
Steakholder Foods® Receives Grant of up to $1M for Collaboration With Umami Meats to 3D Bio-Print Structured Cultivated Fish Products

Steakholder Foods® Receives Grant of up to $1M for Collaboration With Umami Meats to 3D Bio-Print Structured Cultivated Fish Products

Steakholder Foods® 因与Umami Meats合作开发3D生物打印结构化养殖鱼类产品而获得高达100万美元的拨款
PR Newswire ·  2023/01/03 07:06

The company's collaborative initiative with its 3D bio-printer is a significant step forward in the company's commercialization strategy for 2023


REHOVOT, Israel, Jan. 3, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Steakholder Foods (Nasdaq: STKH), an international deep-tech food company at the forefront of the cultivated meat industry, has received its first grant to develop 3D-printed structured eel and grouper products with Singaporean cultivated fish and seafood company Umami Meats. The initiative is being funded by a grant from the Singapore Israel Industrial R&D Foundation (SIIRD), a cooperation between - Enterprise Singapore (ESG) and the Israel Innovation Authority (IIA).

雷霍沃特,以色列2023年1月3日 /PRNewswire/ — SteakHOLDER 纳斯达克股票代码:STKH)是一家处于栽培肉类行业前沿的国际深科技食品公司,已获得第一笔资助,用于与新加坡养殖鱼类和海鲜公司Umami Meats合作开发3D打印的结构化鳗鱼和石斑鱼产品。该计划由新加坡以色列工业研发基金会(SIIRD)的拨款资助,该基金会是新加坡企业局(ESG)和以色列创新管理局(IIA)的合作。

Steakholder Foods' partnership with Umami Meats offers a unique opportunity for market entry in the only country in the world where cultivated meat has regulatory approval. The collaboration aims to develop a scalable process for producing structured cultivated fish products. Steakholder Foods will use its newly developed technology for mimicking the flaky texture of cooked fish that was recently submitted for a provisional patent application.

Steakholder Foods与Umami Meats的合作为进入世界上唯一一个种植肉类获得监管部门批准的国家提供了难得的市场准入机会。该合作旨在开发一种可扩展的生产结构化养殖鱼类产品的流程。Steakholder Foods将使用其新开发的技术来模仿最近提交临时专利申请的煮熟鱼的片状质地。

The project's first prototype, a structured hybrid grouper product, is expected to be completed by Q1 2023. The product will be printed using Steakholder Foods' proprietary 3D bio-printing technology and bio-inks that will be customized for Umami Meats' cells.

该项目的第一个原型是结构化混合石斑鱼产品,预计将于2023年第一季度完成。该产品将使用Steakholder Foods专有的3D生物打印技术和针对Umami Meats细胞进行定制的生物墨水进行打印。

Yair Ayalon, VP of Business Development, Steakholder Foods: "Industry collaborations are a critical aspect of our long-term business strategy. Our partnership with Umami Meats is especially meaningful following our recent patent application for fish texture and because it is being supported by a joint Israeli/Singaporean government initiative of which we are very proud to be a part."

Yair Ayalon,Steakholder Foods业务发展副总裁: “行业合作是我们长期业务战略的关键方面。在我们最近申请了鱼肉质地的专利之后,我们与Umami Meats的合作特别有意义,因为它得到了以色列/新加坡政府联合倡议的支持,我们很自豪能参与其中。”

Mihir Pershad, CEO and Founder at Umami Meats: "We are thrilled to be combining our deep knowledge and experience in cultivated seafood with Steakholder Foods' innovative 3D bio-printing technology. We believe this partnership will help us advance our vision of a new, more sustainable food system for preserving our marine ecosystems while delivering exceptional, high quality seafood to meet growing consumer demand."

Mihir Pershad,Umami Meats首席执行官兼创始人: “我们很高兴能将我们在养殖海鲜方面的深厚知识和经验与Steakholder Foods的创新3D生物打印技术相结合。我们相信,这种伙伴关系将帮助我们推进建立一个新的、更可持续的食物系统的愿景,以保护我们的海洋生态系统,同时提供卓越、高质量的海鲜,以满足不断增长的消费者需求。”

About Steakholder Foods

关于 Steakholder Foo

Steakholder Foods Ltd., formerly MeaTech 3D Ltd., is an international deep-tech food company at the forefront of the cultured meat revolution. The company initiated activities in 2019 and is listed on the Nasdaq Capital Market under the ticker "STKH" (formerly MITC). Steakholder Foods maintains facilities in Rehovot, Israel and Antwerp, Belgium and has recently expanded activities to the US.

