
Airties Launches Orbit: Continuous Test Automation Platform for Managed Wi-Fi Deployments

Airties Launches Orbit: Continuous Test Automation Platform for Managed Wi-Fi Deployments

Airties 推出 Orbit:用于托管 Wi-Fi 部署的持续测试自动化平台
PR Newswire ·  03/28 00:00
  • Provides new self-certification capability for broadband service providers, CPE manufacturers, and chipset suppliers to test integrations, ensure performance quality, and accelerate Smart Wi-Fi deployments

  • Includes on-premises hardware and software used within test centers to increase efficiency and continuously validate data integrity across ecosystem of broadband CPE software

  • Integral part of Airties' portfolio of Wi-Fi software testing services
  • 为宽带服务提供商、CPE 制造商和芯片组供应商提供新的自我认证功能,以测试集成、确保性能质量并加快智能 Wi-Fi 部署

  • 包括测试中心内使用的本地硬件和软件,用于提高效率并持续验证宽带 CPE 软件生态系统中的数据完整性

  • Airties Wi-Fi 软件测试服务组合不可或缺的一部分

PARIS, March 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Airties, a global leader of managed Wi-Fi solutions for broadband service providers, today announced the commercial launch of Orbit, a continuous test automation platform for broadband service providers, customer premises equipment (CPE) manufacturers, and system-on-chip (SoC) manufacturers to support Smart Wi-Fi integrations and deployments.

巴黎,2024年3月28日 /PRNewswire/ — 宽带服务提供商托管Wi-Fi解决方案的全球领导者Airties今天宣布商业推出Orbit,这是一个面向宽带服务提供商、客户场所设备(CPE)制造商和片上系统(SoC)制造商的持续测试自动化平台,以支持智能Wi-Fi集成和部署。

Airties Launches Orbit: Continuous Test Automation Platform for Managed Wi-Fi Deployments
Airties 推出 Orbit:用于托管 Wi-Fi 部署的持续测试自动化平台

Airties Orbit addresses a longstanding industry pain point: ensuring consistent data accuracy and performance measurement criteria across diverse combinations of Wi-Fi chipsets, embedded software, and hardware (i.e. gateways/routers/extenders). With Orbit, broadband operators, and their suppliers, can continuously validate data tested during software changes and firmware updates; addresses common Wi-Fi performance issues; and accelerate time-to-market for managed Wi-Fi deployments through self-certification.

Airties Orbit 解决了长期存在的行业痛点:确保在 Wi-Fi 芯片组、嵌入式软件和硬件(即网关/路由器/扩展器)的不同组合中保持一致的数据准确性和性能测量标准。借助Orbit,宽带运营商及其供应商可以持续验证在软件更改和固件更新期间测试的数据;解决常见的Wi-Fi性能问题;并通过自我认证加快托管Wi-Fi部署的上市时间。

Traditionally, integrated testing of Wi-Fi software has been a manual, time-consuming process challenged by inconsistencies in test procedures, device and software functionality, and dissimilar test environments. These variabilities often lead to inaccuracies or misinterpretations. Resolving these issues involves complex multi-party troubleshooting efforts which can lead to product launch delays and added deployment costs. Airties Orbit addresses these challenges by providing a complete and automated testing platform installed on-premises at testing facilities of broadband service providers, CPE manufactures and SoC providers.

传统上,Wi-Fi软件的集成测试是一个耗时的手动过程,因测试程序、设备和软件功能不一致以及测试环境不同而面临挑战。这些可变性通常会导致不准确或误解。解决这些问题涉及复杂的多方故障排除工作,这可能导致产品发布延迟和部署成本增加。Airties Orbit通过提供完整的自动化测试平台来应对这些挑战,该平台安装在宽带服务提供商、CPE制造商和SoC提供商的测试设施中。

"Service providers need an efficient way to manage the variability of broadband software to ensure consistent quality home Wi-Fi, test the impact of software updates, and launch new products," said Metin Taskin, Founder and Co-CEO of Airties. "Airties Orbit removes the complexity and inconsistencies of traditional testing methods, allowing operators, OEMs and SoC manufacturers to verify performance with confidence and speed. Orbit ensures the accuracy and completeness of data across tests, streamlines device onboarding, and improves efficiency through automation. This translates to faster time-to-market, reduced costs, and ultimately, a better Wi-Fi experience for everyone involved."

