
Nvidia's Eye-Contact AI Is The Stuff of Nightmares, Will You Dare Try It?

Nvidia's Eye-Contact AI Is The Stuff of Nightmares, Will You Dare Try It?

Nvidia 的 Eye-contact AI 简直是噩梦,你敢尝试吗?
Benzinga Real-time News ·  2023/02/03 12:47

Multinational technology company Nvidia Corporation (NASDAQ:NVDA) has recently launched a disturbing new update for the Nvidia Broadcast app: Nvidia Eye Contact.

跨国科技公司 英伟达公司 纳斯达克股票代码:NVDA)最近为Nvidia Broadcast应用程序推出了令人不安的新更新:Nvidia Eye Contact。

The update was designed for content creators who want to keep their gaze fixed on the camera, even if they need to look away, such as to check notes or a script.


"The eyes retain their natural color and blinks, and there's even a disconnect feature in case you look too far away, to transition smoothly between simulated and real eyes," the Santa Clara, California-based company explained on its webpage.


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It's worth noting that the feature is currently in the beta stage and that Nvidia is looking for feedback to help develop the artificial intelligence (AI) effect further.
Nvidia Eye Contact: Creepy Or Cool?

Nvidia 眼神接触:令人毛骨悚然还是很酷?

The online response to this new technology has been mixed, with some expressing their discomfort with the creepy and unnatural appearance of Eye Contact.

网上对这项新技术的反应好坏参半,有些人对Eye Contact的令人毛骨悚然和不自然的外观表示不满。

However, there have also been many positive reactions, with content creators excited about the potential benefits for their YouTube videos or Twitch streams.


The idea that the audience is being "tricked" into thinking the creator is engaged with them even when looking away, has been criticized as an unhealthy and unsustainable mindset that could lead to burnout.


Nevertheless, some people have used Nvidia's new feature to spread laughter: that's the case of Animation Studio specialist and VFX expert Daniel Hashimoto (@ActionMovieDad on Twitter), who made a video of popular movie scenes with actors staring directly at the camera.

尽管如此,有些人还是使用 Nvidia 的新功能来散布笑声:动画工作室专家兼视觉特效专家丹尼尔·桥本(Twitter 上的 @ActionMovieDad)就是这样,他制作了一段关于热门电影场景的视频,演员们直接盯着镜头。

making characters look directly at camera

— ActionMovieDad (@ActionMovieKid) January 24, 2023


— ActionMovieDad (@ActionMovieKid) 2023 年 1 月 24 日

Hashimoto also made the Internet laugh (and be uncomfortable) with his Eye Contact edited version of "Jurassic Park".

桥本还用他的 Eye Contact 编辑版 “侏罗纪公园》让互联网笑了起来(也让人感到不舒服)。

Jurassic Park with Eye Contact

— ActionMovieDad (@ActionMovieKid) January 25, 2023


— ActionMovieDad (@ActionMovieKid) 2023 年 1 月 25 日

NVIDIA Eye Contact requirements

NVIDIA 眼神接触要求

As per Times Now News, the software requires a minimum of 8GB of RAM and a GeForce RTX 2060 graphics card (or a Quadro-compatible GPU). As a minimum CPU requirement, NVIDIA advises using an Intel Core i5-8600 or AMD Ryzen 5 2600.

根据Times Now News的报道,该软件至少需要8GB的内存和GeForce RTX 2060显卡(或兼容Quadro的GPU)。作为 CPU 的最低要求,NVIDIA 建议使用英特尔酷睿 i5-8600 或 AMD 锐龙 5 2600。

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Image credits: Screenshot via YouTube.

图片来源:YouTube 上的屏幕截图。

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