Steakholder Foods Ltd.,前身为MeaTech 3D Ltd.,是一家处于养殖肉革命最前沿的国际深科技食品公司。该公司于2019年开始活动,并在纳斯达克资本市场上市,股票代码为 “STKH”(前身为MITC)。Steakholder Foods 在以色列雷霍沃特设有设施和 比利时安特卫普 并且最近将活动扩展到美国。

The company is developing a slaughter-free solution for producing a variety of beef, chicken, pork, and seafood products — both as raw materials and whole cuts — as an alternative to industrialized farming and fishing. With its membership in the UN Global Compact, Steakholder Foods is committed to act in support of issues embodied in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which include strengthening food security, decreasing carbon footprint, and conserving water and land resources.

该公司正在开发一种免屠宰解决方案,用于生产各种牛肉、鸡肉、猪肉和海鲜产品,包括原材料和整块肉制品,作为工业化农业和渔业的替代方案。Steakholder Foods是联合国全球契约的成员,致力于采取行动支持联合国可持续发展目标(SDG)所体现的问题,包括加强粮食安全、减少碳足迹以及保护水和土地资源。

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About Umami Meats

关于 Umami Meats

Umami Meats is cultivating a sustainable seafood future by producing delicious, nutritious, affordable cultivated seafood that is better for our health, our oceans and our future. Umami Meats' cultivated, not-caught seafood offers equivalent nutrition to traditional seafood and provides a delicious culinary experience free from heavy metals, antibiotics, and microplastics.

Umami Meats正在通过生产美味、营养、经济实惠的培育海鲜,为我们的健康、海洋和未来创造可持续的海鲜未来。Umami Meats 经过培养、未捕捞的海鲜可提供与传统海鲜同等的营养,并提供不含重金属、抗生素和微塑料的美味烹饪体验。

Umami Meats has also been recognized as a semi-finalist in the XPRIZE Feed the Next Billion competition, a finalist in the Fi Global Startup Innovation Challenge, a member of Forward Fooding's 2021 FoodTech 500 list, and as the Best Emerging Sustainable Seafood Company – Southeast Asia in the 2021 Global Green Business Awards.

Umami Meats还被公认为XPRIZE Feed the Next Billion竞赛的半决赛选手、Fi Global 创业创新挑战赛的决赛入围者、Forward Fooding 2021 Fooding 的 FoodTech 500 榜单的成员,以及最佳新兴可持续海鲜公司—— 东南亚 在 2021 年全球绿色商业奖中。



The Singapore Israel Industrial R&D Foundation (SIIRD) is a cooperation between the Enterprise Singapore (ESG) and the Israel Innovation Authority to promote, facilitate and support joint industrial R&D collaboration between Singapore-based companies and Israel-based companies across different industries. SIIRD seeks to promote research and development in Singapore and Israel by helping Singapore-based and Israel-based companies with R&D Partner Search, and providing up to US $1M in funding for joint R&D projects or pilot projects between them.

新加坡以色列工业研发基金会(SIIRD)是新加坡企业局(ESG)和以色列创新局之间的合作,旨在促进、促进和支持双方的联合工业研发合作 新加坡总部位于不同行业的公司和总部位于以色列的公司。SIIRD 旨在促进研究和开发 新加坡 还有以色列通过帮助 新加坡总部位于以色列的公司提供研发合作伙伴搜索服务,并向美国提供研发合作伙伴 100 万美元 为他们之间的联合研发项目或试点项目提供资金。