Airties创始人兼联席首席执行官梅汀·塔斯金表示:“服务提供商需要一种有效的方法来管理宽带软件的可变性,以确保稳定的家庭Wi-Fi质量,测试软件更新的影响并推出新产品。”“Airties Orbit消除了传统测试方法的复杂性和不一致性,使运营商、OEM和SoC制造商能够自信而快速地验证性能。Orbit 确保测试中数据的准确性和完整性,简化设备入门流程,并通过自动化提高效率。这意味着更快的上市时间、更低的成本,并最终为所有相关人员提供更好的Wi-Fi体验。”

With the launch of Orbit, Airties continues its commitment to solve critical challenges facing the ecosystem of broadband customers, partners, and suppliers. Airties Orbit is currently being deployed by leading broadband service providers, CPE manufacturers, and chipset suppliers around the globe.

随着Orbit的推出,Airties继续致力于解决宽带客户、合作伙伴和供应商生态系统面临的关键挑战。Airties Orbit目前由全球领先的宽带服务提供商、CPE制造商和芯片组供应商部署。

Key benefits of Airties Orbit include:

Airties Orbit 的主要优势包括:

  • Accelerated time-to-market: Airties Orbit eliminates weeks from the data verification process, significantly reducing the time-to-market to deploy new chipsets, software releases, and broadband CPE.

  • Self-certification for increased control and autonomy: Airties Orbit's self-certification capability provides the flexibility to run data verification independently at one's own pace and convenience. It also eliminates the time and travel expenses required to use third-party lab facilities.

  • Improved data quality and validation: Airties Orbit's software rigorously checks the accuracy and completeness of data acquired from the embedded software ecosystem, reducing potential misinterpretations or errors. It provides testing of Wi-Fi software from chipset suppliers; components such as Wi-Fi EasyMesh; CPE firmware including those running atop open-source solutions such as RDK and prpl; and updates to Airties' SDKs.

  • Resource efficiency and reduced costs: Automated testing with predefined test plans eliminates the need for manual intervention, significantly reducing labor costs and test execution time. Engineers can be re-directed from manual testing to higher-value activities, maximizing team efficiency and resource allocation.

  • Enhanced collaboration and rapid issue resolution: Airties Orbit rapidly replicates and helps resolve issues identified during data verification, preventing them from impacting real-world deployments. Early identification and resolution of issues leads to higher Wi-Fi performance quality and enhanced collaboration between partners and suppliers.
  • Continuous updates in a controlled environment: With software running on specialized equipment, Airties Orbit guarantees consistent and repeatable testing conditions, ensuring reliable data collection. As part of the software license, it includes an extensive library of test scripts for which Airties will provide ongoing updates, enabling companies to test newly developed Wi-Fi innovations.
  • 加快上市时间: Airties Orbit 减少了数周的数据验证过程,显著缩短了部署新芯片组、软件版本和宽带 CPE 的上市时间。

  • 自我认证以增强控制和自主权: Airties Orbit 的自我认证功能使您可以灵活地按照自己的节奏和方便地独立进行数据验证。它还消除了使用第三方实验室设施所需的时间和差旅费用。

  • 提高了数据质量 和验证: Airties Orbit的软件严格检查从嵌入式软件生态系统获取的数据的准确性和完整性,从而减少了潜在的误解或错误。它提供芯片组供应商提供的Wi-Fi软件的测试;Wi-Fi EasyMesh等组件;包括在RDK和prpl等开源解决方案上运行的CPE固件;以及Airties软件开发工具包的更新。

  • 资源效率和成本降低: 使用以下方法进行自动测试 预定义的测试计划无需手动干预,从而显著减少了劳动力成本和测试执行时间。工程师可以从手动测试重定向到更高价值的活动,从而最大限度地提高团队效率和资源分配。

