
The Goldman Sachs Group Cuts Datadog (NASDAQ:DDOG) Price Target to $128.00

The Goldman Sachs Group Cuts Datadog (NASDAQ:DDOG) Price Target to $128.00

Defense World ·  2023/01/27 01:28

Datadog (NASDAQ:DDOG – Get Rating) had its price target reduced by equities researchers at The Goldman Sachs Group from $162.00 to $128.00 in a research note issued to investors on Wednesday, Benzinga reports. The brokerage presently has a "buy" rating on the stock. The Goldman Sachs Group's target price would suggest a potential upside of 68.42% from the company's previous close.


Other equities analysts have also issued reports about the company. Morgan Stanley dropped their price target on Datadog from $124.00 to $110.00 and set an "overweight" rating for the company in a research note on Monday, December 19th. Cantor Fitzgerald assumed coverage on Datadog in a research report on Wednesday. They set an "overweight" rating and a $95.00 price objective on the stock. Raymond James decreased their price objective on Datadog from $140.00 to $110.00 and set an "outperform" rating on the stock in a research report on Friday, November 4th. Wolfe Research assumed coverage on Datadog in a research report on Monday, November 7th. They set a "peer perform" rating on the stock. Finally, Oppenheimer upgraded Datadog from a "market perform" rating to an "outperform" rating and set a $105.00 price objective on the stock in a research report on Wednesday, December 14th. Five analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating and twenty-five have issued a buy rating to the company's stock. According to data from MarketBeat, the company presently has an average rating of "Moderate Buy" and an average target price of $114.32.



Datadog Price Performance


Shares of Datadog stock opened at $76.00 on Wednesday. The stock has a 50 day moving average of $72.79 and a 200 day moving average of $86.25. Datadog has a 12 month low of $61.34 and a 12 month high of $184.70. The firm has a market cap of $24.13 billion, a PE ratio of -1,509.40 and a beta of 1.02. The company has a current ratio of 3.23, a quick ratio of 3.23 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.57.


Datadog (NASDAQ:DDOG – Get Rating) last announced its quarterly earnings results on Thursday, November 3rd. The company reported ($0.06) EPS for the quarter, beating analysts' consensus estimates of ($0.08) by $0.02. Datadog had a positive return on equity of 0.60% and a negative net margin of 0.91%. The company had revenue of $436.53 million during the quarter, compared to analyst estimates of $412.15 million. On average, research analysts expect that Datadog will post -0.1 EPS for the current fiscal year.
纳斯达克(DDOG:DDOG-GET Rating)上一次公布季度收益是在11月3日星期四。该公司公布本季度每股收益(0.06美元),比分析师普遍预期的(0.08美元)高出0.02美元。Datadog的股本回报率为正0.60%,净利润率为负0.91%。该公司本季度营收为4.3653亿美元,而分析师预期为4.1215亿美元。研究分析师平均预计,Datadog本财年的每股收益将为0.1%。

Insider Buying and Selling at Datadog


In related news, Director Matthew Jacobson bought 710,429 shares of the company's stock in a transaction on Monday, November 7th. The shares were acquired at an average price of $69.45 per share, with a total value of $49,339,294.05. Following the transaction, the director now owns 423,218 shares of the company's stock, valued at $29,392,490.10. The transaction was disclosed in a document filed with the SEC, which is available at this hyperlink. In other Datadog news, Director Matthew Jacobson acquired 710,429 shares of the stock in a transaction dated Monday, November 7th. The stock was purchased at an average price of $69.45 per share, with a total value of $49,339,294.05. Following the transaction, the director now directly owns 423,218 shares of the company's stock, valued at $29,392,490.10. The acquisition was disclosed in a filing with the SEC, which is accessible through this hyperlink. Also, insider Alexis Le-Quoc sold 71,364 shares of the firm's stock in a transaction on Monday, November 14th. The stock was sold at an average price of $78.96, for a total value of $5,634,901.44. Following the completion of the sale, the insider now directly owns 189,029 shares of the company's stock, valued at approximately $14,925,729.84. The disclosure for this sale can be found here. In the last 90 days, insiders have purchased 1,150,006 shares of company stock valued at $79,339,605 and have sold 269,888 shares valued at $19,904,866. Insiders own 15.80% of the company's stock.

在相关新闻中,董事马修·雅各布森在11月7日(星期一)的一次交易中购买了710,429股该公司股票。这些股票是以每股69.45美元的平均价格收购的,总价值为49,339,294.05美元。交易完成后,董事现在持有该公司423,218股股票,价值29,392,490.10美元。这笔交易是在提交给美国证券交易委员会的一份文件中披露的,该文件可在以下网址获得此超链接。在Datadog的其他新闻中,董事马修·雅各布森在一笔日期为11月7日星期一的交易中收购了710,429股该公司股票。该股的收购均价为每股69.45美元,总价值为49,339,294.05美元。交易完成后,董事现在直接持有该公司423,218股股票,价值29,392,490.10美元。此次收购是在提交给美国证券交易委员会的一份文件中披露的,该文件可通过此超链接。此外,内部人士Alexis Le-Quoc在11月14日星期一的交易中出售了71,364股该公司的股票。这只股票的平均售价为78.96美元,总价值为5634,901.44美元。出售完成后,这位内部人士现在直接持有该公司189,029股股票,价值约14,925,729.84美元。关于这次销售的披露可以找到这里。在过去的90天里,内部人士买入了1,150,006股公司股票,价值79,339,605美元,出售了269,888股,价值19,904,866美元。内部人士持有该公司15.80%的股份。

Institutional Trading of Datadog


A number of institutional investors have recently made changes to their positions in the business. Global Retirement Partners LLC purchased a new position in Datadog in the 2nd quarter worth $27,000. O Dell Group LLC purchased a new position in Datadog in the 2nd quarter worth $30,000. CI Investments Inc. raised its stake in Datadog by 1,003.2% in the 3rd quarter. CI Investments Inc. now owns 342 shares of the company's stock worth $30,000 after acquiring an additional 311 shares during the last quarter. CoreCap Advisors LLC purchased a new position in Datadog in the 2nd quarter worth $32,000. Finally, Glassman Wealth Services raised its stake in Datadog by 294.6% in the 2nd quarter. Glassman Wealth Services now owns 367 shares of the company's stock worth $35,000 after acquiring an additional 274 shares during the last quarter. Institutional investors and hedge funds own 70.93% of the company's stock.

一些机构投资者最近改变了他们在该业务中的头寸。Global Retiering Partners LLC在第二季度购买了Datadog的一个新头寸,价值2.7万美元。O戴尔集团有限责任公司在第二季度购买了价值30,000美元的Datadog新头寸。CI Investments Inc.在第三季度将其在Datadog的持股比例提高了1003.2%。CI Investments Inc.在上个季度增持了311股后,现在持有342股该公司股票,价值3万美元。CoreCap Advisors LLC在第二季度购买了Datadog的一个新头寸,价值3.2万美元。最后,Glassman Wealth Services在第二季度将其在Datadog的持股比例提高了294.6。Glassman Wealth Services在上个季度增持了274股后,现在持有367股该公司股票,价值3.5万美元。机构投资者和对冲基金持有该公司70.93%的股票。

Datadog Company Profile


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Datadog, Inc provides monitoring and analytics platform for developers, information technology operations teams, and business users in the cloud in North America and internationally. The company's SaaS platform integrates and automates infrastructure monitoring, application performance monitoring, log management, and security monitoring to provide real-time observability of its customers technology stack.


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