Forward-Looking Statements


This press release contains forward-looking statements concerning Steakholder Foods' business, operations and financial performance and condition as well as plans, objectives, and expectations for Steakholder Foods' business operations and financial performance and condition. Any statements that are not historical facts may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements reflect Steakholder Foods' current views with respect to future events and are based on assumptions and subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties, which change over time, and other factors that may cause Steakholder Foods' actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements include, without limitation, any statement that may predict, forecast, indicate or imply future results, performance or achievements, and are typically identified with words such as "may," "could," "should," "will," "would," "believe," "anticipate," "estimate," "expect," "aim," "intend," "plan" or words or phases of similar meaning and include, without limitation, Steakholder Foods' expectations regarding the success of its cultured meat manufacturing technologies it is developing, which will require significant additional work before Steakholder Foods can potentially launch commercial sales; Steakholder Foods' research and development activities associated with technologies for cultured meat manufacturing, including three-dimensional meat production, which involves a lengthy and complex process; Steakholder Foods' ability to obtain and enforce its intellectual property rights and to operate its business without infringing, misappropriating, or otherwise violating the intellectual property rights and proprietary technology of third parties; and other risks and uncertainties, including those identified in Steakholder Foods' Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 24, 2022. New risks and uncertainties may emerge from time to time, and it is not possible for Steakholder Foods to predict their occurrence or how they will affect Steakholder Foods. If one or more of the factors affecting Steakholder Foods' forward-looking information and statements proves incorrect, then Steakholder Foods' actual results, performance or achievements could differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, forward-looking information and statements contained in this press release. Therefore, Steakholder Foods cautions you not to place undue reliance on its forward-looking information and statements. Steakholder Foods disclaims any duty to revise or update the forward-looking statements, whether written or oral, to reflect actual results or changes in the factors affecting the forward-looking statements, except as specifically required by law. 

本新闻稿包含有关Steakholder Foods的业务、运营和财务业绩和状况的前瞻性陈述,以及对Steakholder Foods业务运营和财务业绩和状况的计划、目标和预期。任何非历史事实的陈述都可能被视为前瞻性陈述。前瞻性陈述反映了Steakholder Foods对未来事件的当前看法,基于假设,受已知和未知的风险和不确定性的影响,这些风险和不确定性会随着时间的推移而变化,以及可能导致Steakholder Foods的实际业绩、业绩或成就与前瞻性陈述所表达或暗示的任何未来业绩、业绩或成就存在重大差异的其他因素。前瞻性陈述包括但不限于任何可能预测、预测、表明或暗示未来业绩、业绩或成就的陈述,通常用 “可能”、“应该”、“将”、“相信”、“预期”、“估计”、“期望”、“目标”、“打算”、“计划” 等词语或阶段来标识,包括但不限于 Steakaka Foodholder对其正在开发的培育肉类制造技术的成功抱有期望,在此之前需要进行大量的额外工作Steakholder Foods有可能启动商业销售;Steakholder Foods与培育肉类制造技术相关的研发活动,包括涉及漫长而复杂过程的三维肉类生产;Steakholder Foods在不侵犯、挪用或以其他方式侵犯第三方知识产权和专有技术的情况下获得和执行其知识产权和经营业务的能力;以及其他风险和不确定性,包括这些风险和不确定性在Steakholder Foods截至财年的20-F表年度报告中确定 2021年12月31日,于当天向美国证券交易委员会提交 2022年3月24日。新的风险和不确定性可能会不时出现,Steakholder Foods无法预测其发生或将如何影响Steakholder Foods。如果影响Steakholder Foods前瞻性信息和陈述的一个或多个因素被证明不正确,则Steakholder Foods的实际业绩、业绩或成就可能与本新闻稿中包含的前瞻性信息和陈述中表达或暗示的业绩、业绩或成就存在重大差异。因此,Steakholder Foods提醒您不要过分依赖其前瞻性信息和陈述。除非法律特别要求,否则Steakholder Foods不承担任何修改或更新前瞻性陈述的书面或口头陈述以反映实际结果或影响前瞻性陈述的因素变化的任何责任。 

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Press contact: 
Maissa Dauriac 
Rainier Communications 
[email protected]

Maissa Dauriac

Investor contacts: 


Joseph Green 
Edison Group
[email protected]


Ehud Helft 
Edison Israel
[email protected]

Ehud Helft

SOURCE Steakholder Foods Ltd.

来源 Steakholder 食品有限公司

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