  • 增强协作和快速解决问题: Airties Orbit 可以快速复制并帮助解决数据验证期间发现的问题,防止它们影响实际部署。尽早发现和解决问题可以提高Wi-Fi性能质量,并加强合作伙伴和供应商之间的协作。
  • 在受控环境中持续更新: 通过在专用设备上运行软件,Airties Orbit 可确保一致和可重复的测试条件,确保可靠的数据收集。作为软件许可证的一部分,它包括一个庞大的测试脚本库,Airties将为这些脚本提供持续更新,使公司能够测试新开发的Wi-Fi创新。

Airties Orbit is now an integral part of Airties' Wi-Fi software testing services for broadband service providers (see video here). Airties also provides access to multi-floor test homes that include custom robots, called AirBots, which run throughout homes to test devices and application performance in real-world environments. Customers can run hundreds of fully automated Wi-Fi tests including basic system testing, performance testing, functional tests, and interoperability tests. Tests can be tailored to specific needs or follow generic plans to test for throughput, stability, new OS performance, and more. Airties Wi-Fi software testing helps address ecosystem complexity, anticipate future demands, and delivers fast and cost-effective Wi-Fi software validation.

Airties Orbit现在是Airties为宽带服务提供商提供的Wi-Fi软件测试服务不可或缺的一部分(在此处观看视频)。Airties还提供多层测试室的访问权限,其中包括名为AirBots的定制机器人,该机器人可在整个家庭中运行,以测试现实环境中的设备和应用程序性能。客户可以运行数百项全自动 Wi-Fi 测试,包括基本系统测试、性能测试、功能测试和互操作性测试。可以根据特定需求量身定制测试,也可以遵循通用计划来测试吞吐量、稳定性、新操作系统性能等。Airties Wi-Fi 软件测试有助于解决生态系统的复杂性,预测未来的需求,并提供快速、经济实惠的 Wi-Fi 软件验证。

Airties has been recognized with many prestigious industry awards for its innovative work serving broadband operators, including: "Best Home Wi-Fi Solution Award" from Broadband World Forum; "Best Wi-Fi Service Provider Solution" and "Best Home Wi-Fi Product" awards from Wi-Fi NOW; "Best Wi-Fi Innovation" and "Best-In Home Wi-Fi Network" awards from Wireless Broadband Alliance; "Best Broadband Customer Experience" from Cable & Satellite International; and many others. Additional information about Airties can be found at: .

Airties因其为宽带运营商服务的创新工作而获得了许多著名的行业奖项,包括: “最佳家庭Wi-Fi解决方案奖“来自 宽带世界论坛; “最佳Wi-Fi服务提供商解决方案” 和”最佳家用 Wi-Fi 产品” 奖项来自 立即无线上网; "最佳 Wi-Fi 创新“和 “最佳家用 Wi-Fi 网络” 奖项来自 无线宽带联盟; “最佳宽带客户体验” 国际有线与卫星; 以及许多其他人。有关Airties的更多信息,请访问:.

About Airties
Airties is a leading provider of managed Wi-Fi solutions to operators around the globe. The Smart Wi-Fi portfolio from Airties includes Airties Edge, smart Wi-Fi software for gateways; Airties Cloud management platform and its companion app; and Wi-Fi mesh extenders. Operators turn to Airties for the design, implementation, and ongoing optimization of their customers' broadband experience. Airties' customers include AT&T, Deutsche Telekom, Singtel, Sky, Telia, Telstra, Vodafone, and many others. More information is available at .

关于 Airties
Airties是为全球运营商提供托管Wi-Fi解决方案的领先提供商。Airties的智能Wi-Fi产品组合包括Airties Edge,用于网关的智能Wi-Fi软件;Airties云管理平台及其配套应用程序;以及Wi-Fi网状扩展器。运营商向Airties寻求设计、实施和持续优化客户的宽带体验。Airties的客户包括AT&T、德国电信、新加坡电信、Sky、Telia、澳洲电信、沃达丰等。有关更多信息,请访问。

SOURCE Airties

来源 Airties

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