所是一个价格极具竞争力的场所,它融合了纽约证券交易所的独特功能。例如电子指定做市商(e-DMM),每家纽交所美国上市公司都有报价义务,采用NYSE Arca完全电子化的价格/时间优先执行模式。

“NYSE American Equities”的图片搜索结果

source: NYSE


In the future, NYSE American will re-introduce Designated Market Makers to the Exchange trading floor.


NYSE Chicago


NYSE Chicago is a fully-electronic equities exchange with unique features to support the Institutional Brokers serving the exchange-traded derivatives community.


“NYSE Chicago”的图片搜索结果

source: NYSE


Founded in 1882 as the Chicago Stock Exchange, the modernized NYSE Chicago uses NYSE Pillar order entry/market data protocols and order types, designed to improve efficiency and reduce complexity for customers. With the successful migration of NYSE Chicago to NYSE Pillar, member firms can now connect to all of our equities markets using a single specification.

纽约证券交易所成立于1882年,前身为芝加哥证券交易所(Chicago Stock Exchange),现代化的纽约证券交易所芝加哥交易所使用纽约证券交易所支柱订单输入/市场数据协议和订单类型,旨在提高效率并降低客户的复杂性。随着NYSE Chicago成功迁移到NYSE Pillar,会员公司现在可以使用单一规范连接到我们所有的股票市场。

NYSE National


NYSE National — a fully electronic market that combines the high performance of NYSE Pillar technology with a 「taker/maker」 fee schedule — aims to deliver greater choice to investors. With the highest exchange rebates available for removing liquidity, NYSE National is an attractive trading venue for investors using fee-sensitive strategies to take liquidity or for passive traders seeking to minimize their time-to-fill.

NYSE National是一个完全电子化的市场,它结合了NYSE Pillar技术的高性能和“接受者/制造者”的收费时间表,旨在为投资者提供更多的选择。纽约证券交易所国家交易所(NYSE National)拥有可用于消除流动性的最高外汇回扣,对于使用费用敏感型策略获取流动性的投资者或寻求将填报时间降至最低的被动交易者来说,纽约证交所国家交易所是一个有吸引力的交易场所。

“NYSE National”的图片搜索结果

source: NYSE


NYSE National uses NYSE Pillar order entry/market data protocols and order types, allowing for easy adoption by the trading community. Additionally, it offers an aggressive fee schedule to encourage participation, including free membership and proprietary market data.


Tracing its history back to 1885 to when it was the Cincinnati Stock Exchange, it later became the world's first stock exchange to become a fully automated, screen-based trading system in 1985. It is fitting that in its new life as NYSE National that it operates on the NYSE's state-of-the-art trading system, NYSE Pillar.

它的历史可以追溯到1885年,当时它是辛辛那提证券交易所(Cincinnati Stock Exchange),后来在1985年成为世界上第一个成为全自动、基于屏幕的交易系统的证券交易所。作为纽交所国家证券交易所(NYSE National)的新成员,它在纽交所最先进的交易系统NYSE Pillar上运营,这是恰如其分的。

NYSE Arca Equities

纽约证交所Arca Equities

NYSE Arca is an all-electronic securities exchange that is based in Chicago, Illinois in the US.


“NYSE Arca”的图片搜索结果

source: NYSE


NYSE Arca was established in 2006 after the New York Stock Exchange acquired Archipelago Exchange, and it operates as a subsidiary of the NYSE Group Inc.

纽约证券交易所Arca成立于2006年纽约证券交易所(New York Stock Exchange)收购群岛交易所(Archipelago Exchange)后,它是纽约证券交易所集团(NYSE Group Inc.)的子公司。

The key components of NYSE Arca include NYSE Arca Equities and NYSE Arca Options.


By Linear


Source: NYSE, Investopedia


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